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Chapter 103: Split the money

Halloween is a festival with special "bad luck" power, which can almost compete with the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

It may not be like Defense Against the Dark Arts, which steadily consumes one teacher every year, but it can always come up with some new tricks that will dazzle people.

The trolls the year before last, the secret room last year, and Peter's invasion this year... each year becomes more and more outrageous.

Anyway, the students were sleeping in the dormitory in a daze, when someone called them out of bed and told them that they would sleep in the auditorium tonight. Everyone went to the auditorium again and lay down on the hard floor without even covering their sleeping bags...

Snape is here again!

He waved his hand and said:

"Go back to the dormitory and sleep!"

There was a brief silence in the auditorium, and then a wave of noise erupted instantly. Even in front of Snape, the little wizards couldn't help but curse.

Your sister... stayed up late at night to amuse everyone!!

The corner of Snape's mouth twitched. He was still wondering why Dumbledore didn't let Professor McGonagall announce the news, but specifically asked him to come by name.

Yes... Snape admitted that for a moment in his heart, he thought that Professor McGonagall had fallen out of favor and that he was going to become the vice principal.

But the sound of cursing also made Snape wake up instantly.

Let Professor McGonagall do all the good work, and let him do all the dirty work, right...Dumbledore?!

Of course, Snape didn't have a good temper either. He couldn't let the students scold him.

Although in the darkness, Snape could not see clearly who was scolding him, it did not prevent him from dragging his voice:

"Potter insults the professor...Twenty points from Gryffindor!"


Harry was stunned. He just crawled out of his sleeping bag. He had no idea what was going on, so he suffered an unreasonable disaster without knowing what was going on.

Harry couldn't help but curse out loud, so he was deducted another twenty points by the sharp-eared Snape.

After Snape deducted points from Harry, he immediately felt refreshed, but he also felt that it would be difficult to explain without giving everyone an explanation, so he said briefly and comprehensively:

"Peter is dead...killed by Scamander!"

As soon as these words came out, the auditorium, which had been filled with insults before, suddenly became silent again, but in an instant, it returned to noisy, as if it was exploding.

However, no one was scolding Snape anymore, they were all talking about Peter and Rolf.

There was only one Scamander in Hogwarts, and everyone knew that Snape was talking about Rolf. Everyone was in the Great Hall, frantically looking for him.

However, no one saw where he went.

It was so noisy in the Great Hall that Snape had to pull out his wand, pointed at his throat and said: "Loud!"

Then, his voice was like thunder, resounding throughout the entire auditorium.

"Okay, the prefects will take the students back to their respective lounges immediately!"

Seeing that everyone was still looking for someone, Snape took the opportunity to deduct 50 points from each of the Badger, Eagle, and Lion houses, except Slytherin House.

The students then got up from their sleeping bags and walked towards their respective lounges.

The most positive ones are the little badgers. They all want to go back to the Hufflepuff lounge and go to Rolf's dormitory to find out!

Anyway, he can run away, but the monk cannot run away from the temple!

There were many students from other houses who tried to sneak into Hufflepuff's team, but Cedric picked them out one by one.

But the little badgers are doomed to be disappointed. Rolf is not in the dormitory at all. He is still in the principal's office, having an in-depth exchange with Dumbledore.

Of course, Luofu did not return to the dormitory in the end. Instead, he slept comfortably in his box for the night before getting up and heading to the auditorium the next morning.

When he stepped into the auditorium, the auditorium instantly became quiet, and all the students eating looked up at the young man.

Rolf narrowed his eyes, walked to the Hufflepuff table with a normal expression, and sat down next to Neville.

Hannah waved a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand and said excitedly:

"Rolf, you're in the newspapers again...Minister Fudge said you killed Peter Pettigrew."

Luo Fu poured himself a glass of milk, he made a light noise, nodded and said, "That's what happened."

Although the young man spoke not loudly, everyone in the quiet auditorium could hear him.

"Weren't you in the auditorium with us last night?" Susan asked curiously.

This is something everyone wants to know. After all, the Daily Prophet didn't mention much about how Rove killed Peter.

Luo Fu took a sip of milk, then put down the cup and said with a smile:

"I went out to the bathroom last night, and Peter happened to be squatting on the toilet in the next cubicle. He forgot to bring paper and wanted to ask me for it, so I found him."


Everyone obviously didn't believe this outrageous statement, and they all started discussing it in a buzzing manner.

Rove also glanced at the newspaper. There was a picture of Peter on it and a big headline below.

Peter Pettigrew escapes from prison?!

Rolf Scamander: It doesn't matter, I'll take action!

The Ministry of Magic announced last night that Peter Pettigrew, the Death Eater who escaped in July, haunted Hogwarts and was killed by Rolf Scamander.

Minister Cornelius Fudge confirmed the incident in an interview at his office, claiming:

"Thank you Rolf for your help. Of course, the Ministry of Magic has also contributed a lot here.

Although we have captured Peter, the criminal who kidnapped him is still on the run. The Ministry of Magic will continue to spare no effort to pursue him, and the public is asked to stay vigilant..."

There is not much information in the newspaper, especially the details of Peter's murder are missing, which is what all students want to know.

Wherever Rove went, students would harass him, and he had no choice but to hide in his box.

After returning to the box, Luofu walked along the road towards a bamboo forest.

Shirley was feeding Bowtruckle in the bamboo forest. She saw the boy carrying a bag and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"The 10,000 Galleons that the Ministry of Magic offered as a reward for Peter." Rolf shook the bag and said with a smile:

"We divided the money... me, you and Hermione, each got 3333 Galleons. The extra Galleons were sniffed, and it got under the Whomping Willow and pressed the knot."

"I'll forget it." Shirley whispered: "You killed Peter, and Hermione provided the time turner. I was the only one who didn't contribute much, so it's not appropriate to use these galleons."

Luofu flicked his finger on her smooth forehead and joked: "Who said you didn't do anything? Carrying the body doesn't count as doing something?"

"It doesn't count," Shirley insisted.

Luo Fu pretended to threaten: "How dare you talk back? Are you afraid that I will fire you?"

Shirley smiled softly and said, "Don't be afraid, you will definitely not find a better assistant than me."

"Since you are so outstanding, I will give you this year's bonus." Luofu deliberately made a serious face and said, "Don't refuse anymore!"

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"Okay... but I have no place to put so many Galleons." Shirley blinked and said slyly: "I'll just keep it with you for now."

"Where's the salary you saved in the past two years?" Luo Fu asked.

The girl with the ponytail tilted her head slightly, stared at Luo Fu, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why do you ask this?"

"You can also put it here with me." Luo Fu grinned and said, "I'll keep it all for you."

"Okay." Shirley pursed her lips and said with a smile, "But all the galleons I have saved are counted. You are not allowed to take them secretly."

Luofu stretched out his hand to hold the girl's ponytail, rubbed it gently, and said with a smile:

"There's no guarantee...sooner or later I'll steal all your Galleons from you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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