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Chapter 124 Voldemort appears

There are three things in the magical world that are considered extremely dangerous and should be kept away from strangers:

Scamander's black suitcase, Voldemort's Dark Mark, and... the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

If you come into contact with these three things, you will either die or be injured. If you make a big fuss, the whole city may be destroyed by you.

Similarly, there are three recognized safe places in the wizarding world:

Gringotts, Hogwarts, and... Nico Flamel's estate.

But with Quirrell sneaking into Gringotts the year before last, this vault and fortress, which is known as the safest in history, is no longer so safe.

In the original time and space, it was even invaded, stolen, and escaped by several seventh-grade students.

Not to mention Hogwarts, which steadily consumes one professor every year and has various frequent high-risk accidents. It is not very safe no matter what.

And Nico Flamel's manor has a magic stone that can turn stone into gold and brew immortality, as well as various powerful alchemical items...

Such a place that can be called a treasure house has attracted the attention of countless wizards, but for centuries, no one has ever been heard of who can forcefully break in and steal the magic stone.

Even most wizards only know that the manor is in Devon County, but the specific location cannot be found at all.

Therefore, Rolf was also curious about who could make Nico so nervous.

In the evening, riding in the carriage, Rolf and Shirley arrived at the manor.

Shirley followed Nico's wife Perenelle to visit the manor, and Rolf and the old man were walking and chatting on a bluestone road.

Outside the manor it was still freezing and snowy, but inside the manor it was like spring all year round, with the breeze blowing and a row of peach blossoms trembling and towering in their cores.

"As I get older, my body's functions have completely declined, and I can't stand the wind and cold." Nico stretched out his arms that were as dry as old bamboo, held them in his hands, breathed, and said with a smile:

"As long as the temperature is slightly lower, various rheumatism and joint diseases will afflict me and Perenelle."

"Rolf, if you want to use the magic stone to extend your life in the future, you will encounter the same problem as me a few hundred years later."

Luo Fu nodded, this is the drawback of the magic stone. The brewed elixir can indeed extend life, but the body is still aging and decaying irreversibly.

Therefore, Nico has been looking for the Stone of Destiny, which can brew the fountain of youth and restore youth to the body.

Nico continued to smile lightly:

"Although the outside world says that my manor is safe, it has actually been destroyed many times and I was forced to move several times."

"When I was still living in France, a dark wizard named Godlott entered my manor. I fought with him and destroyed it directly."

Rove had heard of Godlot, a dark wizard in the Middle Ages who also compiled the famous "Poisonous Magic", which greatly advanced the research on black magic.

"How did Godlot come in?" Rolf asked softly with curiosity on his face: "Isn't there a lot of protective magic around the manor?"

"Godlot is extremely powerful. You can think of him as the Voldemort of that era..." Nico said calmly:

"He broke all the magic I placed around the manor, including the Loyalty Curse."

"Can the Loyalty Curse also be broken?" Luofu frowned subconsciously.

"Rolf, there is no magic that cannot be broken, including Avada Kedavra." Nico sighed softly:

"Didn't Voldemort get rebounded by his own killing curse? When you firmly believe that a magic is invincible, you are not far from trouble."

After Luo Fu chewed it carefully, he nodded slightly and accepted the instruction humbly.

"It took many years for me to understand that the wand in Goldlot's hand played a key role." Nico paused and continued:

"It taught Godlot many powerful magics and helped him break the Loyalty Curse."

"Can a wand teach wizards?" Rolf was extremely surprised.

"Of course, there has been a saying in the Ollivander family...'The wand chooses the wizard'." Nico explained patiently:

"The wand has autonomous consciousness, emotions, and can think independently.

It and the wizard are initially attracted to each other, and then explore each other's experiences. The wand learns from the wizard, and the wizard can also learn from the wand."

After walking a few steps, Nico felt a little tired. He stopped and sat on a stone bench by the side of the road and whispered:

"There is a magic wand, which has the most powerful learning ability in the magic world. It has followed many masters, and each master is the top wizard in the world.

Therefore... it has learned too much magic and taught those magics to its new owner to help him become stronger."

"Elder Wand?" Rolf narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Nico nodded and said: "It has different names in different historical stages and in the hands of different people...the Death Stick, the Wand of Destiny or the Elder Wand."

"The wand first appeared in the hands of Antioch Peverell, the eldest of the three brothers. With his death, it was passed down from generation to generation, and the wand kept changing its owners."

Nico said in a calm voice:

"Of course, there may be interruptions, long interruptions, and the Elder Wand will disappear from people's sight, be temporarily lost or hidden, but it will always reappear."

Nico had rested enough. He stood up again and led Rolf up the stairs while talking:

"Godlot was the one who broke into my manor holding the Elder Wand. Most of the magic in the book "Poisonous Magic" he wrote came from the teachings of the Elder Wand."

Rolf knew that the Elder Wand, as the Deathly Hallows, had magical power, but he didn't expect that it could also teach wizards magic... like a teacher.

Hey, why does this sound so much like Slytherin's basilisk, which is also dedicated to teaching its successors magic.

The two walked and walked, and finally came to a wooden house. Nico opened the door and entered, followed closely by Rolf.

Entering the house, Luofu narrowed his eyes and looked at the room:

This is a small room, lined with wooden bookshelves. The top is submerged in darkness, and the shelves are filled with large and small crystal balls.

It looks a lot like the Hall of Prophecy in the Department of Magical Affairs.

"The prophecies I have received over hundreds of years will be stored here."

An oil lamp appeared in Nico's hand, and following the light, Rolf walked through the narrow passage under the vaulted ceiling.

They came to a shelf, and Nico picked up the crystal ball and handed it to Rove.

The boy held the crystal ball, and mist appeared in the center of the ball, quickly forming a detailed picture.

Luofu stared at the picture and saw a figure he absolutely didn't want to see.

Peter Pettigrew.

Peter's upper body was naked, and there was a hideous and terrifying face on his chest. The face was as white as chalk, with glowing red eyes, and underneath were two slender nostrils like snakes...


This chapter has been completed!
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