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Chapter 3 Sirius: Rolf, let me help you buy a cruise ship!

Fudge was right. Rove was indeed the absolute protagonist today, the focus of the audience, and the darling of the media.

He caught Peter, who had been on the run for eleven years, and helped Blake clear his grievances. He was almost certain to get a Merlin medal, and the only suspense was just a matter of levels.

Everyone wanted to chat with Rove. Wherever he went, he was surrounded by reporters. Every newspaper wanted to do an exclusive interview with him.

Fudge also knew how to ride on the heat. He enthusiastically held Rove's arm, accepted various interviews, and introduced many wizards to him.

It was as if the two of them knew each other very well and that Luo Fu was his son-in-law.

Finally, the boy used the excuse of going to the toilet to get away from Fudge.

In the corner, Dumbledore was chatting with Sirius Black.

"Professor, I want to meet Harry." Sirius said a little uneasily.

"No problem." Dumbledore smiled and said, "You can go see him at any time."

"One more thing I want you to know," Sirius stammered, "I am Harry's godfather, and James and Lily have appointed me to be their guardian if anything bad happens to them..."

"Of course, if Harry is willing to live with his aunt and uncle, I will understand."

Sirius has regarded Harry as James' substitute. He wants to raise James... ahem, Harry as his own son.

This has been his long-cherished wish for many years.

"Sirius, I believe Harry is willing to live with you, but I must tell you..." Dumbledore shook his head and said: "No."

"Why?" Sirius asked anxiously: "Are you afraid that I will hurt him? He is not Peter... I will not go crazy again."

"I know you won't, but... you have to consider Harry's safety." Dumbledore's face gradually became serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"Although Voldemort has been defeated, he is actually still alive. Although I don't know when he will come back, whether it will be ten, twenty, or fifty years later, but I am sure that he will come back!"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, looked at the round hole in the ceiling of the hall, and said slowly:

"As far as I know about Voldemort, after his resurrection, he will definitely come back to Harry for revenge. And once he regains his full strength, even if I use the most powerful magic, I may not be his opponent."

"Then it's more important to let Harry live by my side. I can protect him." Sirius looked puzzled and said hurriedly: "His aunt and uncle are just Muggles. If Death Eaters come to visit..."

"Sirius, Lily gave up her life to save Harry back then."

"I know, I can do it too..."

"I don't doubt your determination, Sirius, but there is something secret that you don't know." Dumbledore sighed slightly.

"whats the matter?"

"Before she died, Lily cast an ancient magic. That magic still flows in Harry's blood, giving him lasting protection." Dumbledore said slowly:

"The premise is... Harry must call the place containing Lily's bloodline his home. As long as he stays in that home, he will not be disturbed or harmed by Voldemort."

Sirius was stunned.

"Lily is dead, and her parents are also dead. The only surviving blood relative is her sister Petunia, also known as Aunt Harry." Dumbledore said earnestly:

"Harry must go back to No. 4 Privet Drive every year, which is also his refuge!"

Sirius was extremely shocked, his face was full of astonishment, and after a moment he slowly said: "I understand."

"You don't have to worry too much." Dumbledore patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and comforted: "Harry only needs to go back once a year. He can go to your place the rest of the time."

After a moment of silence, Sirius said softly:

"By the way, I have one more thing... I want to meet the young man who saved me and thank him."

"Ah, speaking of Rolf..." Dumbledore waved his hand in the distance and said, "He is there."

Luo Fu carried the box and saw the principal waving his hand. He walked over quickly and said hello:

"Professor Dumbledore, today's trial was really exciting, completely different from your usual."

"Really? I still prefer Hogwarts." A smile flashed across the old man's face and he said, "Rolf, are you leaving?"

"Yes, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Mr. Scamander, where are you going?" Sirius asked hurriedly.

"Hello, Sirius, just call me Rolf." The young man stretched out his hand, shook his hand, and then explained softly: "I will go to the Port of Dover later, and take a magic ship from there to the United States."

"Can you stay for a few more days?" Sirius asked, "You caught Peter and saved my life. I want to repay you."

"It doesn't matter. It's just a little effort and you'll be fine." Luofu waved his hand and said, "As for repayment, let's not talk about it anymore."

"No!" Sirius shook his head and insisted: "Rolf, you saved me without expecting anything in return. That's noble of you, but I can't care less! I must repay you for saving your life."

"Let's do this..." Sirius thought for a while and said:

"Rolf, please refund your ticket, and I will re-book the entire cruise ship for you, so that no other passengers will disturb you and you will be safe."


"There's really no need for this." Luo Fu smiled bitterly.

Well, the Black family is indeed wealthy. After all, their family is much richer than the Malfoy family.

The Black family also has a tradition that lasts for more than ten centuries, that is, every child of the Black family will receive an astonishing amount of gold on their seventeenth birthday.

Because people in their family believe that gifts given at the beginning of life are more meaningful than gifts received later in life.

If the family didn't have a few mines, they would really not dare to spend so much money on a newly grown wizard!

This shows the luxury of the Black family!

Nowadays, Sirius is the only one in the Black family. Even though he ran away from home at the age of sixteen and was removed from the family tree by his mother, all the inheritance of the Black family will be inherited by him alone.

That is an unimaginably huge amount of wealth. Not to mention chartering a cruise ship, it is also easy to buy a cruise ship.

However, Rolf still firmly rejected Sirius's sugar-coated bullets!

Dumbledore watched this scene with a smile on his face. A bottle appeared in his hand and handed it to the boy.

"Rolf, I need your help to bring this to your grandpa."

Luofu took the bottle, frowned, shook it slightly, as if weighing the weight, and said in surprise: "This is not..."

A magic bottle containing the Obscurus?

"Yes, it's what you were thinking of." Dumbledore nodded and said, "I sealed the bottle with magic. It won't escape easily. Don't worry."

"But it's dangerous, right?" Luo Fe hesitated.

The old man glanced at the black suitcase in the young man's hand and smiled: "No matter how dangerous it is, can it be more dangerous than your suitcase?"


This chapter has been completed!
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