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Chapter 89 Snape looking for trouble

"I'm so stupid, really... I only knew that in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I followed Professor Black to deal with the Boggart... but I didn't expect that I would be retaliated by Professor Snape afterwards..."

If Neville could speak now, this would probably be what he wants to say the most.

Everyone was staring at Snape, waiting for him to deduct points from Neville. Whether it was which of his left and right feet entered the classroom first, or which of his left and right eyes blinked first... these were Snape's usual reasons for deducting points.

But Snape surprisingly restrained himself and was not too anxious.

When a cat catches a mouse, it never bites so quickly. It takes a while to torture it.

Snape, the king of torture, began to explain today's lesson.

"In this class, we are going to make a potion called shrinking solution. After taking it, the body of the drinker can become smaller or transform into a younger form."

While introducing the shrinking solution, Snape cast his sinister eyes on Neville. He wandered around the classroom and finally asked suddenly in a smooth voice:

"Longbottom, when making the shrinking solution, you need to peel the shriveled figs. How should you deal with them?"

Neville stood up tremblingly and stammered:

"Professor Snape, bake the shriveled figs...under an alcohol lamp for thirty seconds...no, twenty seconds...and the skin will be peeled off easily."

Snape seemed surprised that Neville could answer. He snorted slightly and continued to ask:

"When adding mouse bile, what should be done if too much juice is added?"

"You can... add a small amount of leech blood... stir well... then add..."

Snape stood next to Neville. He, who had been somewhat proficient just now, immediately began to get stuck. He scratched his cheek and tried to remember what Rolf had asked him to memorize a few days ago.

Rolf couldn't help but hold his forehead. He knew that Snape would definitely make trouble for Neville, so he helped Neville preview the textbook in advance and sorted out a dozen possible questions.

Neville had memorized it for several days and had learned it by heart last night. Unexpectedly, he had forgotten it again after seeing Snape today.

Snape stood there with his back to Rove, so Rove took the opportunity to turn to Neville, opened his mouth, and silently reminded him.

"Oh, yes...bitter melon juice." Neville replied immediately.

Snape turned around abruptly, and Rolf was sitting on the chair expressionlessly, seemingly doing nothing.

Snape didn't pay attention to his little actions, but sneered at the corner of his mouth:

"Longbottom, you've answered both questions. I didn't expect you to be a potion wizard... I need an assistant to help me deal with the pig monsters in this class, and it's you."

Neville looked confused.

Snape waved his wand and flew out the body of a dwarf pig monster from the medicine storage room. He twisted his lips and showed a malicious smile:

"Remember, you need ten pounds of lean meat, cut it into minced meat, and don't see any fat on it. You want ten pounds of meat that is all fat, and cut it into minced meat, and don't see any fat on it.

Finally, I want another ten pounds of cartilage, which must also be chopped finely, so that no meat is visible on top..."


Neville wanted to say, "Are you kidding me?" But he was afraid of being beaten, so he picked up the silver knife and started to deal with the pig monster.

"As for you..." Snape turned to look at Rove, then glanced at Shirley, and sneered:

"It's time to break up the golden partners. Swinton, you will be paired with Hannah Abbott for this class.

Scamander...you can brew the potion by yourself, is that okay?"

What else could Rolf say, so he sat alone in front of the crucible, while Shirley reluctantly moved next to Hannah.

Snape stared at Shirley and Hannah and chuckled:

"Before get out of class ends today, I'm going to give Scamander and Longbottom the shrinkage solution you two brewed to see what interesting things will happen.

Maybe doing this will encourage you two to brew the potion more seriously."


Rolf looked stunned. Is Snape so vicious now?

Who is Hannah?

The idiot duo who are as famous as Neville, the classic Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, the potion brewed by her hand must be... a surprise.

Can I drink it?

Many students laughed, unable to hide their gloating.

Snape looked around and said coldly: "Don't worry, I will also randomly select a few students among you to taste the potions I made."


"Remember, if the ingredients are put in carelessly, some organs in the body of the person taking the medicine will shrink, possibly permanently.

Therefore, you need to pay special attention to your steps."

Everyone looked at each other in horror. If some special parts were permanently reduced, would that be a big deal?

They all rushed to the storage cabinet, fearing that they would get bad magic materials and cause problems with their shrinking solution.

While Rolf was picking daisy roots and caterpillars, Shirley quietly came over and whispered in the boy's ear: "What should we do?"

The ponytail girl's potion skills were very average. It would be okay if she brewed the potion by herself, but with Hannah around, she couldn't control it at all.

Luo Fu had already prepared a solution. He pointed to a magic material in the corner and whispered: "After brewing the shrinkage solution, you can add some of that to the potion to remove the toxin."

Shirley followed the boy's gaze, lowered her head slightly, then suddenly realized, and praised: "Wow, you are so smart!"

"That's it." Rolf said proudly: "What can a little Snape... do to me?"

Snape didn't know when he appeared behind the boy. He took the potions textbook and hit the two of them hard on the head.

"What are you two talking about? How many things are there that we can't talk about after class? How about I set aside a special place for you two to chat on the podium?"

Ten points for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw!"

Luo Fu and Shirley quickly shut up and returned to their positions with their respective magic materials.

Snape walked around the classroom, scolding the students.

"Tell me, Miss Tussaud, has something seeped into that thick skull of yours, contaminating your brain? Did you listen to my lecture... All it takes is a drop of rat bile!"

"And you two...didn't I clearly say that adding a little leech juice is enough!

I really want to open your heads and see if there is anything else inside besides the dark lake!"

Wherever Snape went, growls could be heard. When he passed by Rolf's cauldron, his eyes on his aquiline nose lowered and he glanced down without making any comments, which meant that he couldn't pick out anything.


But when passing by Shirley and Hannah's cauldron, Snape stopped again, with a terrible sarcasm on his face.

Their cauldron was sputtering with orange sparks, and Hannah frantically poked the flames under the cauldron with the tip of her wand.

With Hannah being unhelpful, Shirley was not careful and something went wrong with the potion, causing her to be in a hurry.

But Snape didn't say anything. He didn't drink the potion anyway, and he walked towards Neville again.

"After cutting the bones, peel the pumpkin seeds cleanly, remember to peel them, and then grind them into fine powder... You are not allowed to leave until you finish it."

Neville had a bitter look on his face. His hand that had just chopped meat was still burning with pain.

When get out of class was about to end, Snape shouted excitedly: "Okay, it's time to taste the potion."

Snape pointed at Justin and Macmillan and asked them to taste his potion first.

After Justin took a shaky sip, his body did not change, but his head suddenly became the size of a fist, and the proportions looked very scary.

McMillan's whole body felt cold, and his face was full of panic. He... couldn't feel his ammunition anymore, and the ammunition disappeared.

Snape's dark eyes shone as he said, "Okay, let's take a look at Swinton and Miss Abbott's potions.

If it succeeds, Scamander's body will undoubtedly become smaller after drinking it, but if something goes wrong with the potion...hehe."

There must be something wrong with Shirley and Hannah's shrinkage solution, because the intact solution will appear a bright and dazzling green color, but their solution is orange and smells like rotten eggs.

Everyone doesn't believe it when they say it's not poisonous.

Luofu looked at the potion, as if he didn't dare to try it easily. His hands were shaking and he said with fear on his face:

"Professor Snape, if I drink this potion, can I give Hufflepuff points?"

"Of course, Scamander, as long as you drink two large glasses." Snape took out a glass and said with a smile: "I will give Hufflepuff twenty points."

After drinking it, Scamander will definitely have diarrhea on the spot... It's still a good deal to give him twenty points to embarrass him.

Luo Fu seemed to have made up his mind. After scooping up two cups of potion, he quickly poured it into his stomach. He staggered and said with pain on his face:

"This medicine is poisonous..."

"Twenty points for Hufflepuff." Snape said cheerfully. He waited patiently for Rolf to fall to the ground and then plummet.

But Luofu shook his head and refused to pour. He quickly drank another glass of potion and finally said: "It tastes really good."


The Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students applauded, these are the real warriors.

Snape had a puzzled look on his face. He bent down, sniffed the potion with his hooked nose, dipped some potion in his finger and put it in his mouth. He quickly said angrily:

"Who among you stole my feces!"

(Thanks to "Drifting Moonlight" and "Nine-tailed Flame Fox" for their tips)

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