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Chapter 94 Trelawnys Death Prophecy

Rove didn't know how long Sirius and Snape had been scolding each other. Anyway, during class on Monday, both of them were a little hoarse.

If only one person had a problem with his voice, the young wizards would at most think that he was tired of teaching, but if there was a problem at the same time... everyone couldn't help but make the connection.

Taking into account the unusual behavior of Snape and Sirius on the first night of school, rumors soon spread that the two had a private fight and stabbed each other's throats.

As for what they were used to stab, it's not clear. Anyway, in the CP articles about the two people circulated in Hogwarts, the weapons are all kinds of, and the locations are not limited to offices, classrooms, medicine storage rooms and... crucibles.

The simplest plot will make you blush after watching it.

Snape was completely focused on Rove. After all, Rove was the first wizard besides the Dark Lord who dared to call him a fool to his face.

So Rolf officially surpassed Harry and enjoyed the supreme palace-level treatment in Potions class.

Tasting the "poison" brewed by Neville and Hannah was just an appetizer. In order to avoid the detoxification effect of the bezoar, Snape would even administer the poison himself.

It's a pity that Rove was already prepared. He used smoke to get a lot of tears from Fox.

He took some in every class and was fine every time, which made Snape doubt his life and thought that the poison he prepared had expired.

It shouldn't be... He gave potions to Potter and Weiss in Gryffindor class, and the effect was outstanding every time.

The news that Filch's office had been stolen quickly spread throughout Hogwarts. In order to avoid panic, the school did not mention Peter Pettigrew.

The students began to speculate on the murderer.

The Weslay twins, who were still looking for the Boggart, inexplicably became the scapegoats.

They really wanted to sneak into Filch's office. After all, there were too many prohibited items stored there, including Final Fantasy and One Piece.

But this time it’s really not them!

The two often let others take the blame, and this time they felt the bitterness of being wronged.

As October enters, Professor Trelawney's Divination class has become the most popular class at Hogwarts.

Many students who did not choose her courses came to take classes one after another.

It's not that everyone really likes divination, but most of them are just people who want to see when Trelawney's prediction of her own death will come true.

Trelawney has been working in the industry for twelve years, so she is considered to have rich experience, but every class is crowded with so many students who are trying to catch up. It is really Snape who has given Gryffindor extra points...it is unprecedented.

She even had the illusion that I was popular...that my talent was seen through by the students.

After a major adjustment in her self-perception, the first thing Professor Trelawney did was to write an application to Professor Dumbledore, asking for a salary increase.

She has worked diligently for twelve years and trained so many outstanding diviners for the magic world, and now there are so many students who are skipping classes... why should she get a salary increase?

Of course, this request was ruthlessly rejected by Vice-Principal Professor McGonagall.

Therefore, the angry Professor Trelawney transferred the notice of her death from the students to Professor McGonagall in the October class.

In class, Rolf and Neville were exchanging teacups, predicting each other's good luck, when they saw Professor Trelawney holding a crystal ball, suddenly twitching and screaming several times.

"Here we go again." Luofu whispered, "How many times is this class going?"

Neville lowered his head and counted the records in the notebook and said, "This is the fourth time."

Trelawney convulsed an average of four and five times, screamed six times, and predicted the death of one person during each class.

If her predictions had come true every time, Hogwarts would probably be empty by now.

When can I get her real prophecy for free?

Rolf sighed.

Hannah on the side looked at Trelawney with admiration. She and Susan were now Professor Trelawney's little crushes.

During the first class, Trelawney asked Hannah to be careful of the dark-haired man, whom Hannah identified as Professor Snape.

"Professor Trelawney, did you see anything?" Hannah asked cautiously.

"I saw a terrible future." Professor Trelawney said in the most immaculate and distant voice:

"My dear, that ominous omen is striding towards the school... getting closer and closer... that thing... is about to happen!"

"What's the matter, Professor?" Hannah couldn't help but ask.

Professor Trelawney's big eyes opened dramatically.

"A lion...a ferocious adult lion...will die tragically...on Gryffindor Tower before Halloween..."

Many students took a breath.

"Professor, the adult lion...are you not talking about Professor McGonagall?" Susan asked.

"I really hope it's not her, but..." Professor Trelawney sighed, sat slumped on the chair, and covered her face.

Justin looked hard and stared at the crystal ball. He raised his hands and said:

"Professor, I didn't see anything."

"Child, looking at a crystal ball is a very delicate art." Professor Trelawney shook her head and sighed: "You haven't learned this skill yet, so of course you can't peer into this unfathomable sphere."

"Professor Trelawney, when will your last prophecy of death come true?" MacMillan quickly said.

"Oh, that thing? I told you, healers don't heal themselves... and soothsayers don't tell themselves." Professor Trelawney's voice became erratic:

"The result of divination for yourself is that you will get a warning, not a true prophecy."

Professor Trelawney's explanation obviously did not convince everyone, but she already said in a mocking voice:

"I think that's the end of today's class. Please pack your things... By the way, remind Professor McGonagall to be careful... what she is afraid of will happen before Halloween."

The entire class silently returned the tea cup to Professor Trelawney, closed the book, packed up the bag, and left the classroom.

The Hufflepuff students left the north tower and walked towards the Transfiguration classroom. When class was about to begin, they hurried to the classroom.

At this time, the Ravenclaw students had arrived.

Shirley was sitting in the front row, flipping through the textbook, and Rolf sat down next to her.

The girl with the ponytail glanced at the Hufflepuff student with a strange atmosphere and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

"In the divination class just now, Professor Trelawney predicted that a lion would die in Gryffindor Tower before Halloween." Rolf shrugged and said, "She also hinted that it was Professor McGonagall."

Shirley raised her eyebrows. She chose Arithmetic Divination instead of the Divination class, but she had also heard of Trelawney's name.

The rest of the class kept casting furtive glances at Professor McGonagall, as if she might drop dead at any moment.

Professor McGonagall also felt the strange looks in the students' eyes. She frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Hannah raised her hand and said: "Professor, we just had a divination class. Professor Trelawney said that before Halloween..."

"Ah, of course," Professor McGonagall snorted softly: "There is no need to say any more, Miss Abbott, tell me, Professor Trelawney just predicted who will die before Halloween?"

Everyone stared at Professor McGonagall.

"Oh, is it my turn this time?" Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and said in a sarcastic tone:

"I don't want to speak ill of my colleagues, but I must say that divination is one of the most inaccurate subjects in magic. To be honest, I have the least patience for divination.

There are very few people who can truly foresee the future, and Professor Trelawney..."

Although Professor McGonagall did not say the word "liar" out loud, the meaning was obvious.

"I'm more concerned about the progress of your class than worrying about my safety.

Speaking of Halloween, I have to remind you that the first Hogsmeade weekend is on Halloween."

Professor McGonagall said cheerfully:

"You must prepare the application form in advance and submit it to your respective dean. If you do not submit the form, you will not go to Hogsmeade. So, don't forget it!"

Neville suddenly looked horrified and said: "Oops, I... I think I lost my watch..."

"Your grandma sent the watch to me directly, Mr. Longbottom. She thought it was safer." Professor McGonagall blinked and said:

"I didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that you are so old, but now it seems that your grandma understands you better."

The students all laughed out loud.

Shirley raised her head and looked out the window, lightly pursed her lips.

Luo Fu knew that the girl with the ponytail returned to the monastery during the summer vacation and did not get a signature, so he comforted her:

"It's okay. I can impersonate the handwriting of the abbot of your monastery and sign the application form for you."

"Be careful of being discovered by Professor Flitwick." Shirley lowered her voice.

"He doesn't know your dean's handwriting." Luo Fu said nonchalantly: "Otherwise, if I signed my grandfather's name, I would be the most like him, and I would definitely not be considered a fraud."

"What's your grandfather's name?" Shirley raised her eyebrows. She turned to stare at Luo Fe and said:

"Mr. Scamander is your grandfather, not mine. What does it mean to sign on my application form?"

"It could also be your grandpa." Luo Fu said with a smile, "I'm sure he won't mind if he makes a temporary cameo."

Shirley put her elbows on the table and held her hot cheeks. She tilted her head and looked at the boy with a smile.

Professor McGonagall stood on the podium, speechless. Although she was not the headmaster of Ravenclaw, she was still the vice-chancellor.

When you two are talking about signing for someone, can you avoid some people... It's too arrogant.

This chapter has been completed!
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