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Chapter 36 Potions and Mala Tang

The quiet History of Magic class was filled with questions, and the lively scene was like a fan meeting.

Not to mention Professor Binns, even Professor McGonagall who happened to be passing by was confused.

She had taken History of Magic back then, but she was still half asleep and half awake to understand what this course was about.

But when she heard unreasonable laughter and laughter coming from the classroom, she almost thought that these little wizards had completely sent Professor Binns away in his ghost state.

Otherwise, how could you be so happy?

Indeed, as the little wizard expected, Professor Binns was so confused that he couldn't tell the names of students and the colleges they were in. He always got them wrong, but he didn't seem to be confused...

Because he can always shout accurately and powerfully: "Two points from Slytherin!"

It seems like it's all Slytherin's fault!

What a hatred and resentment this must be.

It's not that there were no "accidental injuries" to the other three houses, but when Slytherin was far ahead in deducted points, only the Snake House was injured.

After one class, under the fierce attack of the Gryffindor wizard, Slytherin was deducted a full 150 points.

When get out of class was over, everyone was spreading the word about this little trick to improve scores, and many students were also looking forward to History of Magic.

Rolf became even more famous. Even the portraits in Hogwarts Castle had heard of his name and wanted to meet this little wizard who made big news every day.

The fat lady of Gryffindor even changed her password to "Scamander" because she remembered a portrait named Scamander, and they had a wonderful night when they were still in the fire dragon.

But this kind of fame comes at a bad price. During lunch in the Great Hall, Professor Snape took his eyes away from Harry's eyes and shifted them to Rove.

This school year is a critical year for Slytherin. They are fighting for their seventh consecutive championship.

"Seven" is a magic number. In the history of Hogwarts, no house has ever been able to monopolize the House Cup for seven consecutive years.

Professor Snape wants to challenge this record and add to his small resume.

As the six-time winner of the Academy Cup, Slytherin is certainly powerful, but the secret of their power lies not in scoring... but in deducting points!

Professor Snape is like a ruthless point-deducting machine. He drags his robe around in class every day and deducts points from other colleges like crazy.

In previous years, he only started to work hard after Christmas, but this school year, in order to ensure that there are no accidents, he started to score crazily at the beginning of the semester!

[As long as the points compared with other houses are deducted, the number one will naturally be Slytherin]

It has to be said that the effect of this concept was immediate. In just a few days, Slytherin firmly occupied the first place, and was far away from the second place Ravenclaw.


But now, a lesson on the history of magic has caused the Snake House to fall to third place, which is only higher than fourth Gryffindor. How could Snape not be angry!

As for why the Gryffindor score is so low?

Of course it was Professor Snape's precise attack, especially since Harry was deducted fifty points from him in his first lesson.

Rove felt very innocent.

The Deathly Hallows and the Peverell brothers all existed, so he was very interested in the authenticity of Death.

It happened that Professor Binns was talking about Gilgamesh's search for the God of Death, and Rolf wanted to have a friendly academic discussion. Who would have thought that Professor Binns would deduct points and even catch a Slytherin snake?

Rove didn't mean it, but as the instigator, he unintentionally started the era of huge deductions for Slytherin...

Coupled with the dispute caused by Malfoy at the beginning of school, Snape's character will definitely have to settle old and new grudges in Potions class!

While eating in the auditorium, many students came over to comfort Rove, as if his death sentence had been announced in advance.

Even Harry came over and comforted him with his own tragic experience, telling him to be strong and never give up hope!

Harry was speaking from his own experience, because in his first class, Snape asked him a lot of questions.

When Harry answered, he also kept Ron's advice in mind not to open his eyes to look at Snape, but he was found to have fallen asleep in class and was deducted five points;

When Harry opened his eyes, Snape glared at the professor, intending to intimidate him, and deducted another five points;

When Harry opened his eyes and did not look directly at Professor Snape, he was found to be contemptuous of the professor and slapped him with an ugly face, and was deducted another five points!

When Harry accidentally broke the bottle containing the potion, he was deducted five points for damaging public property; but just a minute later, Malfoy broke the bottle and was awarded five points.

The reason is that Malfoy assisted Snape in destroying the defective utensils and avoiding a teaching accident.

Therefore, in the History of Magic class, Harry was the student who asked the most questions, just to repay the harm Snape had caused to his young heart.

On Friday afternoon, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had Potions class, and the classroom was in a basement.

The decoration of the entire room is as close to the underworld as possible. The air is filled with the smell of formalin, just like a morgue. There are also large and small glass jars placed along the wall, with lifelike animal specimens soaked in them.

Human skeletons are hung on the wall, and the lifeless empty eye sockets of the skulls are facing the students. When the little wizard approaches, the skulls will suddenly let out "Jie Jie" laughter.

In the corner, there is a mummy, wrapped in cloth strips, revealing a withered face, two blush balls, and a pale face. The inscription on it reads:

Daily necessities.

"Professor...what's going on with the mummy..." Before class, MacMillan raised his hand tremblingly to ask.

Professor Snape did not get angry, but explained patiently and uncharacteristically:

"This is a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from a few years ago. He borrowed my room to brew the potion...but the steps were wrong and the potion failed to brew. After drinking it, he turned into a mummy."

"Potion...is it so dangerous?"

"No, it's not that dangerous..." Snape drawled his voice and sneered: "As long as you are not the stupid fools I often encounter, you are quite safe."

Many students swallowed their saliva. They obviously had a clear understanding of their own intelligence.

"Of course, even if you are an idiot, I promise not to turn you into mummies." Snape grinned:

"But whether you end up lying in the school hospital or not is not up to me. It depends on how smarter you are than the troll."

The little wizard was silent. Rolf glanced at Neville and found that his lips were white and his whole body was trembling.

"Are you okay?" He opened his mouth and asked silently.

Neville just shook his head, but shook even harder.

Snape started to pick up the list, and when he called on Neville, Neville was so frightened that he let out a long and ecstatic "Ah~" trill, just like the heroine in a romance movie who was stuck in the washing machine.

Snape stopped, stared at Neville with his black eyes, and said coldly: "Mr. Longbottom, if you dare to make that sound again, be careful what I do..."

Neville was so nervous that he really wanted to say "yes", but when the words came to his lips, he trembled in ecstasy again:

"Ah ~ Professor Snape!"

Everyone did not dare to laugh out loud, for fear of being turned into a mummy by Professor Snape and then hung on the wall to become a new daily necessities, but they endured it very hard and their faces were distorted.

Snape dragged his robes, walked slowly to Neville, and stared at him. Then the professor suddenly turned to look at Rove and said:

"Scamander, why don't you stop Longbottom? Seeing your classmates make a fool of themselves will show how good you are?

Five points from Hufflepuff!"


"Why, you don't accept it?" Snape lowered his voice and said, "Yes, Rolf Scamander, the grandson of the famous Mr. Newt Scamander... I hope you will not be treated like your grandfather by Hogg.

Watts fired."

Snape showed great aggression from the beginning. He waved his robe, strode back to the podium, and said in a hoarse voice:

"You are here to learn the ancient, precise and rigorous craft of potion preparation."

"What is a potion?"

"Broken internal organs, solidified blood, entangled tentacles, twisted plants, withered limbs, mutilated brains, scarlet fruits... tumbling in the opposition of red and white, silent in the blending of yellow and brown... this

It is a timeless and wonderful art.”

Luofu licked his lips. For some reason, he thought of Malatang and hot pot.


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