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Chapter 29 Grindelwald: Rolf, I will train you well!

When friends with hemorrhoids meet, they should leave some space alone for warmth.

So, Rolf followed Dumbledore's advice and wandered around Nurmengard.

But to be honest, there is really nothing to visit here. The huge castle is almost completely deserted. When strong winds blow, high-pitched and terrifying screams are emitted from the cracks in the stones, like the laughter of ghosts having a feast.

The young man trudged through the overgrown weeds to another tower, and then walked along the dilapidated stairs towards the top of the building.

At the end of the stairs is a wooden door.

The wood was almost completely rotten. When Rolph stretched out his hand to touch it, the wood immediately broke. Long strips of damp wood peeled off, and half of the door almost hit him.

Luo Fu was a little speechless, there were really traps everywhere.

He walked out quickly and found that the roof of the building was a garden with a fountain in the center. However, it was now a stagnant pool, filled with the smell of decay and decay, which was strong and incense.

In the center of the fountain, there is a tall elder tree planted, about five meters high, with luxuriant branches and leaves that cover the entire roof of the building.

This elderberry is also the only plant on the entire roof.

Luofu walked around the tree and was wondering why elder trees were planted here when he was suddenly attracted by something. He walked quickly to the tree and stared up at the trunk.

On the tree trunk, there is clearly a blood-colored human face, but the face is blurred and the appearance cannot be clearly seen. There is also a pair of blood-red eyes, as if looking down at Luofu coldly.

"This tree comes from Valhalla... to use words more familiar to you, it comes from Avalon."

An old voice sounded.

Luofu suddenly turned around and saw a rickety figure standing at the door, staring at him.

Grindelwald appeared here at some point. Rolf looked out, but did not see Dumbledore.

"The exchange with hemorrhoid friends is over so soon?"

This thought flashed through Luo Fu's mind, and he whispered: "Is it the island with the good luck spring?"

"That's right." Grindelwald walked slowly over, and when he passed the fountain, a lone fallen leaf drifted down, swept across his forehead, and fell into the pool.

Grindelwald bent down, picked up the leaf, put it in his mouth, and chewed it gently.

"I once went to that island and brought back many tree species and planted them in Nurmengard, but most of them were dead. Only later did I discover that they need to be watered with blood before they can take root and sprout in this land."

"Watered with blood?" Luo Fu was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect the elderberry to be able to suck blood.

He thought for a while and asked curiously: "Is there anything special about this tree?"

"Its leaves have the effect of quickly restoring magic power." Grindelwald said, "There was a snake tree planted here before, which has powerful healing power... It's a pity that I accidentally killed it."

Rolf suddenly remembered that Ilvermorny also had a snake tree, and its leaves could also heal injuries.

"Actually, this kind of tree is not very special in Valhalla."

Grindelwald walked slowly to the foot of the tree. He looked at the faces on the tree with his sunken eyes and said in a hoarse voice:

"The reason why I brought tree species back is because all the trees there have a face on their trunks.

I really want to know if it will grow the same face if it is planted here." Heng

Luofu's eyes showed surprise, "Didn't you carve this on it?"

"No." Grindelwald shook his head, coughed slightly, and said, "You can put your ear to your face and listen carefully."

After hesitating for a moment, Luofu walked to the tree and put his ear close to the face. He suddenly felt a beating: bang-dong, bang-dong, bang-dong.

Like distant muffled thunder, it sounded in the young man's ears, making a deep trill with every beat.

Luofu closed his eyes tightly, and he seemed to see a bloody heart beating slowly and lowly.

He frowned and said, "This tree has a heart?"

"No." Grindelwald shook his head.

He waved his arm, and a magic spell fell on the tree. A bright red blood flower bloomed where the magic spell hit, and a red line slowly flowed down the tree trunk.

"I once cut down a tree like this, and it would leave bright red blood, but after peeling off the bark, it looked exactly like any other ordinary tree, and there was no heart inside."

"Where did that beating sound come from?" Luo Fe was a little confused.

"I don't know either...including who this face is, I don't know who it is."

Grindelwald folded another leaf and put it into his mouth to chew. He said in a deep voice: "I have asked the wizards on that island, but they don't know."

"There are still wizards living on that island?" Rolf asked suspiciously.

He originally thought that there were only three siren sisters on the island who guarded the treasure.

"Over the past thousands of years, countless wizards and Muggles have landed on that island. Some wanted to find the fountain of good luck, some wanted immortality, and some accidentally stumbled in while going out to sea."

Grindelwald looked at Rolf, he smiled slightly and said:

“If things go on like this, many people will naturally stay there and reproduce their own offspring.

In short, Valhalla is a wonderful world, and I recommend you to go there."

Rolf was noncommittal.

Grindelwald didn't care, he just looked into the distance, overlooking the stretching forests and mountains.

"I asked Albus to go to Ecosta Prison to get a skull. Is it at your place?"

"Put it in my box and bring it to you later," said Luo Fe.

"Do you know where he comes from?" Grindelwald asked suddenly.

"He said he was the son of Scylla and came from that island." Rolf hesitated and whispered: "But I doubt his words."

"Why do you doubt it?" Grindelwald turned to look at the boy.

"I have a friend who is a two-tailed golden mermaid." Rolf said, "She is very beautiful, as are all the mermaids in their tribe. This appearance is inherited from their ancestor Palselope.

And Scylla is Palselope’s sister, and she is also a beautiful mermaid.”

"But her son, judging from his skull, doesn't look like a mermaid, but looks like..." Heng

"A stunted dragon?" Grindelwald laughed.

"That's right." Luofu nodded.

"I didn't expect you to know these secrets." Grindelwald sighed:

"Then you should also know that Palserope left the island for the ancient Greek wizard Odysseus and suffered a curse from then on?"

"Geyscale." Rolf replied.

"Yes, greyscale... all the female descendants of Parselope will get this disease and eventually die in pain." Grindelwald said calmly:

"But the person who really tempted Perselope to leave the island was her sister Scylla."

"So, Scylla is also cursed, and her son will turn into a monster like a dragon."

Luo Fu suddenly realized it. Just when he was still about to ask, he suddenly saw a figure appearing on the mountains in the distance.

The man was walking quickly down the stone steps.

The young man exclaimed and asked in confusion: "Why is Professor Dumbledore gone?"

"Albus has returned to Berlin." Grindelwald looked at the figure and said in a hoarse voice: "He still has to preside over the International Federation of Wizards and cannot stay here for long."

Luofu looked confused, "What about me?"

"Albus asked you to stay in Nurmengard temporarily." Grindelwald looked at the boy and showed an unexpectedly deep smile.

"He asked me to train you for a few days."


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