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Chapter 14: Pulling the coffin in Kowloon?

The so-called ghost ships are those ships that were thought to be missing or sunk, but were found still drifting in the sea many years later.

Both wizards and Muggles have recorded this:

As early as the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, it was mentioned that Utnapishtim encountered a ferry without any humans in the Persian Gulf.

He escaped the flood by hiding inside.

Ancient Egypt also has murals with ghost ships, and the ancient Greek wizard Odysseus even drifted on the sea for ten years after the Trojan War... There are many records of this.

With the advent of the Age of Discovery, Muggles recorded more and more stories, the most famous of which is the Flying Dutchman.

The most bizarre thing about ghost ships is that all crew members either disappear or become ghosts and are forever bound to the ship.

But those ghost crew members have no consciousness and cannot tell others...what exactly happened to them. They just mechanically repeat their previous work on the ship forever.

The Ministry of Magic of various countries also suspected that it was caused by dark wizards, but apart from being corroded by sea water, all ghost ships basically did not suffer too serious damage to their hulls...

If it was really a man-made attack, how could it be possible that there were no traces of the attack at all, and even the interior of the ship remained the same as it was before the crew members disappeared.

Therefore, the ghost ship is also called the ship of death and is the most avoided existence in navigation.

At this time, the ghost ship was getting closer and closer. Standing on the deck, Rove could see it more clearly.

The entire ship seems to have gone through the baptism of time and has been severely corroded. The ship is also covered with various cyanobacteria, green algae, barnacles and other adsorbents.

Luofu's eyes slowly moved up and he saw the empty deck, which was only littered with some rusty iron chains and iron plates.

The sailors of the Mayflower also spotted the ship. They immediately issued a warning and urged the cockpit to turn immediately to avoid contact with it.

After staying at sea for a long time, the crew members are all well aware of the horror of ghost ships.

But the ghost ship suddenly accelerated and crashed into it crazily.

It is unknown what kind of power is used for such a ship that is about to fall apart and has no pilot, so it can go so fast.

The Mayflower was unable to avoid it, and the guardrails on the decks of the two ships were tightly pressed together like upper and lower lips.

The steel bow of the Mayflower shattered instantly when it was squeezed, making a harsh friction sound.

Carlos appeared on the deck, staring at the ghost ship with a dazed expression on his face, feeling mixed and miserable.

Only a few days after setting off, he encountered a complex and dangerous situation that he had not encountered in the past decades... He must have been cursed by the God of Death and pulled the wrong wizard!

Following the shaking, passengers came to the deck one after another, trying to see what happened.

As if attracted by life, many ghosts suddenly appeared on the originally empty deck of the ghost ship. Their dead white faces were covered with rotten flesh and had red hair on their faces, as if they had encountered something unknown.

The ghosts all maintained the same appearance as when they died. It seemed that they endured great torture before their death.

There were also two little witches, about six or seven years old, with their skirts clinging to their bodies and their hair clinging to their dead white cheeks.

They were like choir girls, standing on the deck reciting rhymes:

Please listen and remember the cruelty of death,

Young or old, brave or coward,

No one can escape death's scythe,

His harvest ignores any pleas for mercy...

Captain Carlos took a breath, pulled out his wand, pointed at his throat and said, "Resonant!"

Then, his words sounded like thunder throughout the Mayflower.

"No one is allowed on board!"

Needless to say, few wizards dared to board that ghost ship, which was filled with dead people and dead objects and hung with rotten sails.

At Carlos's command, a group of sailors raised their wands and cast magic, trying to cut open the contact between the Mayflower and the ghost ship.

During a burst of friction, a deafening sound erupted from the surface of the ghost ship's hull. A large amount of seawater flowed down from the edge of the ghost ship like a waterfall, washing away the name that was covered and etched on the side of the ship:

The Parserope!

"The Parserope?" Fleur read it softly and asked in confusion: "What does it mean?"

"Parselope is the eldest sister among the three mermaid siren sisters. She fell in love with the ancient Greek wizard Odysseus." Rove explained:

"When Odysseus's ships left, Palselope also committed suicide by jumping from her island into the sea."

Carlos, who was standing not far away, suddenly said: "I know this ship."

Both Luo Fu and Fleur turned their heads and looked at Carlos.

Gabrielle jumped down from behind the boy and tried her best to stand on the railing, trying to get a closer look at the ghost ship.

Carlos stared at the ship name and said in a low voice:

"I was only fifteen years old at the time, and I was working as an intern on a ship called the Golden Jackson with a boy named Kurga."

"During a voyage, Kurga got an ancient nautical chart from a ship..." Carlos paused for a moment and continued.

Luofu noticed the change in his mood and asked keenly: "What ship?"

"Ghost ship!" Carlos sighed:

"When we were sailing that year, we also encountered a ghost ship. Several crew members made a bet on who dared to enter that ship."

"Kulga was young, energetic and daring, so he took the initiative to climb in and finally came back safely." Carlos whispered:

"After returning, Kurga secretly told me that he found that there was no one on the ship, but the ship was intact and fully loaded with cargo.

He found an ancient nautical chart on the table in the captain's cabin, which marked a mysterious island that was not even on our maps."

Luo Fu suddenly remembered something, and he thought: "Fountain of good luck?"

Carlos looked at Rolf in surprise, nodded and said, "Yes, it's the island where the Fountain of Good Luck is recorded in the story of Beedle the Poet."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Rolf raised his eyebrows. He thought of the two-tailed mermaid Missanla he met in the Black Lake. She was looking for this island.

"Kulga later bought a ship of his own and named it... the Palserope, which is this ship." Carlos continued:

"He also invited me to be his first mate and go together to find the Fountain of Good Luck, but I didn't believe in those legends, so I didn't agree."

"Since then, the Palselope has disappeared without a trace." Carlos said sadly:

"I originally thought he encountered pirates or a storm, but I didn't expect that he turned into a ghost ship."

Luo Fu and Furong looked at each other, especially the girl, whose eyes were very suspicious.

Carlos shook his head and said: "I have to write a letter to tell Mira, she will probably be very sad."

"Who is Mira?" Rolf asked curiously.

"Kulga's wife..."

"Is Mira still waiting for her husband?" Fleur asked in surprise.

"Oh, that's not the case." Carlos shook his head and said, "The year after Kurga disappeared, Mira married me.

She was already six months pregnant at that time, and someone had to take care of mother and son. I am the best brother in Kurga, so of course I did my part."


He's only been missing for more than half a year, but he's already taking care of his good brother's widow to become pregnant?

Good for you!

"So, is there really a fountain of good luck?" Furong asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense!" Carlos shook his head and said:

"Only children believe such childish rumors. What a good luck fountain. It's all nonsense, nonsense and stupid rumors!"

"Don't try to find these things. The consequences of believing will be death... The reason why those ships disappeared and turned into ghost ships is because they were cursed... the curse of the God of Death!"

Gabrielle, who was standing on the railing, suddenly shouted loudly: "Look, what is that?"

Luofu looked up and found that behind the ghost ship was the keel of a fire dragon, and the keel was also pulling a... coffin.

Kowloon...pull the coffin?!

This chapter has been completed!
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