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Chapter 23 Son of Grindelwald?!

Luofu narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the strange skull.

It seems to be made of crystal, shining with crystal luster under the candlelight.

It's just that head, with a wide and flat mouth, a long skull, a flat top surface, a wider back of the head, and a row of sharp long teeth... It's obviously not a human skull, more like some kind of magical creature.

The flames burned fiercely, and long shadows were cast on the stone walls. Using the bright light, Roof looked around and quickly scanned the entire room.

The room was empty. There was a square hole cut out of the wall in front of me, like a closet, where the skull was placed.

It seems that it is the item that Dumbledore asked Rolf to take away!

The boy was about to reach out and pick up the skull, when it suddenly opened its mouth and made a crunching and vibrating sound. Then, two blood-red human eyes suddenly appeared in the empty eye sockets.

The two eyes moved rapidly, then stopped slowly after a moment, and looked at Luo Fu. The young man's scalp was numb, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

The skull stared at Rolf, and said in a hoarse, smoky voice: "Where is Grindelwald?"

"Grindelwald is in Nurmengard." Rolf stared at his head cautiously and said, "It's not convenient for him to come here. I'm here to help him get you."

"What is your relationship with Grindelwald?" Skull asked again.

Rolf was immediately angry. Should he say that he was the student of Grindelwald's ex-boyfriend... or the grandson of his ex-boyfriend's best friend?

He thought for a while and said softly: "I am Dumbledore's student."

"Dumbledore?" The skull sneered and said in a stiff voice: "Grindelwald is getting together with that guy again?"

Rolf didn't know whether the skull was describing a relationship or a certain action. He didn't answer and asked instead:

"and who are you?"

"I am the son of Scylla, the undead, the avenger, the ruler and guardian of the island, the immortal dragon king..."

The skull said a series of names comparable to "Dragon Mother", but Rolf only remembered Scylla.

"Son of Scylla?"

He remembered that Myrcella said that the three mermaid sisters who guarded the Fountain of Good Luck were named Palserope, Siren and... Scylla.

Rolf raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know Palserope?"

"That's my mother's sister, a traitor." The skull shouted in a sharp voice: "Do you know her?"

"I don't know you, but I've heard of it." Luo Fu laughed and said, "You are from the island where the Good Luck Fountain is located, right? How come you are here?"

"Grindelwald brought me out." The skull said hoarsely, with a dry and hoarse voice, "But this liar...he said he wanted to help me avenge...but left me here for decades."

The skull cursed Grindelwald full of resentment. Rolf felt a little impatient and interrupted:

"Your mother is Scylla, who is your father?"

The skull suddenly shut up.

Rolf narrowed his eyes, it couldn't be Grindelwald, could it?

In the silent corridor, Karin held a lantern and waited anxiously for Rolf.

He entered the cell, opened another hole, and got in. However, it had been a long time and he didn't come out again. He didn't know if something went wrong.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from the cage on the left.

"Little girl, how about we make a deal?"

Karin turned around and saw a thin old man standing at the door of the cell, holding the bars with both hands. His face was gray and haggard, with thin cheeks, sunken eye sockets, and gray hair.

"What deal?" Karin asked casually.

"I have gold in Gringotts." The old man grinned, showing his yellow teeth and said: "Countless gold... I can give it to you... I will tell you where the key to the vault is..."

"As a trade, how about you give me a firefly lantern in your hand?"

"Is there really a lot of gold?" Karin deliberately showed a greedy expression.

"There is indeed a lot, I can give it to you." The old man put his cheek close to the fence and said seductively: "You will never be able to use up the gold in your lifetime... You can enjoy happiness that you can't imagine."

"Then I want one million galleons." Karin looked at him with a smile: "As long as you give it to me, I will give you the lantern."

The old man's smile suddenly froze, and then he said with a gloomy face: "Why don't you want a golden mountain?"

"Then I want a mountain of gold." Karin smiled and said, "That's what you said."

The old man's face immediately turned gloomy, and he yelled: "You are looking for death... Since you have rejected my deal, let's die here together!"

He widened his eyes, chanted a spell in his mouth, and a ball of purple light passed through the fence and shot outward at high speed.

Karin didn't expect that the old man could cast spells without a wand. She didn't have a wand, so she could only step back.

But the curse was not aimed at her, but at the two lanterns in her hands.

The purple light hit the lantern, and the glass cover shattered. The two fireflies broke free and flew towards the sky.

The old man laughed heartily.

In the deep pit, a low roar suddenly came, and along with a sharp sound breaking through the air, a huge tail twisted out in a huge arc and stabbed Karin fiercely.

Karin hid to one side in embarrassment, and the cell door was instantly smashed into pieces.

The spiked tail changed its target and flew towards the prisoner who was knocked unconscious by Luofu. The sharp thorns went straight into his chest.

The prisoner was awakened by the pain. He let out a heartbreaking cry and stretched out his hand to press the wound. His arm was soaked in bright red.

The next second, the tail dragged the prisoner's body towards the pit, and later the sound of a scorpion-tailed beast devouring the body was heard.

The thin sounds of tearing and chewing made Karin's hair stand on end. Her face became paler and she had no choice but to pass through the broken cell door and run towards the room.

After the girl saw the hole opened by Luofu, she drilled in with a shovel.

While Rolf was communicating with the head, he heard shouting from behind him. He turned around and saw Karin's figure.

"What happened?"

"Those two lanterns were broken by a prisoner." Karin explained anxiously: "He can cast spells without a wand."

Luofu let out a light ooh, then picked up the head and said, "That's troublesome."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw four or five fist-sized bulges bulging out of the originally flat ground. The top was like a fountain with mud gushing out, and little manticores emerged from it.

The swarm of scorpions was like a tide, and soon trapped Luo Fu and Karin in the middle.

Luofu looked at the group of manticores and suddenly asked: "Karin, can you dance?"

"Ah?" Karin looked at the boy blankly.

"Come, let me teach you a dance."


(Thanks to "I love a piece of firewood", "The Yodel of Good Life" and "Disciples don't have to be inferior to teachers" for their rewards.)

This chapter has been completed!
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