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Chapter 77 Come on, hurt each other

I was expelled from Hogwarts? Chapter 77 Come on, let’s hurt each other

Aquiline nose, black hair, walking like a bat... Even though he hadn't seen him for twelve years, Sirius still recognized Snape at a glance based on these characteristics alone.

"Oh, Severus, it's so good to see you. My dear old classmate."

Snape ignored Black's greetings and looked at him with an almost contemptuous smile:

"You're still alive, Black, I'm really surprised... I thought you had turned into a pile of bones in Azkaban."

"I disappoint you, Severus." Sirius smiled: "It's a pity that I was too lucky to die under the kiss of a dementor."

"You stupid Gryffindor lions do have a hard life, just like your good friend Peter Pettigrew, who died twelve years ago, but unexpectedly survived until now."

Snape's big mouth under his hooked nose twisted into a mocking smile, and he said in a sinister manner:

"I heard that you spent twelve years in prison for him. Wow, what a picture of sympathizing with brothers and sisters. They are worthy of being a close friend. It's so heartwarming..."

"I admit that I made a mistake and believed in the wrong person back then." Sirius stopped smiling, and said in a deep and cold voice:

"I will kill Peter, I swear I will kill him... to avenge James and Lily."

"I doubt it very much." Snape drawled his voice and said slowly: "You were fooled by him back then. Will it change now?"

"Or does Azkaban come with the ability to increase IQ? In that case, I will probably believe that you, a stupid but arrogant idiot, can do it."

"You've been smart since you were a child!" Sirius pursed his lips and suppressed his anger:

"Joined an evil Slytherin gang when I was in school, and followed them to join Voldemort after graduation... When Voldemort fell, he turned to this side again."

"You are indeed not stupid, Severus... you know what is best for you, and you can always stand on the stronger side... I really admire your wisdom."

"Your friends back then were far inferior to you...most of them died in the battlefield, and a small number went to Azkaban. Unlike you...but they stayed in Hogwarts and enjoyed themselves."

Sirius was less than two palms away from Snape's face, and both sides could feel the other's breathing.

"I don't know why Dumbledore and Rolf are willing to believe you and think you have reformed, but I understand you..."

"A sense of responsibility, a sense of honor, and friendship, which one do you have?" Sirius asked softly, his eyes lingering on Snape's face.

"Huh, don't waste time thinking about it. We both know the answer. Severus, you are a smart man, but you are also a coward... a coward!"

Snape's eyes suddenly opened wide, filled with only hatred and the most complete contempt.

"Yes, I am a coward, not as good as you, the great warrior. But Black..."

Snape retorted in a bitter tone: "At least I'm not stupid enough to change the Secret Keeper temporarily and kill my best friend."

Sirius felt the blood rush to his face.

For a moment, Rove thought that the two of them were going to take out their wands and start a fight. After all, both sides were really good at hurting each other, and both jumped repeatedly on each other's sensitive points.

He is indeed the best "friend", always knowing what to say to break the other person's defenses.

But just then, Professor McGonagall appeared. She walked over, pursed her lips, and asked sternly:

"What's going on? What are you two doing here?"

"Nothing, Professor McGonagall." Sirius took a step back, breathing heavily as if he had just finished a long-distance run, "It was just two old classmates catching up on old times... talking about the Dark Lord and his lackeys and other topics.


"Speaking of dogs." Snape said with a sneer on his lips:

"I received a letter not long ago. Mr. Malfoy claimed that Potter brought a big black dog on the train and let the dog bite him... Is that right, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes, sir." Malfoy in the crowd showed a trace of redness on his face, and he said excitedly: "Mr. Scamander can testify that he also gave me medicine to treat rabies."

Rolf, taking Shirley, Hermione and Neville, was about to slip through the door, but had to stop and replied:

"Oh, yes, that's right. I did treat Malfoy's wound. As for who bit him, I'm not sure."

"It's okay, there must be other witnesses." Snape showed a sly smile and said with a hint of pride in his eyes:

"I remember that Mr. Potter is still on probation. If this is confirmed, Professor Dumbledore may have no reason to keep you anymore."

"Professor Snape, I must remind you that I became that dog." Sirius said expressionlessly:

"Malfoy and his two followers committed school violence against Harry. As a teacher, I just gave him a small punishment. This matter has nothing to do with Harry."

"Punishment?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed: "Professor Black, we never use magic to punish students, let alone... bite students as punishment!"

"I know... points will be deducted and sent to solitary confinement." Sirius shrugged and said:

"Professor McGonagall, this is my first time as a professor. I will be familiar with these rules in the future and be more measured when punishing students.

I will also study hard with Professor Snape and learn from his excellent methods of punishing Gryffindor students."

Malfoy didn't expect that he was bitten by the new professor. He looked up at Black and muttered something in his mouth. Several of the words he heard clearly were "my father".

"You can go back and tell your father, but it's best to tell your mother... Narcissa Black Malfoy." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Sirius's mouth.

"You tell her that when my cousin was in Azkaban... I missed her and her husband very much. Bella and I were both in prison and we didn't see her. It's really a pity."

Malfoy's slightly red face turned pale again.

Snape snorted coldly, was too lazy to pay attention to the mean-mouthed mad dog, turned around, threw down his sleeves, and strode away.

"All students, please go in." Professor McGonagall urged: "Hurry, the first-year students are coming soon!"

The students reluctantly walked towards the auditorium.

Sirius walked up to Professor McGonagall and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall, for causing you trouble on the first day."

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Professor McGonagall was stunned. The Sirius in her memory never apologized like this, he was always so free-spirited, just like the Weiss twins combined.

But Professor McGonagall immediately realized that they had not seen each other for twelve years.

For Sirius, it was a cruel twelve years. The years left traces on him and changed his personality.

McGonagall raised her head and looked at Sirius carefully, looking at the student who had given her a headache.

Sirius was extremely handsome when he was a student, but now he has a short beard that covers his chin and cheeks, and there are a few silver strands in his black hair, making him look a little weathered.

In fact, he is only in his early thirties!

A sad smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's lips. She patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder and said softly:

"No matter what, just come back...kid, you are welcome to go home."

Sirius wanted to say something, but at this moment, his eyes were red and swollen, and his lips were trembling so much that he couldn't speak. He tried his best to endure it, but couldn't stop the tears from flowing down his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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