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Chapter 15 The Dead Corpse of Azkaban

Rove rejected Minister Abel's request, his attitude was very firm, and there was no room for maneuver.

Abel had no choice, and it was impossible for him to rob someone, so he had no choice but to return in frustration.

Before leaving, he left a large number of Aurors to guard the surroundings of the school to protect these representatives from various countries... They did not die in the plane crash, and the French Ministry of Magic will be responsible for their subsequent safety.

Fortunately, it is the summer vacation and there are no students in the school. They are temporarily living in Beauxbatons and no one will disturb them or leak their whereabouts.

After Abel left, Rolf followed the scent left on the invisibility cloak and quickly found Karin who had disappeared.

The girl was nesting in a stable. She also held a basin in her hand and placed it in front of a group of magical horses.

Luofu leaned against a wooden pillar and asked with interest: "What are you doing?"

"I'm feeding them water." Karin raised her head, wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "When the mixture is cooked, I'll pick out some of the horse's mane and tail."

"Then you will definitely be kicked." Luofu said with a smile, "They will kick you away."


"These horses only drink single malt whiskey." Rolf crossed his arms and explained: "They don't drink your water."

"Junmai...whiskey? Such a luxury!" Karin was amazed, and then asked doubtfully: "How do you know?"

"I have a friend named Fleur Delacour." Rolf walked into the stable and said slowly: "She is a student of Beauxbatons, she told me."

It's a pity that it's summer vacation and Fleur is not at school. Otherwise, she could have taken him to visit Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But it doesn't matter, she will definitely go to England to watch the Quidditch World Cup in the summer, and we can see you again then.芰

Karin saw that those magic rune horses really didn't drink water. She stood up angrily and said curiously:

"I just saw you chatting with the French Minister of Magic. Did you say when we can leave?"

"Those representatives may have to stay here for a few days." Luofu said softly: "But we will definitely leave first."

"Why?" Karin raised her chin and shook her black braid tied with a red-gold headband.

"For such a serious matter as a terrorist attack, the International Federation of Wizards will definitely want to interrogate the murderer immediately, and since they are all in my hands, of course they will take me away immediately."

Luo Fu explained: "If nothing unexpected happens, we can leave here tomorrow morning."

"When the time comes, you hide in my box and I will take you to Berlin."

"Your box?" Karin lowered her head curiously, staring at the black leather box in the boy's hand. A braid of hair fluttered in front of her eyes. She blinked and said:

"Rolph, can I go in and take a look now?"

"Of course." Luofu opened the box, made an invitation gesture, and said with a smile:

"Miss Grigovitch, please."

Karin walked to the door of the box excitedly and nervously, and jumped down without hesitation.

Soon, Luofu also fell into a wooden house:

One wall is full of bookshelves and boxes, containing many magic books; the shelves on the other wall are filled with various ointments, herbs and potions.

There are also four wooden doors on the wall, leading to different rooms.

Karin looked around the wooden house curiously, and soon looked disappointed.

Luofu looked at the girl in surprise and said: "You are the first guest to enter my box, but you have a disappointed look on your face."

"I thought there were magical creatures like fire dragons and thunderbirds here, which must be at least as big as a Quidditch pitch." Karin sighed:

"But it looks so small now."

"It's impossible for a fire dragon to be kept here." Luo Fu said with a dumb smile: "You have to go out and take a look. Don't be scared for a while."

The young man quickly walked towards a wooden door, pulled the brass door knocker in the shape of a griffon, tilted his head and said, "Come on, young lady."

Karin frowned and slowly walked out of the wooden door. When she saw the scenery outside the door clearly, she was stunned for a moment.

Directly ahead is an extremely vast and tangled forest sea. The breeze blows and thousands of leaves dance collectively. For a moment, the forest seems to turn into a deep green ocean.

Looking to the left, on the distant horizon, the mountains are like powerful shadows, one after another, until they become gray and blurred, and the jagged peaks are also covered with thunderous clouds.

On the right, the terrain is low and gentle, and the flat wilderness stretches endlessly until as far as the eye can see, there is a large sparkling lake.

Karin opened her mouth wide and looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. She wanted to say something, but she seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and her throat was as dry as sand.

After a long time, the girl finally cried out: "Rolf... here... it's much bigger than outside... It's so surprising..."

Karin's face suddenly glowed with excitement, and she ran excitedly into the distance. Rolf couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The girl only ran a few hundred meters. When she passed a wooden house, she suddenly screamed in terror. She stopped at the door, pointed at the house, and stammered:

"Dead...dead people..."

"Yes." Luofu walked over. He suddenly stopped smiling and threatened, "Afraid or not, he is the last wizard that I tricked into the box and then killed.

I cut off both of his kidneys, and then it’s your turn... After I cut off your beautiful face, I will sell it to others at a high price."

Karin rolled her eyes fiercely and said, "You are not like that."

"how do you know?"

"If you were such a person, you could have taken action when I was tied to the bed last night, and you still have to wait until today?" Karin curled her lips.

Luofu laughed and said, "Let's go in and take a look."

The boy walked into the room, picked up a mask for himself, and threw another mask to Karin.

Karin frowned and looked at the wizard lying on the table:

He was very young, probably in his thirties, with a pale face and a pair of blue eyes staring straight at the ceiling.

"How did this wizard die?" the girl asked in a low voice.

"After my preliminary judgment, he was killed by a dementor." Luo Fu said slowly: "The dementor sucked out his soul."

"Dementor?" Karin frowned: "Is he a prisoner in Azkaban?"

Even she had heard of the infamous Azkaban and Dementors, which was a wizard prison as famous as Nurmengard.

"I did find him in Azkaban." Rolf nodded and said:

"Yesterday, the British Minister of Magic and I went to Akazban Prison for investigation, and accidentally discovered this body in a lake at the bottom of the island."

"Do you know him?" Karin asked, and then quickly responded: "Since you discovered it by chance, you probably don't know him."

Luo Fu was silent for a moment and said quietly:

"On the contrary... I know him."

……water chestnut

This chapter has been completed!
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