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Chapter 29 New Uses of Nepenthes

The little wizards originally thought that the shape of the pitcher plant was cute and suitable for planting on the bedside. When they are thirsty, there is a pure natural self-serve sweet drink...

But after Professor Sprout reminded me, the more I looked at it, the more it looked like a toilet. Add in the floating animal feces, and it looked more like a clogged toilet!

Harry and Ron bent over and retched. Not only did they taste the sweet juice, they also ate Hu Meizi's feces.

A good brother like Ron even collected some and put them in his pocket, ready to send them home to give his sister Ginny a taste...

Wait, Ron vaguely remembered that the year the twins left home to go to school, they brought a lot of "jelly beans" home for Christmas, and asked him not to let their mother see them. Could this be it?!

These two bastards!!

Retching is as contagious as yawning, and soon the sound becomes one after another, and many little wizards have more or less "tasted" it.

Neville looked at Rolf gratefully, and Hermione patted her chest with lingering fear, then glared at Rolf angrily.

You reminded Neville, but not me? We were friends who met first!

Fortunately, I have a lot of foresight!!

Rolf was also very innocent and had a good conscience. He really thought that Hermione knew that it was vixen feces, but he never thought that she also had a blind spot in knowledge.

"Why is Hu Meizi's feces sweet?" Neville was very curious. He saw that everyone's food tasted delicious.

"The juice of Nepenthes crimson is very sweet. It is one of the raw materials for Bee Honey. The feces has been soaked for a long time and has been pickled, so of course it is sweet." Luo Fu explained in a low voice.

"Also, some animals have poor digestion ability. The feces they excrete are rich in nutrients and are edible. They are not harmful to the body, but they are just a little disgusting..."

"Yes, Mr. Scamander, if I were your Care of Magical Creatures professor, I would give you two points."

Professor Sprout came over, holding a pile of small sticks in her hand and placing them on the table. She looked at the group of retching students and said calmly:

"Did you hear that? Hu Meizi's feces are harmless, so there is no need to worry about physical problems.

But before entering the greenhouse, I told you not to touch magic plants at will unless I give permission, remember?"

Many students lowered their heads in shame. After all, it had not been five minutes yet. They had promised well, but they had forgotten about it in the blink of an eye.

"Knowledge is not written down on paper, but kept in the heart." Professor Sprout looked at everyone, she knocked on her head and said:

"For everyone's safety, I emphasize again, do not touch magical plants at will, especially plants you do not understand.

This is the first herbal knowledge I want to teach you, and it is also the most important knowledge.

Even if you return all the things I taught you after graduation in the future, as long as you still remember this."

Rolf looked at Professor Sprout with admiration, even though she always wore a thick hat full of patches, smelled of earth, and dressed in a rustic style...

She can't be compared to Trelawney, the divination professor next door who is always bejeweled, flamboyant and smelling of alcohol...but she is actually a very wise witch.

Our Hufflepuff graduated wizards are outstanding!

Of course, Hufflepuff wizards who are out of school are better!!

Professor Sprout clapped his hands and said: "Okay, kids, we are about to start the formal class. Who can tell me what the rhizome of Nepenthes does?"

Luo Fe only felt a gust of wind blowing by his ears, and then quickly raised a hand.

"Miss Granger..."

Hermione raised her head and replied: "The rhizome of the pitcher plant is the main ingredient for brewing the sorrow-forgetting water. After drinking it, one can forget all sorrow."

"Very good, five points for Gryffindor!" Professor Sprout nodded, feeling a little melancholy. As for the students in his own college, were they all stunned?

Alas, if she had such students who could earn house points, why would Hufflepuff not be able to win the House Cup?!

Hermione grinned, showing her two front teeth. Seeing Rolf glance over, she immediately pursed her lips, glared at the boy, and raised her eyebrows slightly, as if provoking him, wanting to compete with him to see who could earn more college points.

Luofu ignored the childish girl. He quietly observed the greenhouse to see what he was missing. After all, he couldn't enter the treasure house and return empty-handed.

He's here to purchase goods and take a class by the way!

"It's Professor Snape's job to teach you how to brew the Forgetful Water." Professor Sprout pointed to the distance, where there was a row of shovels, and she said warmly:

"Your task is to learn how to loosen the soil for pitcher plants, but be careful. Their rhizomes are very fragile. If they are slightly damaged, they will attack the wizard angrily."

Everyone turned to look at the row of shovels with a cold light. Did they agree not to farm?

"Each person has a shovel and a wooden stick and watches me loosen the soil."

Professor Sprout picked up a wooden stick and gently stuck it in the "toilet"-shaped cylinder of the pitcher plant. She put on her dragon leather gloves, grabbed a shovel, and began to loosen the soil under the pitcher plant.

Professor Sprout is definitely an experienced farmer, and his skills are superb. He loosened the soil in a circle and did not touch the roots of the pitcher plant at all.

"Okay, everyone, follow these steps. Note that the wooden stick must be stuck in the cylinder of the pitcher plant."

The little wizards began to choose wooden sticks, shovels, and their favorite pitcher plants.

Luofu chose a larger pitcher plant, stuck the wooden stick in place, took out a colorful ball fish from the interlayer of his robe, and threw it into the juice.

The colorful ball fish is a small spherical fish with two long legs and webbed feet. It lives in deep lakes and feeds on water snails.

The belly of the colorful ball fish is like a sponge, which can absorb a large amount of water without changing its size too much. Then you can squeeze its belly hard and spit it out.

The colorful ball fish is very small and does not take up much space. Wizards walking in the desert usually take a colorful ball fish with them when going out, which can effectively solve the water source problem.

Therefore, the large amount of juice of the pitcher plant was absorbed by the colorful ball fish in just an instant, and the wooden stick effectively prevented the pitcher plant from swallowing the colorful ball fish.

Rolf doesn't drink the juice, but the cuties in his box do!

Removing the sap will not harm the pitcher plant, and it will recover within two nights at most.

Hermione and Neville were stunned. What kind of operation was this?

At this moment, there was another strange sound outside the greenhouse. Professor Sprout picked up her fork and muttered: "Another turtle is coming to cause trouble..."

After Professor Sprout left, the whole greenhouse instantly became noisy.

Hannah and Bones got into a fight with sticks, Hannah still asking for her galleons.

When no one was paying attention, Justin quietly picked up some fox feces, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

He just likes the taste...the kick!

Ron was chatting with Harry, discussing how to trick the twins into eating vixen's feces. When he was distracted, the small wooden stick did not catch the "toilet-shaped" cylinder of the pitcher plant.

"I put it in the bread, and then you hand the bread to Lie George and Fred. They will definitely not refuse..."

Ron imagined the scene of successful revenge. He picked up a shovel and dug into the roots of the pitcher plant. The pitcher plant was so angry that it rolled up the toilet-shaped cylinder and swallowed him in one gulp.

Harry turned his head and found that Ron was gone.

Nepenthes not only eats feces, it is also a carnivorous plant. If the animals it swallows slip into the bottle, they will be drowned by the liquid secreted at the bottom of the bottle, and decompose into nutrients, which are gradually digested and absorbed.

"Ron..." Harry yelled, grabbing Ron's legs and pulling them out.

A group of students lined up behind him, grabbing Harry and dragging him backwards while the pitcher plant sucked in hard.

For a moment, the scene seemed like a tug-of-war, with half of Ron's body moving in and out of the pitcher plant.

Many students who no longer wanted to plant pitcher plants were suddenly enlightened. They seemed to have discovered a new use for pitcher plants. This is a great thing!

The two sides were in a stalemate, and Luofu walked over and scratched the area under the leaves of the pitcher plant, as if scratching his armpit.

The pitcher plant's body immediately trembled and vomited Ron out directly. He was covered in thick liquid and lay on the ground spitting bubbles.

"Ron, are you okay?" Harry rushed over and asked.

Ron burped.

"So sweet."

Professor Sprout, who heard the noise, had already hurried back. When she saw this scene, she breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The pitcher plant's pitcher vines are its sensitive area and also their weakness. Mr. Scamander saved his classmates, very good... Fifteen points for Hufflepuff!"

The students all applauded vigorously.

Rolf glanced at Hermione and raised his eyebrows, as if he was saying:

Your answers to the questions are just hard work points and worthless. You see, I have gained more points than you did in half a class.

Hermione rubbed her chest, so angry!

(It was blocked, so I had to modify it.)

This chapter has been completed!
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