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Chapter 135: Scamanders Family Origins


Sitting at a table in the corner, Shirley was describing to Hermione in detail what happened in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

After Hermione heard this, she raised her eyebrows and repeated with a half-smile:

"Brave, smart and kind?!"

Professor Black is so proud of this?

Let’s not talk about bravery and cleverness. He often deliberately bullies himself by making bets... Where does Rolf have anything to do with kindness?!

He is obviously a bad guy who does all kinds of evil!

As the saying goes, being embarrassed is equal to washing, and being embarrassed is equal to being black.

Therefore, although Sirius's words were all good, they were so exaggerated that Luo Fe couldn't bear it.

However, he still smiled cheekily and said:

"What, Hermione, do you have a different opinion? Everyone believes that the minority obeys the majority and your personal opinion is invalid."

"Everyone thinks so?" Hermione raised her voice and hummed: "Except Sirius, who else thinks so?"

Luofu glanced at the girl with the ponytail. She didn't speak, she just smiled softly and nodded lightly.

"Shirley, you can't tell lies just because Rolf is your boss." Hermione put her arm around the ponytail girl's shoulders and smiled:

"We are on the same page!"

Shirley smiled and said seriously: "I really feel that way."

Hermione sighed.

Luofu smiled and said nothing.

The three of them made a fuss for a while. The librarian, Mrs. Pince, came twice with a feather duster and finally left with a strange look on her face.

Luofu cast a silencing spell around him so that his voice could not be heard at all and would not disturb other people.

Mrs. Pince could only see the three people's mouths, as if they were performing a pantomime, but could not hear their voices.

On the table, there is also a piece of parchment, which is a map with long and thin lines drawn in ink.

Those lines meet each other, cross each other, and extend to every corner of this parchment.

With the help of Sirius, Rolf, Shirley and Hermione are currently making a new Marauder's Map.

This new map covers Hogwarts Castle, various secret passages, and the Quidditch field. In addition, there is the Room of Requirement and the Chamber of Secrets that are not in the original map.

Rolf's original plan wanted to include the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade, but the amount of the project was too large and could not be completed by three people in a short time.

"It's about to begin."

Rolf raised his wand, and Shirley and Hermione also raised their wands at the same time. The tips of the three wands faced each other, and they said at the same time:

"Human signs appear!"

The three wands attracted each other, splashing out a string of dazzling sparks, and then spewed out a large cloud of water mist that spread in all directions.

Soon, the entire library was shrouded in smoke, and many students raised their heads and looked at the sudden appearance of the fog in wonder.

Not long after, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and ink dots began to appear on the parchment map that originally had only lines. Each ink dot was marked with a name in tiny letters.

"Successful." Shirley said happily.

What the three of them released was the Human Trace Spell. This remote magic is also the core of making the Marauder's Map. It can display the names of everyone within the smoke coverage on the map.

Hermione looked at the map in surprise and saw many small black dots moving on the map in the library.

A black dot in the upper left corner shows Mrs. Pince, who is walking around hurriedly, as if looking for who was casting magic just now.

A group of Ravenclaw students gathered at a table in the distance and were studying.

Of course, these names only show this area of ​​the library, and there are still no names in other places.

There is no way, the area covered by the human trace curse at one time is very small.

If they want the map to show the entire castle, the three of them have to move bit by bit, which is also a huge workload.

But in any case, the library area has been reproduced on the map, which is a good start.

The three of them continued to discuss the issue of the human trace curse, and suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps coming from a distance.

Rolf looked up and saw Hagrid striding over wearing a moleskin coat.

Hagrid rarely came to the library, so he obviously came to see them.

After waving his wand and canceling the silencing spell, Rolf asked in a low voice: "What happened, Hagrid?"

Hagrid handed over a letter and said nervously: "Rolf, the deal with the hippogriff has been completed... I think you might want to take a look."

Rove took the letter and unfolded the paper. Shirley and Hermione also came over and looked at the letter together.

Dear Mr Haigh:

We have received reports of hippogriff attacks on students at Hogwarts.

On April 20, we will hold a hearing in our London office to discuss the handling of you and the Hippogriff.

You and your hippogriff are present on that day. During this time, the hippogriff should be tethered and kept in isolation.

Ministry of Magic Education Authority,

Supervisor: Gsilda Marchban.

"Good news." Luo Fu smiled and said: "The Education Administration has taken over this matter, and the Hippogriff will not fall into the hands of the Committee for Disposal of Dangerous Creatures."

"But I don't know what to do." Hagrid scratched his hair and said, "Should I prepare anything?"

"You need to collect students' evaluations of your teaching." Luo Fu explained: "Prove that you are a good teacher and qualified for this position."

This is not a problem. Hagrid has been strictly controlling his teaching content recently, and only teaches beautiful and interesting magical creatures such as unicorns in class.

After Luofu's reminder, he would also take animal tail feathers as rewards in every class... There is absolutely no problem with student evaluation.

"You still have to prepare a defense statement, Hagrid." Rolf said with ease: "Write down the entire incident to prove that Buckbeak has nothing to do with it and it will not hurt anyone again."

"We can be witnesses." Shirley said softly.

"Yes, I must have read a case of a Hippogriff hurting someone." Hermione thought for a while and said:

"In that eucalyptus, the Hippogriff was released. We will look for it for you later, Hagrid. If we find it, we will study it carefully."

"Thank you three." Hagrid was almost moved to tears. He hurried back to collect comments.

After Hagrid left, Hermione stretched and said, "Let's go find those files and prepare a defense statement for Buckbeak."

"No need to look for it." Luofu shook his head and said with a smile: "I have detailed records of cases of magical creatures hurting people in the past two thousand years."


Shirley took out the black box, and after Rove opened it, he took out a parchment book half as tall as a man.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then started reading through the pages in disbelief.

"In 1766... ​​a monster with a man's head, a dragon's body and a lion's tail bit a wizard... It was sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic... Carl Scamander defended his innocence? Carl Scamander?


"My grandfather's uncle... is also my second grandfather." Luo Fu explained.

"June 5, 1872...a hippogriff was convicted—well, Joestar Scamander helped defend..."

"My great-grandfather."


Hermione flipped through the pages and frowned: "Why are most of them Scamander?"

"It's just a matter of family background." Luofu shrugged and said, "I'm actually not a magizoologist, nor a veterinarian...but a professional defender."


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