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Chapter 1 Trial

ministry of magic,


Hall of Sages.

It was built in 1584 as a meeting hall for the Wizards' Parliament, the predecessor of the British Ministry of Magic.

And because there were 500 wizard members in the Wizards' Council at that time, the hall was also known as the Hall of 500.

At this time, the hall of the wise was brightly lit, with fifty torches shining brightly on the pedestals on the wall, illuminating the stone pillars covered with classical decorations in the shape of hyacinth and grape leaves.

As the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore, wearing a purple robe, stood in the center of the hall, presiding over a much-anticipated trial.

On both sides of the hall, there are rows of stone seats that gradually rise. A group of wizards sit in the front row, all wearing the same purple robes with a silver "w" embroidered on their chests.

There are fifty red wizards in total. They are all members of the Wizengamot and need to participate in the final vote of this trial.

Other positions in the five-hundred-person hall are also filled with wizards:

Senior officials from the Ministry of Magic, celebrities from all walks of life, and reporters from major newspapers were all witnesses, invited to participate in this public trial that was eleven years late.

At this time, everyone unanimously focused their attention on the blond boy in the center of the hall...it was he who caught Peter Pettigrew!

In full view of everyone, Luo Fei sat on his chair indifferently, looking up at this beautiful conference room.

The Hall of the Sages has no windows, only a giant circular hole with a diameter of seven meters on the dome, which looks very much like the Pantheon in Rome.

A ray of sunlight fell from the round hole and fell in the center of the hall, shining on the young man's face. The sunlight was a bit dazzling, and he stretched out his right hand to cover his forehead in boredom.

The boy's little actions made many wizards find it interesting. It seemed that he was not here to participate in the trial, but to have fun.

"Please tell me who you are." Dumbledore said.

"My name is Rolf Scamander." Rolf moved his butt and said calmly: "I am a student of Hufflepuff House, Hogwarts."

Hearing the surname Scamander, many people started whispering.

"Silence!" Dumbledore said solemnly: "Mr. Scamander, how did you discover Peter Pettigrew?"

"I am a student, a magical zoologist and... a veterinarian. I opened a Celia magical animal shop in Hogwarts, specializing in helping students treat animals." Rolf said softly.

Many people laughed out loud. Is such a young boy still a veterinarian?!

"When I received a mouse named Banban, I found that its lifespan was very abnormal. It lived for eleven years." Luo Fe said slowly:

"Banban also behaves very strangely. He doesn't eat the food that mice eat. He likes to eat human cooked food. He is also not interested in female mice during the period when he is supposed to be in estrus.

I forced it with drugs several times, but none of the female mice became pregnant, which is very abnormal..."

Many people looked at Luo Fu who was chatting speechlessly, and then looked at Peter with sympathy. Did he really mate with a female mouse?

"Professor McGonagall is an outstanding master of transfiguration. She happens to be an Animagus. I even did it myself..."

Luofu wanted to say 'I've tried it with my own hands', but he remembered that Professor McGonagall was also invited to participate in the public trial, so he coughed quickly and said:

"I saw it with my own eyes, so I suspected that the rat was an animagus."

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting in the audience, glared at Rolf fiercely. If this were Hogwarts, she would have already deducted ten points from him!

Luofu whispered his carefully crafted wording, his voice was steady, without any stage fright, and he looked more like he was answering a trivial question in class.

After listening to this, many people marveled at how keen and intelligent this young man was.

"Peter Pettigrew, do you admit Mr. Scamander's accusation?" Dumbledore turned and asked: "He said you were an illegal Animagus?"

"I admit it, but that cannot be used as evidence that I am a traitor." Peter screamed.

Although Peter Pettigrew had admitted his crime in the Headmaster's Office and the Ministry of Magic, he still wanted to struggle when facing a public trial.

"What's the reason for an innocent 'hero' to be willing to be a mouse for eleven years?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because I'm afraid!" Peter Pettigrew screamed: "I brought the spy Sirius Black to Azkaban. He is the most powerful follower of You-Know-Who and is very influential.

Maybe some of his supporters will hunt me down... I'm so scared!"

The audience whispered among themselves again, scorning this statement. After all, no matter how dangerous it is, can it be more dangerous than the Boy Who Lived?

"Bring Sirius Black up," Dumbledore ordered.

Hearing these words, Peter trembled all over.

Two Aurors strode over, one of them moved the heavy bronze door latch, and the other opened the door inwards.

I saw two tall dementors slowly sliding towards the center of the room, their rotten dead hands grasping the arm of the man in the middle.

Many people stood up and tried to see Sirius Black clearly.

It had been some time since Blake had been transferred to the Ministry of Magic. At this time, he had changed into a robe and looked much cleaner, but he was still skinny, with gloomy eyes sunken into his skinny face.

Blake saw Peter and suddenly rushed over like a madman. Like a tiger escaping from the jungle, he rushed to Peter and lowered his head to bite him on the face.

Even the dementors didn't react!

The Auror rushed over and tried to pull Blake away, but he still refused to let go, and Peter gradually had difficulty breathing.

Dumbledore raised his wand, and Black groaned in pain and was forced to let go of his hand suddenly. He staggered and fell to the ground.

Blake still wanted to stand up, but the chain on a chair suddenly emitted a golden light, and then wrapped around Blake's body like a snake, dragging him away and tying him to the chair.

Peter's ears had been torn off by Blake, and his mouth was full of blood. He chewed it hard and roared like a beast.

After swallowing completely, Blake used his rough but warm tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth.

After licking it clean, he sat on the chair and laughed hysterically.

Such a terrifying scene made people afraid to look at it, and many timid witches fainted from fear.

Peter burst into tears. There were teeth marks on his face. The wounds were so deep that the bones were almost visible. Half of his face was bleeding from the rough pulling just now.

Peter was in unbearable pain, but his hands were tied and he couldn't move at all.

Snape sat on the high platform, watching this scene, clenching his fists and remaining silent.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the wound on Peter's ear was slowly healing, but the ear had been eaten by Black and could no longer be repaired.

Minister Fudge stood up uneasily. He felt that Black was so uncooperative that there was no need to continue the trial.

But Dumbledore waved his hand, and with just one word, Black was completely silenced.

"Sirius Black, I am conducting a trial now, please cooperate!

Remember, this is your only chance to leave Azkaban and meet Harry Potter."

This chapter has been completed!
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