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Chapter 44 The power is unknown, and it will be stronger when it is strong!

On Wednesday afternoon, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had their first flying lesson.

The flying lesson took place on a lawn not far from the castle. When the Ravenclaw students arrived, they found that the Hufflepuff students had already arrived.

It was the first time for the little badgers to come so early, and they were more active than Professor Sprout's herbal medicine class, but the Ravenclaw students were lazy and uninterested.

It is normal for the Quidditch team of your own college to fall behind every year, unable to cultivate team culture and lose interest.

The most important thing is that every time the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team makes a loud noise, the eaglets are aroused and excited. They are all waiting to kick Gryffindor and punch Slytherin.

Woolen cloth……

The atmosphere is here, but there is no actual action. The record is stable in the top four every year, which will only make people more disappointed.

Not only the Ravenclaw students were disappointed, the little badgers were also disappointed after seeing the row of broomsticks in the distance.

They have indeed imagined that the school might be equipped with a Glow Wheel 2000, which is this year's latest broomstick.

Even if you don’t deserve such a luxurious broom, Sweep Seven Star is still good. The products launched by Sweep Broom Company focus on cost-effectiveness.

Although the configuration of the Sweep series has not been defeated, the experience has not been surpassed, and there are occasional braking problems, but at least the parameters are similar to the Nimbus 2000!

No matter what happens, we can use the Nimbus 1700, which is one major version behind, and sweep five stars.

If you feel more chilled, the Comet 290 is also a classic model and is barely adequate.

But they never expected that Hogwarts would actually use Meteor series broomsticks.

In the Transfiguration class not long ago, everyone just heard Professor McGonagall introduce this antique:

A flying broomstick launched in 1955. From the time it was released, it was the cheapest competition broom on the market!

Decades later, when I use it to split wood and make a fire, I still dislike the smoke caused by the wood.

The most critical thing is that the Cosmic Broom Co., Ltd., which produced the "Meteor" broom, went bankrupt as early as 1978. It could not even find maintenance personnel, let alone replace some old parts.

Is Hogwarts so poor now?

Or is this the essence of the ancient magic school, which is completely different from the schools of the nouveau riche, where everything must be "semi-old"?

This is not half-old, it is really an antique from the garbage dump.

Mrs. Huo Qi strode over. She had short gray hair and yellow eyes, like the eyes of an eagle.

Seeing the students muttering, she seemed a little embarrassed and said: "The new broom will be here soon. This month... ahem, let's just make do with it for this semester."

This is very much like the promise of those schools: to install air conditioning next year!

Unfortunately, next year after year, when you graduate, you may really be faking it.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with shooting stars. Although the speed is slower, it's better to be safe." Mrs. Huo Qi said loudly, "Quick, hurry up and stand next to the broomsticks. If you move quickly, you may be able to fly twice today."

It’s ten meters away.”


The little wizards all found a broomstick that was pleasing to their eyes, and then stood aside, with Shirley and Neville on both sides of Rolf.

"Stretch out your right hand and place it on top of the broom handle." Mrs. Huo Qi shouted loudly: "Then be emotional and shout from the bottom of your heart, 'Get up!'"

Shouting "get up" doesn't have much meaning, it's just a sense of ritual, just like when you buy a watermelon, you have to pat it first.

Rolf's arm was placed above the broom. Thanks to the Bowtruckle's magic, he had a special affinity for plants, even if they were made of wood made into brooms.

He didn't say anything at all, and the broom jumped into his hand eagerly without any hesitation.

Mrs. Huo Qi glanced at Luo Fu in surprise.

There were shouts and shouts on the lawn.

Shirley's broom slowly rose into the air, and finally fell slowly into her hand.

Neville's broom seemed to be broken and it wouldn't move at all when placed on the ground.

Hannah's broom jumped up quickly and hit the girl with crotch braids on the forehead with a loud bang. Her eyes were dull and she reached out to touch her red and swollen forehead. Suddenly she squatted on the ground, held her head and started to cry.

McMillan was said to have been born on a broomstick, but the broomstick was half-dead and shaking on the ground like a loach. When he stepped down, the wood broke into two pieces.


In this repeated calling, regardless of whether they were summoned or secretly picked up by themselves, all students had brooms in their hands.

Mrs. Huo Qi explained to them the structure of a broomstick and the posture of riding a broomstick. Every student sat on the broomstick.

The earliest flying broomsticks did not have invisible cushions. Quidditch was played at that time and belonged to the Morgan era.

Elio Smeson invented the Cushion Charm, which solved this problem very well, so all brooms have invisible cushions, which are quite comfortable to sit on.

Of course, because the broom is so old, many of the seat cushions are broken, which is a bit tricky.

Mrs. Huo Qi walked up and down the team, correcting the students' grip.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you push your legs off the ground and push hard." Mrs. Huo Qi said loudly: "Hold the broom steadily, rise a few meters, then lean forward slightly, and fall back vertically.


Everyone, listen to my whistle..."

But Neville was too nervous. Before the whistle sounded, he shook his calves and flew up.

Neville was spinning crazily in the sky like a cork bursting out of a bottle.

The students in class in the castle heard the screams and couldn't help but watch around the windows.

Mrs. Hooch fully demonstrated the uneven quality of teachers at Hogwarts. She just stood on the ground and shouted: "Come back, kid! Come back!!"

Rove suddenly felt that there could be another quota added to Hermione's complaint letter.

Looking at Neville who was still spinning in the sky, Rolf sighed. Although Neville had been wanting to be admitted to the campus hospital recently, he couldn't really watch him go in.

But the starting speed of the broomstick in my hand is too slow. If it flies to Neville at this speed, he will fall off long ago, so he needs some acceleration!

Luofu took out a few seeds from his pocket and threw them on the ground. The seeds quickly took root and sprouted, growing into several elastic vines that twisted into the shape of a giant bow.

Luofu used the vines as a bow and the broomstick as arrows. The young man controlled the vines silently and drew the bow like a full moon.

The broomstick is like an arrow, shooting into the air and whistling into the wind!

The next moment, Rolf was also entangled by vines and thrown towards the sky. Like an arrow shot out from a strong bow, he instantly came to the side of the broomstick and kept a relatively static speed with it.

The broomstick lowered slightly, and Rolf stepped on the wooden pole with his feet. The vines entangled him and the broom to maintain balance.

One person and one broom rushed towards Neville with great momentum.

The young man stood on the broomstick, with the strong wind blowing, his sleeves fluttering, and the sound of hunting, as if he was flying with a sword.

Neville couldn't hold on, he let go and was thrown away by the broomstick. His body hit the castle wall and then fell towards the ground.

Neville was far away from Rolf's flight direction. The young man had no choice but to twist his waist, bend his whole body, control the broom to turn a large arc in mid-air, and jump towards Neville.

At the critical moment, Rolf finally arrived, suddenly grabbed Neville's ankles, spun him around, and slowly fell towards the ground!


Professor Flitwick, who was teaching Gryffindor and Slytherin, shouted loudly: "This is what I mean by waist and abdominal strength... I was so good back then!"

After catching Neville, Rolf sat on the broom and slowly landed. When he landed on the second floor, he saw a tabby cat standing by the window with shocked pupils.

Luof flew over and said with a smile: "Professor McGonagall, good afternoon, are you here to bask in the sun?"

Professor McGonagall came back to her senses and noticed that Rolf was approaching. She hurriedly jumped down and hurriedly transformed into a witch.

Luo Fu was speechless. He was not a cat fanatic.

Professor McGonagall's face became strange as she recalled the exciting scene just now. She suddenly remembered what the captain said to her when she joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team:

Mid-mounted rear drive, no one is wrong.

The motivation is unknown, but you will become stronger when you are strong!

(Thanks to "Book Friends 160610140048481" for the tip.)

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