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Chapter 150 Quidditch Melee

This bet that had been going on for several months ended in a way that was beyond everyone's expectations.

Rolf, who had high hopes from everyone, did not win the bet. Instead, Shirley became the first student in the school to use the Patronus Charm, killing the competition directly.

Countless students who placed bets all lost.

Malfoy lost the most. He took Goyle and Crabbe and directly suppressed several hundred Galleons. He also showed off all morning...how well-informed he was and how good he was at seizing opportunities.

Unexpectedly, only a few hours later, I would lose everything.

The little wizards who originally followed the trend were a little annoyed, but after thinking about Malfoy, they suddenly felt more balanced.

After all, they lost a few galleons at most and a few kats at least, just for fun, not as big as Malfoy.

Malfoy is also affectionately called Hogwarts...the big fat sheep!

Of course, Ron was even more miserable than Malfoy. If someone loses, he loses. He can just ask for money from his family. Anyway, there is no shortage of money.

Ron is different. He saves his pocket money for a year on weekdays, just waiting for the World Cup this summer to have a good time.

He even asked Harry to borrow a few galleons, hoping to "get rich overnight" by relying on this opportunity to make a sure profit, but he didn't expect to "lose money overnight."

Ron, who was not rich before, was even worse... He regretted it very much and vowed never to gamble again.

Of course, some students suspected that Rove and Shirley had colluded to set up the scheme.

But the problem is, Luofu pressured himself and didn’t let you follow the trend. He can only say... Gambling is risky, so bet with caution!

This incident caused quite a stir, and fortunately, the Quidditch match was about to begin, which attracted everyone's attention.

This is the last tournament of the semester.

Currently, the four teams have the highest points, with the Hufflepuff Quidditch team having the highest score, only 90 points ahead of the second-placed Gryffindor.

Two hundred points higher than third place Slytherin.

As for the Ravenclaw team, they are still in the top four, and their record is terrible and stable.

Except for Ravenclaw, who is definitely at the bottom, the rankings of the top three teams are not the final version.

It depends on how many points Gryffindor and Slytherin can score in the last game.

If they are lucky, Gryffindor and Slytherin can score a high score, and they can squeeze out Hufflepuff, who is currently ranked first, and enter the finals together.

Therefore, Hufflepuff now really has to look at the faces of other teams.

But this is difficult. Gryffindor's overall strength is much stronger than Slytherin, and they don't know how to play tacit basketball to cooperate with their old enemy Slytherin to gain points.

Slytherin also wants to step on Gryffindor's lion's head and advance directly to the finals.

As direct competitors, the hostility between the two sides has reached its highest point!

Gryffindor was originally the house that Snape hated the most, but now... he hated it even more.

He launched a viper-like point-deduction attack in an attempt to influence Gryffindor's mentality, and he even gave Harry solitary confinement every now and then.

Sirius was also unwilling to be outdone and made things difficult for Malfoy in every class, as if he was not his nephew but his enemy.

The two colleges were full of acrimony, often having frictions and conflicts in the corridors and stairwells. This kind of tit-for-tat continued until Saturday's game.

The Slytherin Quidditch team promoted martial arts to the end and made the game look like a boxing match.

In just ten minutes, they injured Angelina with bats and knocked Alia off the broom.

Gryffindor was no less generous. The twins rode on their broomsticks and quietly threw out prank items, including Bludgers disguised as big dung eggs, which exploded over the field.

Are you playing Quidditch props?!

Mrs. Huo Qi had no choice but to constantly call fouls, which turned the game into pieces.

"The Slytherin Quidditch team is really dirty. Without them in the free fighting world, I think it would be a big loss." Li took the microphone and mocked:

"And Derek's kick just now hit Wood's stomach. I suspect it knocked the threads off his shoes."

However, when George slapped Malfoy on the face, Li immediately double-marked:

"It was so mean of Malfoy to hit George's hand with his face... poke him in the eye, Fred!"

"Just kidding, Professor McGonagall, this is a joke... Oh, no... Flint has the ball, Flint flies towards the Gryffindor goal, come on, hey, Wood, save the ball...


But Flint scored, and the Slytherin side burst into cheers.

Lee Jordan cursed fiercely, and Professor McGonagall tried to snatch the microphone away. He avoided it and apologized at the same time:

"I'm sorry, Professor, I'm sorry! It will never happen again!"

"Wait!" Li suddenly shouted: "What is that? A dementor?"

Everyone turned around and saw two dementors in robes appearing on the field and approaching Harry.

Harry reached under his robes, quickly pulled out his wand, and shouted:

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Silvery mist emerged from the end of his wand and shot at the Dementors. They fell to the ground, revealing Goyle and Crabbe.

Malfoy was riding on his broomstick. Seeing that his plan failed, he cursed angrily: "Idiot!"

Professor McGonagall didn't care to teach Li a lesson. With an extremely angry expression on her face, she reprimanded loudly:

"Despicable means! Conspiracy to frame the Gryffindor team's Seeker, dirty and cowardly approach! You will all be punished, and fifty points from Slytherin House will be deducted!"

"Potter used the wand." Professor Snape also shouted anxiously: "He committed a foul and must be punished!"

This is true. According to the rules of Quidditch, players can bring their wands onto the field, but under no circumstances can they use it against an opposing player, an opposing player's broom, or... the audience.

But Snape's words were directly drowned in the noise, and the whole stand was in an uproar, mixed with boos, jeers and angry shouts.

Gryffindor and Slytherin students started fighting.

Seeing the audience starting to fight, the Gryffindor and Slytherin players started fighting fiercely in the sky.

It was obviously a Quidditch match, but it suddenly turned into a big melee.

Sirius left the Gryffindor auditorium and strode towards Snape. He pulled out his wand, and Snape also showed his wand.

"Come on, Severus, you coward!"

"I've been waiting for too long, Blake, one-on-one today... let's settle our grudges!"

Li was still explaining, and he said loudly:

"Professor Black took Gryffindor students and Slytherin students to mingle... He confronted Snape and beat him up! Professor Black!"

Sitting in the Hufflepuff auditorium, captain Cedric seemed more excited than the Gryffindor and Slytherin students.

He waved his fist and cheered: "Fight...fight quickly."

Rolf looked speechless and said: "Cedric, why are you so excited?"

"Rolf, if they fight, they will be suspended." Cedric hugged Rove and laughed: "We will definitely win the final!

we are the champion!"


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