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Chapter 157 Trelawneys Heirloom

In the empty foyer, a row of tempting roasted pumpkins hangs, the candlesticks are filled with candles, and the flames flicker like stars.

A figure staggered and swayed in the hall, but never fell down, like a tumbler.

At this moment, the young man suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the two of them bumped into each other. They were caught off guard and both fell to the ground.

Luo Fu, who had been "flying" using the time turner for a long time, was already dizzy and fell to the ground again. It took him a long time to recover.

Luofu raised his head and looked at the guy who collided with him, and was stunned on the spot.

It turned out to be Professor Trelawney. She fell to the ground motionless, and there was a large pool of red blood on the ground.


Merlin, there won't be a time and space traffic accident, he just knocked Professor Trelawney to death, right?

Rolf quickly got up and ran towards Professor Trelawney, but when he got closer, he was speechless. It turned out that she was lying on the ground, snoring... and actually fell asleep.

Trelawney looked drunk and smelled of alcohol. The wine bottle was smashed and the red wine was spilled on the floor. It looked almost like blood.

Noisy footsteps suddenly sounded in the auditorium. This Halloween dinner was coming to an end and the students were about to walk out of the auditorium.

Rolf, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, immediately became nervous. He quickly waved his wand and cleaned up the bottle fragments and wine. He immediately picked up the drunken Trelawney and ran towards the distant corridor.

Rolf ran very fast, fearing that if he was too late, the students would see this scene and mistakenly think that he had picked up the body of the drunk Professor Trelawney...

That would really make it impossible to clean yourself even if you jumped into the black lake!

Soon, the door of the auditorium was opened, and students from each college, led by their prefects, walked towards their respective lounges.

Rolf, who was hiding in the corner, saw himself chatting with Neville in the Hufflepuff team; he saw Shirley climbing the stairs quietly, and Hermione who was tired from using the time turner too much...

It's really interesting and wonderful to use a time turner to go back half a year and observe this scene as a bystander.

While Rove was still thinking about it, Professor Trelawney had already woken up. She stood up unsteadily and said:

"Where am I?"

Luo Fu quickly supported her and explained:

"Professor Trelawney, you were drunk just now and fell down accidentally. I helped you up... No need to give me extra points, this is what I should do!"

"Oh, really?" Professor Trelawney said confused: "But I seem to remember who bumped me...child, was it you?!"

"It's definitely not me, Professor!" Luo Fu said decisively: "You know that I have always been honest and honest, never violated school rules, let alone lied.

Could it be the students from Slytherin? They have never been qualified."

Trelawney glanced at Rolf, "Are you the only one who still behaves honestly?"

If the standards are so low, then everyone at Hogwarts is honest.

"Professor Trelawney, since you are fine, I will leave first." Rove said softly: "I have something else to do and need to see Professor Dumbledore."

"Scamander, wait... I also have something to ask you!"

Professor Trelawney's voice suddenly became erratic and she said, "I'm just waiting for you in the foyer!"

"Wait for me?" Luofu frowned.

"Yes." Professor Trelawney said in a monotonous, soft voice:

"I was doing a divination in my office not long ago..."

"Divination or drinking?" Luofu raised his eyebrows.

"Child, drinking is for better divination." Professor Trelawney hummed:

"The busy school life at Hogwarts will make my Tianmu dim, and the wine will brighten it."

"Just a bottle of wine as dark as blood is enough. Anyway, I got a sign... Destiny told me to come here and wait for you to give you some help."

"Who am I? How can I refuse the urging of fate? I immediately walked out of my building and have been waiting for you there..."

Luofu frowned more and more.

Is Trelawny waiting for herself in the Great Hall, or is she waiting for herself using the time turner to return here?

The meanings represented by these two roves are completely different!

If it's the former, that's understandable; but if it's the latter, did Trelawney predict that she would appear here half a year in advance?

Luofu narrowed his eyes and said, "What help do you want to give me?"

Professor Trelawney reached into her robe and dug around, and soon took out a package. She handed it to Rove and said:

"You must wear these things. These are the treasures left by my great-great-grandmother."

Professor Trelawney's great-great-grandmother...isn't she the famous seer Cassandra Trelawney?!

That’s so precious!

Luofu took it excitedly. He touched the package and guessed: "Is there a book in this?"

Professor Trelawney's eyes suddenly became a little evasive, and she said in an erratic voice:

"It's a precious magic book! But you must not open it unless absolutely necessary... Do you understand?! Someone will die!"

With a serious face on his face, Luo Fu nodded and said, "I understand."

He was about to make the package smaller and put it in his pocket, when he saw Professor Trelawney rubbing her hands and saying:

"Pay the reward, kid, you don't think this is given to you for free, do you?"

Luo Fu said "Ah" and said in shock: "You want more money?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Professor Trelawney held her position, pulling on her shawl and the many strings of shining beads, and said softly:

"This is something left by my great-great-grandmother. It is a treasure that is almost a thousand years old. If you put it up for auction, wizards are all rushing to get it.

Of course it’s impossible to give it to you for free now.”

Rolf leaned back slightly and stared at Professor Trelawney. He now began to wonder if this old liar was deceiving him.

But since she knows where she will appear after using the time turner, it shouldn't be a scam, right?

"how much?"

Professor Trelawney smiled with satisfaction and held out a finger.

Luofu asked softly:

"A hundred galleons?"

Professor Trelawney arranged her shawl carefully and said with disdain:

"Ten thousand Galleons!"


"Then I don't want it anymore. You can sell it to other people who are destined to do it."

Rolf threw the package back, then turned around and left. Ten thousand Galleons was enough for him to hire Shirley for a lifetime. Why not give it to Trelawney?

"Hey, wait a minute!" Trelawney quickly grabbed Rove's sleeve and said with wide eyes:

"Child, do you know what bargaining is? If you think it's expensive, you should pay back the price!"


"What about a thousand galleons?" Rolf asked tentatively.

"Deal!" Trelawney stretched out her hand neatly and said: "Hurry up and pay."

Luo Fe was heartbroken, he must have suffered a big loss!

next chapter


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