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Chapter 83 Trelawneys Prophecy

The third eye is a term in the field of divination. Its owners are extremely rare, and all of them are famous diviners in the history of magic.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary wizards to possess the Third Eye.

But Professor Trelawney seems to have taught that everyone can be enlightened and everyone is a great prophet.

The little wizards were also excited, as if they had reached the pinnacle of their lives today.

Professor Trelawney pressed her palms and said in a hoarse voice:

"Of course I will teach you how to open your third eye, but that is for later. Before that, you must first master various basic divination methods."

"Mastering them will help expand the aura surrounding you and increase your receptivity to future resonances."

"By the way, my dear," Trelawney suddenly said to Hannah, "beware of a dark-haired man."

Hannah's eyes widened in horror, thinking about which wizard around her had black hair.

Professor Trelawney continued: "This semester, I will lead you in interpreting tea leaves. Next semester we should learn palmistry."

"If all goes well, after Easter we will look into the crystal ball. Of course, it will be difficult because we all have misfortunes and that will significantly delay the learning process."

The little wizards began to whisper among themselves again, and the classroom was buzzing for a while.

"Professor, what is the misfortune?" MacMillan asked loudly: "Is it convenient to disclose it? So that we can be prepared in advance."

"Yes." Justin said worriedly: "It won't be a big earthquake, right? It will directly collapse the Hogwarts Castle."

"Is it a volcanic eruption?" Susan guessed: "I just said that I have been restless recently. Professor...is this my third eye reminding me to ask for leave and go home early?"

"Yes, I also dreamed yesterday that half of the professors at Hogwarts died overnight. This must be a sign, right?"


The corner of Trelawney's mouth twitched. These students couldn't think of something good about Hogwarts, with such a curse?

"No, kids, it's not that bad and scary." Trelawney hurriedly explained:

"Next February, there will be a bad flu that will force classes to close and I will lose my voice."

Everyone took a breath. It was just the flu and aphonia. If you were completely mute, it wouldn't matter.

"I think, dear," Professor Trelawney suddenly said to Rove, "could you bring me that teapot on the shelf?"

Rolf nodded and stood up, taking a huge teapot from the shelf and placing it on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.

Professor Trelawney poured herself a cup of tea. After she drank it, she calmed down her drink and then placed the cup on the table.

She said in a deep voice:

"Thank you, dear. By the way, protect the things you care about... don't let them fall into the hands of the people you worry about."

Luofu raised his eyebrows and said, "Professor, can you be more straightforward?"

"Of course, my poor child, but that won't be good for you." Professor Trelawney said in a rising and falling voice:

"A fool who is happy and confused is a thousand times ten thousand times better than a wise man who is painful and sober... You don't know anything, but you can suffer less pain."

"..." Gan, why are you talking so much about that?

"Now, I want you to work in pairs. Get a tea cup from the shelf and come to me. I will pour tea into the cup." Trelawney took out the tea leaves and said in a deep voice:

"Then he sat down and drank tea until only the tea leaves were left in the cup.

Swirl the tea leaves three times with your left hand, then turn the tea cup over and place it on the cup holder; wait until the last bit of tea has drained out, and then show your tea cup to your partner."

"You can use the content on pages five and six of the book "Clear the Fog to See the Future" to interpret the shape of tea leaves.

I will walk among you to help you and instruct you."

All the students came forward and lined up to pour tea.

While waiting, Rolf was bored and asked his bowtruckle Groot to "steal" Professor Trelawney's cup and observe.

But there was only a bunch of tea leaves in the cup, and he didn't see any pictures.

After pouring the tea, Rolf and Neville returned to their seats, followed the steps to sip the water in the cup, and then exchanged tea cups.

Roff tried his best to look at Neville's cup to identify what pattern it was, and he said randomly:

"I saw the seeds, Neville, this means that you will become a herbalist... You will succeed Professor Sprout and become the professor of Herbology at Hogwarts..."

Neville couldn't help but laugh. He also stared at Rolf's tea cup and said:

"Oh, a sniff...Rolf, this means that you will become a great magical zoologist in the future!"

Rolf and Neville exchanged business blows for a while, and then exchanged cups with Hannah. The young man said with a smile in a slightly joking voice:

"Hannah, I saw a bar... This means that you will buy a bar in the future and become the female boss there."

Hannah looked at Rolf in shock and said, "How do you know I have this dream? I have never told anyone."

Luo Fu chuckled and said, "I have the third eye."

In the original time and space, Hannah, after growing up, bought the Leaky Cauldron and became the female boss there.

Hannah's words attracted the attention of many people, and they all handed the cups to Rove and asked him to check them.

"Don't worry, come one by one." Luo Fu joked: "I'm always very accurate in judging people's luck and wealth..."

Professor Trelawney originally wanted to catch up on her sleep, but was too disturbed to sleep. She got up and walked slowly over, and soon came to Rolf's side.

"Son, show me your cup."

Luofu thought for a while, picked up a cup from the table and handed it over.

Professor Trelawney stared at the teacup and turned it counterclockwise. Everyone fell silent and watched this scene.

"Dear, dear, this is not a lucky teacup..."

"How to say?"

"Mars... you may suffer severe burns."

Trelawney twirled the tea cup and continued: "Lightning... there will be a great disaster in your future..."

Everyone stared at Professor Trelawney with their mouths open. She turned the tea cup one last time, gasped, and then screamed violently.

"My dear child...my poor, dear child...how I wish I was an ignorant fool, how I wish fate had not given me the ability to predict the future, so that I would not know your tragic fate."

"What's the matter, Professor?" MacMillan asked immediately.

Everyone stood up, slowly gathered around Luo Fu, and then tried hard to look at the cup.

"My dear," Professor Trelawney's big eyes opened dramatically, "I saw the sickle... This means that death is behind you and your life is in danger at any time."

Professor Trelawney's voice was as weak and soft as listening to the tide through a seashell, full of sadness.

"Are you sure?" Rolf asked with a strange look on his face.

"Of course." Professor Trelawney sat back in her chair and sighed:

"See clearly the nature of the world, the truth surrounds you, and your destiny...is clear at a glance."

"I trust your judgment, but..." Luofu smiled and said:

"Professor Trelawney, this is your cup. I just took it from your table to help you with your divination."

"I didn't expect you to have given me the final guidance on my destiny, alas."

"Would you like me to help you talk to Mr. Filch and ask him to find some unused black armbands from the warehouse for you to hold a memorial service in the future?"


(It’s the last day of this year. Happy New Year to everyone.)

This chapter has been completed!
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