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Chapter 3 Stowaway Girl

The Dementors who disappeared around Easter were able to "come home" on their own after being missing for several months, which was indeed beyond Rove's expectation.

He originally thought that guy had been captured by some magical zoologist and used it as research material, and he even felt sorry for him. It seemed that he was overthinking it.

The dementor is back, so of course we have to ask where it went.

According to its story, it was chasing Peter Pettigrew on Easter Day and accidentally entered a cave in the Forbidden Forest and got lost inside.

There seemed to be no fault with this explanation, so Fudge had no choice but to leave it alone.

Everyone took the carriage and returned to the Ministry of Magic.

Stepping into the deserted hall, Fudge frowned. He waved and when Umbridge approached, he asked:

"Where's the British Ministry of Magic delegation?"

"Mr. Minister," Umbridge leaned into Fudge's ear and whispered:

"Barty Crouch had already set off with them half an hour ago."

"Didn't I say wait until I get back from Azkaban before leaving?" Fudge's voice turned cold instantly, and his eyebrows knitted together.

"Don't you know Barty Crouch? He doesn't wait for anyone at all."

Umbridge complained in a low voice: "You suspended him for another year and demoted him two levels in a row. It is inevitable that he will be resentful and disobey your orders."

"He is no longer the Director of the International Magical Cooperation Department, yet he still dares to show off in front of me." Fudge narrowed his eyes and said gloomily:

"When he comes back from Berlin, let him be demoted two levels in a row, and he will be able to become a general clerk. Thank God."

When Luo Fu stood aside, he could only watch his eyes, nose and heart, pretending not to hear what he said.

Barty Crouch and Fudge have been political rivals for many years. They were competing for the position of Minister of Magic, so they had a lot of bad blood.

Last year, Fudge directly suspended Crouch for a full year based on Sirius Black's unjust accusation.

Crouch had just recently completed his investigation and returned to the Ministry of Magic, and this whole incident... Fudge was of course very unhappy.

Rove thought for a while and said: "Mr. Minister, I'd better take the Orient Express to Berlin by myself."

He is going to Austria with Dumbledore, but before that, Dumbledore needs to go to Berlin, Germany, to attend this summer's International Federation of Wizards Conference.

Therefore, Rove has to go to Berlin first and wait for the Dumbledore meeting to end.

"Rolf, this is a special period recently. Wizards traveling to Germany must undergo strict inspection..."

Fudge glanced at the box in Rolf's hand. He didn't want the boy to be captured by the German Ministry of Magic as soon as he got off the train and imprisoned in the famous Erkestadt Prison.

"You'd better go to Berlin with the British delegation. This way the risk will be much smaller."

"But hasn't Mr. Crouch left?" Rove said.

"Minister, the International Confederation of Wizards has sent a floating dragon ship." Umbridge interjected: "This party should not have left the UK yet and can use the Floo Network."

"That's right!" Fudge's eyes lit up and he said: "Immediately ask the Floo Network Management Bureau to contact the floating dragon ship and connect with their fireplace..."

Since Fudge said this, Rove no longer insisted and just waited quietly.

With the order of the Minister of Magic, the Floo Network Authority quickly contacted the spacecraft and connected to the Floo Network.

After saying goodbye to Fudge, Rolf walked to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and threw the powder into the fire.

"Floating dragon boat."

After the boy finished speaking, his body flew up into the air, as if he had been sucked into a huge socket hole, and he felt dizzy.

When the swirling green flames disappeared, he had appeared in a gilded fireplace.

Rolf walked out of the fireplace feeling dizzy, but unexpectedly, a young wizard rushed out from the corridor on the other side and bumped into him.

Luofu staggered, looked up, and found that it was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, with long black hair tied into a delicate braid with a red-gold headband, hanging diagonally on her left shoulder.

The girl fell to the ground. She screamed and touched her sore buttocks.

Luofu quickly helped her stand up and asked, "Are you okay?"

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard in the distance, and three wizards in standard robes were seen running over quickly.

The girl's expression changed and she ran away. Rolf didn't understand the situation and didn't mind his own business to stop her.

The girl was very fast. At the corner, she met another house elf.

This time the girl did not bump into the opponent, but nimbly dodged it sideways, and grabbed a horn cup filled with wine from the tray in its hand.

Luofu suddenly saw a pink wallet dropped where the girl had just fallen. He bent down to pick up the bag. When he was about to check, the three chasing wizards finally ran to him.

They all wore robes of the same standard, with a golden floating dragon pattern hanging on their chests. They seemed to be the staff of this floating dragon ship.

"Sorry... Sir, did you see which direction the witch just ran in?" a tall man asked breathlessly.

Luofu didn't hide it, pointed to the corridor on the left and said: "She ran in that direction."

"thank you!"

The two wizards continued to chase after them, and the tall man who was left looked at Luo Fu and said:

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Rolf Scamander?"

"That's right, it's me." Luofu nodded and said, "Do you know me?"

"Well, I saw your photo in the Daily Prophet." The tall wizard smiled:

"My name is Carmel, and I am a staff member of this floating dragon ship.

The Ministry of Magic just communicated with us and learned that you want to use the fireplace to come over... Shall I take you to the British delegation's room?"

"Thank you, Mr. Carmel." Rolf carried his black suitcase and followed him forward, curiously saying:

"What happened to that girl just now?"

"This ship hosts delegations from various countries traveling to Berlin to participate in the International Confederation of Wizards." Carmel explained:

"But the girl didn't have any travel permit issued by the Ministry of Magic. She came here smuggled in."

The two walked through the corridor and soon arrived at a huge room. The wizards sitting in the room all looked up at Rolf.

This room was filled with officials from the British Ministry of Magic, so naturally they all knew this blond boy.

"Mr. Barty Crouch, I have brought Mr. Rolf Scamander." After Carmel finished speaking, he said goodbye and left.

Barty Crouch is a man in his fifties. He has a short mustache that looks like it has been trimmed with a slide rule. His robes are spotless, not even wrinkled, and his shoes are polished.

Crouch glanced at Rove and said coldly:

"Bertha, take Mr. Scamander to his room."

"Yes, Mr. Crouch." A fat witch with curly blond hair walked over quickly and said with a smile on her face:

"Mr. Scamander, please go this way."

Rolf followed her to his room. After Bertha left, he placed the box on the table and took out the small pink bag that the girl had just dropped.

Luofu opened his wallet and wanted to check if there was any information, but was suddenly stunned.

He turned the wallet over and shook it slightly, only to see a lot of things falling down:

Bundles of unicorn hair, a handful of phoenix tail feathers, werewolf hair, river monster back spines, yew wood, snake wood, spruce wood, sycamore...

This chapter has been completed!
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