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Chapter 115 Lu Ping, long time no see

Throughout December, Rove took Shirley on a tour of the Forbidden Forest, his back garden.

Along the way, the two of them saw a lot of magnificent scenery, but before they could finish walking through the Forbidden Forest, they had to temporarily end this wonderful trip.

Because...the Christmas holidays are coming.

As the holidays approach, the weather becomes colder and colder, the castle is covered with thick snow, and countless icicles hang down from the spire, like shining crystal spears, making Hogwarts look extremely white.

The atmosphere in the school is also extremely warm, and everywhere is filled with the joy of Christmas.

Hagrid dragged twelve huge gray-green spruce trees into the castle and placed them in the center of the auditorium. The trees were decorated with little fairies that were constantly flapping their wings, twinkling with light;

Professor McGonagall dug out huge blocks of ice from the black lake and used the transformation spell to create ice withers of different shapes. When using the spell "ice withers out", they would jump up and make a crunching sound;

Professor Flitwick taught everyone how to use the Fireworks Charm in class. As long as you wave your wand, a small firework will be ejected from the tip of the wand.

Sirius was even more arrogant. He bought a mile-long firecracker, which exploded from morning to night, making the sound of firecrackers blasting all day long.

Now no one will say that Christmas is not festive anymore.

Even Snape hid a Knut in a potion in class to celebrate Christmas, and whoever drank it would be "lucky" for the whole year.

However, considering that Snape dug out the knut from dried dragon dung and it was all pulpy...it was obvious that no one wanted this blessing.

What excites the little wizards the most is that they can take advantage of the last weekend to visit Hogsmeade before the Christmas holiday begins.

In the early morning, sitting in the Thestral carriage, Rolf, Shirley and Hermione all fell asleep at the same time.

Hermione was startled when she saw Rolf and Shirley lying there sleeping. She sat up and said:

"Why are you two so sleepy? What did you do last night?"

The sleepy-eyed Luo Fu yawned. Recently, he took Shirley to run towards the Forbidden Forest at night every day. Can he not feel sleepy during the day?

He tilted his head and said softly: "I have been studying the knowledge of magical animals in depth during this period and stayed up a few nights."

Hermione snorted and said with concern: "Then you two should take care of your health."

Shirley's delicate body curled up and lay on her side in the carriage. She pillowed her arms, opened one eye and closed one, and said softly:

"Hermione, you take ten classes a day and use the time turner constantly, so you should pay attention to your health."

"But it's worth learning so many lessons." Hermione lay down again and returned to the carriage.

Luo Fu slept between the two girls, looking at the roof of the car and persuading:

"It's better to tell Professor McGonagall to choose fewer courses. Professor Dumbledore is so great, but he didn't choose all the courses. If you bite off more than you can chew, you have to give up."

Hermione's brows knitted together. She really wanted to give up Professor Trelawney's Divination class.

Muggle studies are not interesting either. Professor Charity Bubbaji doesn't seem to know as much about Muggles as she does.

The most important thing is that using a time turner also increases your age. Hermione doesn't want that after graduation, Rolf and Shirley will still be invincibly youthful eighteen years old, while she is already an older aunt in her twenties!

The carriage swayed, and the three of them soon fell asleep huddled together.

Crookshanks squatted in the corner, looking at Rolf, Shirley and Hermione lying side by side, and couldn't help but wrinkle his flat ginger-yellow face.

Crookshanks also wanted to lie down and sleep, but the space was already taken up by three people, leaving him with nowhere to go.

It's such a big carriage, but it's not worthy of lying down!

Rolf was actually just sleeping lightly. When the carriage stopped, he opened his eyes, woke up Shirley and Hermione, and headed to the Three Broomsticks together.

They didn't come here to play today, but as an invitation to meet a friend they hadn't seen for a long time.

After arriving at the Three Broomsticks, Rolf pushed open the door and saw that the place was bustling with business and overcrowded. A witch was dealing with a group of noisy customers at the bar.

Mrs. Rosmerta, the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks, is still charming and extremely beautiful even though she is over forty years old.

This MILF witch is already mature and very feminine, so many students at Hogwarts have a crush on her.

In the corner of the bar, Sirius stood up, waved vigorously and said: "Here, Rolf!"

The three of them walked towards the corner and sat down on the chairs.

There were two wizards sitting next to Sirius, both wearing hats. One of them pushed up the brim of his hat and said with a smile:

"Rolf, Shirley, long time no see. How are you two doing?"

"You're doing well." Luofu smiled and said, "Lupin, you seem to be doing well too. You've gained a lot of weight."

Shirley also smiled and said hello. She went to Romania's Fire Dragon Sanctuary last summer vacation and learned a lot of magic with Lupine from Lupin, so they were very familiar with him.

Lu Ping, who had not seen him for a long time, had indeed gained a lot of weight and looked much better than before. He was no longer wearing tattered clothes, but a very decent robe.

Apparently, he saved a lot of money during the two years he worked at the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary and was no longer as embarrassed as when he first met on the Orient Express.

"Rolf, I still have to apologize to you." Lu Ping said apologetically: "You helped me introduce a job, but I resigned midway."

It is difficult for a werewolf to find a job. After all, he has to disappear for a few days every month. After a long time, others will find problems no matter how slow they are.

Lu Ping has been earning money by doing daily wages and part-time labor for a long time, but this low-cost job can only ensure that he does not starve to death.

Luping introduced Lupine to a high-paying career that didn't mind him taking time off every month, but he resigned directly.

"Lupin, you are also looking for Peter Pettigrew." Rolf said indifferently: "Besides, you can join the job because of your ability, not because of me... Don't worry about it, forget about it."

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"Yes, anyway, we both owe Luo Fu a lot of favors, and we will pay them back slowly in the future." Sirius laughed and said:

"What do you three little guys want to drink? This is Hogsmeade, you can drink some high-concentration wine... How about some mead first?"

"No." Rolf shook his head and said, "They are not good drinkers, butterbeer will do."

It would be fine if Shirley and Hermione were just bad drinkers, but they were also bad drinkers.

Last Christmas, at the Pig's Head pub in Aberforth, the two of them got extremely drunk and dragged Rolf into a drunken rage... The young man can still remember it vividly in his mind.

The two of them were completely drunk and acted recklessly, and they still don't remember it when they wake up.

If a girl is drunk, Luo Fu can handle it alone, but if both of them are drunk...he won't be able to sleep tonight.

(Thanks to "trooper1770" for the 10,000-coin reward.

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210908214601410" for the reward.

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