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Chapter 187 The Sealed Corpse

Overnight, two Ravenclaws died one after another, and this ancient surname disappeared from the long river of history.

As the only witness, Rove didn't know what to say.

He originally came to collect the bodies for Helena, but he didn't expect that he ended up collecting the bodies for the Ravenclaw mother and daughter.

What is this thing?!

For Rolf, Ravenclaw and Helena were actually ancient people who had been dead for a thousand years. If he had known that they would die, there shouldn't have been too many emotional turmoils.

But at this moment, having to witness their deaths with his own eyes, especially the fall of Ravenclaw...Rolf still felt an inexplicable feeling of depression in his heart.

That was Rowena Ravenclaw. As one of the Big Four, how could she die like this?!

Rolf collected the bodies of Ravenclaw and Helena, and after keeping watch in the cabin all night, he rushed to the location of the portkey early the next morning and returned to Hogwarts.

inside the office,

After listening to Rolf's narration, Hufflepuff was silent for a long time, staring at the two corpses in a daze.

Luofu also stayed with her in a daze.

After a while, Hufflepuff finally asked softly:

"Rolf, who do you think did it?"

"I gave Barrow the Veritaserum, and he said it was Slytherin." Rolf said carefully, "But I didn't really see Slytherin."

"If you see Salazar, you won't be able to come back alive." Hufflepuff sighed softly:

"In this magical world, there are only a few wizards who can defeat Rowena. Apart from Salazar, there is probably no one else who can kill her."

"But I don't understand, Professor..." Rolf said in confusion: "Why would Slytherin do this?"

Hufflepuff did not answer directly. She looked at the young man's childish face and asked:

"Do you know why Slytherin left Hogwarts?"

"The history of magic says that you four founders had differences in teaching concepts." Luof thought for a while and replied:

"Slytherin hopes that Hogwarts will be more selective when recruiting students. He believes that magic education should be limited to pure-blood families..."

"If we really have to part ways just because of something, then we are really underestimating us."

Hufflepuff looked complicated and said:

"After the ancient kingdom of wizards collapsed, we inherited the title of wizards. The early pure-blood wizards wanted to establish a new kingdom.

That country was quickly destroyed due to the curse, but the ideas of wizard supremacy and wizard nation-building were still passed down from generation to generation."

"Salazar Slytherin is a standard wizard founder." Hufflepuff looked into the distance and said in a daze:

"He wants to recreate the brilliance of the ancient wizard civilization, and he wants wizards to rule the world and become the supreme master.

Regardless of Muggles, goblins or giants...all creatures must obey orders and no longer dare to act recklessly..."

"Salazar told us that he found a way to solve the wizard's curse of failing to found a country, and he wanted us to help him."

"But the lesson of the ancient wizarding nation's demise is not far away. Those powerful beings who once ruled the world were eventually reduced to a pile of broken limbs in the mud."

"So, we all opposed Salazar, and he finally left angrily and completely parted ways with us, heading towards a breakup."

Rolf thought for a while and asked curiously: "Professor, how does Slytherin plan to solve the curse?"

"Rolf, do you still remember asking me... are all those ancient wizards really dead?" Hufflepuff asked.

The young man nodded.

"After the doomsday catastrophe, some ancient wizards survived. In order to no longer be enslaved by them, our ancestors united with giants, goblins, centaurs and other intelligent creatures to form a coalition to fight against those ancient wizards."

Hufflepuff folded his hands on his abdomen and said solemnly:

"That war was extremely brutal. We killed too many coalition forces, but when we eliminated the remaining ancient wizards, only one wizard... was not killed!"

"That wizard seems to be immortal. No matter how the coalition attacks, they can't kill him!"

Hufflepuff said in a low voice:

"In the end, the coalition forces used some means that you and I can't think of now to cut the ancient wizard into five parts..."

"They are the 'sealed right leg', 'sealed left leg', 'sealed right arm', 'sealed left arm' and...'sealed torso'.

They were hidden by five pure-blood wizards and imprisoned for tens of thousands of years."

Luo Fu felt as if he was listening to a book from heaven, his eyes were in a trance.

Hufflepuff continued:

"Salazar's solution is to complete the ancient wizard's body with the right arm passed down from his family... and the left arm is in Rowena's hand."

Rove slowly digested this information and guessed: "Did Slytherin attack Professor Ravenclaw just to get the sealed left arm?"

"It's possible." Hufflepuff sighed softly: "However, Rowena has already known her fate through the well of death, and she may make some preparations in advance."

Hufflepuff stood up and walked around the office:

"Royna also built a cemetery for herself a long time ago. After the funeral, I will send her and Helena's bodies there."

Ravenclaw's cemetery...Rolf was slightly distracted. He thought of Helena. She had suggested many times in the future that he should rob this tomb!

"Rolf, in your time, Rowena's tomb was not destroyed or stolen by anyone, right?" Hufflepuff suddenly asked.

When Luo Fe came back to his senses, he coughed and said, "No, how could someone possibly rob Professor Ravenclaw's tomb?

I won’t agree to it for the first time!”

"That's good." Hufflepuff looked at the boy deeply and said:

"By the way, Rolf Rowena told me before she left Hogwarts...she left her chamber of secrets and the well of death to you."

"Leave it to me?" Luo Fe was stunned.

"Yes." Hufflepuff patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "But she has locked the door. You can only go in if you find the key."

"Key?" Luofu asked, "Where are you putting it?"

"Rowner didn't tell me." Hufflepuff shook his head and said, "She is hidden in a very hidden location in Hogwarts. You need to find it yourself."


The young man fell silent. There was no prompt. Where could he find it?

Rolf chatted with Hufflepuff for a while, and finally left the office, and the whole room suddenly became quiet again.

Hufflepuff stood next to Ravenclaw, staring blankly at his friend.

Her thoughts drifted away, recalling that year, the four of them had the same aspirations and shared the same ideals, and worked together to establish Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Time has passed, things have changed, people have changed, and the past seems like a dream.

When Gryffindor comes back, he will definitely hunt down Slytherin. I'm afraid the four of them will never see each other again.

Some sad emotions arose in Hufflepuff's heart, and she sighed quietly, her eyes like deep pools unable to hold back the tears any longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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