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Chapter 161 The resurrected Professor Binns?

Deep in the Forbidden Forest, a pillar of light suddenly burst out, shining brightly like daylight for dozens of miles around. Waves of air shot straight into the sky, like a waterfall rushing from bottom to top.

The floating clouds in the sky began to roll up rapidly at the outermost edge, like a pear blossom that had already bloomed and turned into a snow-white bud again.

Before Voldemort blew himself up, Rolf was already standing on his head. Sensing the great danger, he hurriedly reminded Dumbledore and ran away.

No wonder there was a huge pit deep in the Forbidden Forest. He originally thought it was a trace of a battle, but he didn't expect it to be a bastard Tom... who blew himself up!

The ground shook violently, as if a huge hammer was hammering down with a deafening boom!

The scorching hot wind caused by the explosion cut through the area like a high-pressure air blade.

At the critical moment, Dumbledore raised his wand and instantly raised several magic shields to block the two of them.

Luofu also hurriedly used magic to help him strengthen his defense.

The air waves hit one after another, like a stormy sea crashing on the shore, and the golden shield swayed instantly, making constant screeching sounds.

Voldemort stood in the center of the explosion with a miserable face. Although his red hair looked scary, his hair was shiny and shining.

Now most of the hair strands are dead, and when the air waves blow by, some hairs will rustle down, and before they fall to the ground, they will turn into ashes in mid-air.

Voldemort's body also began to decay, decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a piece of dead wood, and then turned into ashes and scattered between the heaven and the earth.

He seemed crazy and burst into laughter.

"The Dark Lord is immortal, Dumbledore, Scamander... I will come back again!"

When I come back next time, I will rule this world again!!"

Voldemort turned into a group of weak wandering souls, separated from his body, and ran towards the distance.

The Dark Lord's body was completely reduced to ashes, and the time turner from Hermione fell to the ground, hit a stone, and instantly shattered into powder.

The stone bounced up after hitting the ground, fell to the ground again, and fell into pieces. The broken stone pieces bounced back into the air, became intact again, and then fell down again, shattered to pieces again... the cycle started over and over again.

Principal's office,

Rolf, Shirley and Hermione, who came to look for Dumbledore, looked at the dazzling white light outside the window in a daze.

Hermione suddenly reached out and pulled out her time turner from her collar, only to see it trembling and buzzing.

In the portrait of the principal, the red-nosed Fusco explains:

"I've seen this happen. It's the hour reversal spell in the time turner, which is resonating with a similar force... My child, hold it down, don't let it take you back to the past."

"Thank you, Professor Fusco." Rowe followed suit and quickly pressed the time turner to prevent it from rotating randomly.

Shirley suddenly pointed out the window and said in a soft voice:

"Look, what is that!"

Luofu looked out the window, his eyes widened, and he saw a dazzling silver creature running in mid-air, speeding towards the principal's office.

It has a long snout, and its whole body is covered with down... It is a patron saint in the form of a sniffer.

After a while, the three of them left the principal's office and followed the strange patron saint to the Shrieking Shack!

Peter Pettigrew is there...

Wait for them!

deep in the forbidden forest,

The explosion that lasted for several minutes finally stopped, and the light in the sky began to fade.

The originally lush and vast forest had disappeared and was replaced by a huge pit the size of a lake.

Like a huge one eye opening on the earth!

The deep pit is full of fine ravines, criss-crossing it, as if it has been cut into hundreds of terraces of varying lengths and sizes.

Dumbledore stood there, looking around and frowning slightly.

Luo Fu, who was standing with him just now, suddenly disappeared.

Did Rolf use a time turner and go back to the future?

Rolf appeared out of thin air in the empty hall. He was dizzy, bent over and retching.

The boy had been using magic with Dumbledore to resist the air waves caused by Voldemort's self-destruction, but his body suddenly flew up involuntarily, and various vague clouds and shapes passed before his eyes.

Rove knew that this was the effect of using a time converter, and he was no stranger to this, but what surprised him was that he didn't turn the converter at all.

Rolf suddenly remembered that a similar situation had happened with the time turner in Hermione's hand in the principal's office on Halloween night.

Principal Fusco's explanation is that the hour-reversal spell in the Time-Turner resonates with similar forces.

Rove thought for a moment and realized that the similar power should be the time turner obtained by Voldemort, which shattered in the self-destruction.

Unfortunately, too much time passed, and Rove forgot about it. His attention just now was focused on the explosion... and he failed to stop the converter from rotating autonomously in time.

Luofu flew like this for a long time, longer than the previous two times he used the time turner, and finally landed on the ground.

The boy who had recovered slowly stood up, looked around, and found that he was actually in Hogwarts Castle.

Luofu walked out of the hall quickly and wandered around the corridor, but he didn't see a single student or encounter a ghost. He couldn't ask... what year it was today.

"Hey, which college are you a student from?"

At the end of the corridor, an old voice suddenly sounded majestic, "Why don't you go to class and hang out here?"

Luofu turned around and looked around, suddenly stunned on the spot.

He was a white-haired old man. He was very old... His dry face was covered with age spots, his skinny chin was loose and hanging, and his eyes were full of sternness.

Professor Binns?!

Luofu recognized the professor of the history of magic at a glance, but what was shocking was that he was no longer a pearly-white, translucent ghost, but... a living person!

Luo Fu's mind changed rapidly, and he asked tentatively:

"Professor Binns...is that you?"

"If it's not me, who else could it be?" Professor Binns walked over with a cane and a shaky step. He stared at the young man and frowned and asked:

"Which college are you a student from? How come I haven't seen you before?"

Luo Fu's eyes were complicated. He was silent for a long time, and suddenly he answered mysteriously:

"Professor Binns, my name is Skadi...I am a student of Slytherin House."

"Scadi...really?" Professor Binns glanced at him coldly and said sternly: "Ten points from Slytherin!"


(Thanks to the three big guys "I just love to wade in the water", "The mountain is not high, if there are immortals, it is famous" and "The moon falls and the stars sink between the sky and the earth" for their rewards.)

This chapter has been completed!
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