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Chapter 85 Noble Rolf

The joys and sorrows of students are not the same, but the pain when they encounter difficult problems is the same.

You can tell by looking at Hermione's look. She took the question and couldn't help but ruffle her hair. Her already fluffy curls became even more messy, and she just said this:

"This question is too difficult, I can't do it."

Hermione was smart, but she had only been exposed to the pea hybridization experiment for a few minutes and had no foundation at all. It was really difficult for her to jump into some questions.

Therefore, Rove is ready to...increase his efforts.

The other students also looked confused, but Professor Sprout didn't expect the students to understand, as long as they had a general understanding.

They don't engage in technical hybridization experiments, they only engage in simple and crude...artificial pollination.

"Peas are self-pollinating and cleistopollinating plants. They are generally pure species in their natural state." Professor Sprout said:

"If we want to get hybrid pink peas, we must do artificial pollination. This is also your main work today."

Professor Sprout first took a tool and demonstrated the process of pollination, then pointed to the corner and said:

"There are the tools you need there, as well as those anti-bee suits, be sure to put them on." Professor Sprout said, "Okay, let's start quickly."

The little wizards immediately rushed forward to grab the peas. No one wanted to get the shabbiest bee-proof suit. After grabbing the tools, they began to pollinate the peas step by step.

Artificial pollination is a simple task. First, emasculate and remove all the male cores of immature flowers;

Then put a paper bag on the female flower and seal it. When the flower matures, collect the pollen from the plant you need and sprinkle it on the stigma of the female flower with the male flower removed.

Of course, ordinary plants will go smoothly, but magical plants will not cooperate so well.

If you want to remove other people's male flower cores and also want to pollen other pollen on your own female flowers, it looks like an extremely abominable ntr behavior... Of course the magical plants will fight hard.

Harry and Ron were dealing with a short Bubble Pea. It tried to wrap its vines around their arms, but it was too small and was quickly crushed beneath them.

Harry controlled the peas, and Ron took a pair of tweezers and began to pull out the core of the male flowers.

Bubble Pea spit out snow-white pollen, which sprayed on Ron's mask like a goddess scattering flowers.

Ron was wearing a breathable anti-bee suit, and the pollen passed through the fine mesh on the mask and landed on his face, causing him to sneeze.

"Are you okay, Ron?" Harry asked concerned.

"It's okay, it's just pollen that got into my nose."

Ron opened his mask and was about to wipe off the pollen on his face when he suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, smacking his lips and saying:

"This pollen is so sweet...Harry, it's like honey."

"Really?" Harry held the vine of Bubble Pea and said hesitantly, "Is there going to be no problem?"

He still remembers finding "jelly beans" in the juice of pitcher plants in the first grade class. After eating many of them, he realized that they were Hu Meizi's feces.

Ever since he was tricked that time, Harry has not dared to eat anything indiscriminately for the past two years.

"It's really not feces this time, it must be pollen."

Ron vowed, he wiped the white pollen from his lips with his fingers, handed it to Harry's mouth and said, "Try it quickly."


Obviously, compared to licking Ron's fingers, Harry still felt that it was cleaner and more hygienic to spray bubble peas directly on his hands.

Soon, Harry's hands were covered with pollen. He stuck out his tongue and licked it, his eyes lit up and he said, "Wow, it's really sweet!"

"Squirt again!" Ron said excitedly immediately.

After two consecutive shots of this pea plant, the third shipment was somewhat unsatisfactory, and the taste was much duller than before.

Harry and Ron decisively abandoned it and replaced it with a larger pea plant.

This behavior soon spread to other students, and they all imitated it, secretly licking the pollen while pollinating the bubble peas.

Seamus and Dean even pointed a bubble pea directly at their mouths, using this wild method to show off today's "dessert."

Harry suddenly felt something crawling up his cheek. He waved his hand to drive it away, but it came back immediately.

"Ron, did you hear the buzzing?"

Ron burped and said, "I think I heard it. Are there any bees around here?"

"I think so. This is a greenhouse after all." Harry scratched his itchy cheek and said suddenly, "No wonder Professor Sprout asked us to wear anti-bee suits..."

"Yes, that makes sense."

The two men suddenly looked at each other in horror, and both saw the bees crawling on the other's face.

"Ahhh~ there are bees!"

Countless bees appeared, swarming around the students, and the buzzing sound of their wings echoed around everyone's hearing.

Harry and Ron hurriedly pulled up their masks, but the swarm of bees were licking the pollen on their bodies. They were also locked in bee-proof suits and started stinging like crazy.

In addition to bees, there are also billywig bugs that got in from nowhere.

The Billywig is an insect native to Australia. It is as big as a tiger bee, heavy in body, blue in color with a bright luster like sapphire, and has a slender sting at the bottom of its body.

Compared to bees, after being stung by a Billywig bug, you will feel dizzy and then your body will float.

At this time, Justin and McMillan were like birds, suspended in mid-air, starting the Gemini orbit around the earth.

Rolf did not pollinate, let alone lick the pollen. He stood quietly. When a Billywig approached, his hands quickly sprang out like a snake and grabbed the opponent.

Rolf held the Billywig bug in his hand and let it buzz wildly. Then he took out the potion and applied it on its abdomen. After doing this, he opened his hand and let them fly away.

Hermione didn't care about pollination. She stood aside and observed for a moment, then curiously asked: "Rolph, what are you doing?"

"I'm using marking potion to mark the Billywig bug." Rolf explained softly:

"When these spy bees go back, I can follow the clues and find their nests."


The Billywig beetle is full of treasures, and its stings can be used to make magic potions. The honey it produces is many times sweeter than ordinary honey. It is also the raw material for sizzling honey, which is extremely expensive.

Of course, these are not the main reasons why Rove caught them.

Billiwig bugs are dangerous. Excessive stings can cause uncontrolled floating for several days. If an allergic reaction occurs, it may lead to permanent floating in the air.

If it is allowed to fly around like this, it is very likely to accidentally hit students.

Therefore, Rove had to take action for the safety of the students, without any selfish motives.

He... is so noble.

This chapter has been completed!
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