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Chapter 54 The third wooden coffin

It took Rove more than ten seconds to dispose of the "special gift" left by Margaery.

He also had such peak hand speed in his previous life, that is, when someone borrowed his mobile phone, he deleted the browsing history at an astonishing speed.

It can only be said that people can indeed burst out with amazing power at the critical moment when they are about to die.

However, I have to say that several of the uniforms, both in terms of style and thinness, are indeed very good, and Luofu likes them very much.

Of course, this kind of like is purely based on the angle of others wearing it, rather than his own special hobbies!

After disposing of the clothes, Rove checked the corners and under the bed to prevent Margaery from putting some gadgets that vibrated at the touch of a remote control, which would damage his glorious image.

After cleaning the room, Newt finally returned from the Forest of Dean and sat on the sofa with a tired face.

Soon, Shirley took the freshly brewed black tea and placed it on the coffee table. After saying hello softly, she quickly walked back to the kitchen to help Tina.

Newt picked up the teacup and took a sip without changing his expression. When he saw his precious grandson looking at him, he asked, "Rolph, what's wrong with you?"

Luofu tilted his head toward the kitchen and asked in a low voice: "Grandpa, aren't you surprised to see Shirley?"

"Not surprised." The old man shook his head and said in a warm voice:

"Albus wrote to me, saying that you used the portkey to return to England from Berlin, but I waited for a few days and didn't see you, so I knew that you should have gone to find Shirley.

I also asked your grandma to clean up the room for you two."

Rolf raised his eyebrows slightly. No wonder Grandma Tina was very attentive to the autistic Newt back then.

Newt looked at the boy through his thick bangs and whispered, "I'll bring her home this time...are you still going?"

"I'm not leaving." Rolf shook his head and said, "I plan to let Shirley live at home during the holidays. The environment at the convent is too bad, so I don't plan to let her go back again."

"Well, you can make your own decision." Newt smiled: "But your grandma and I both like Shirley. She is a good child."

"My vision is correct." Luofu grinned and said: "But there is another reason why I haven't come back for so many days..."

"Did something happen?"

Rolf hummed softly and said, "I found Ravenclaw's tomb near the monastery where Shirley is."

"Ravenclaw's tomb?" Newt was not too surprised, because he knew that Rolf had gone back a thousand years ago and had contact with the Four Giants... It was not surprising to know the location of the tomb.

Luofu quickly recounted everything that had happened in the past few days.

Newt thought carefully. After a long time, he said with some doubts:

"Shirley can pass through the tomb door, and she lives in a monastery near Ravenclaw's tomb...could she be a descendant of Ravenclaw?"

"No." Rolf said with certainty: "When Ravenclaw and Helena died, the Ravenclaw family was completely extinct, leaving no bloodline, but..."

He paused and continued: "She may have some relationship with someone among the four giants. I am just guessing specifically..."

"That's right." Newt nodded. Seeing that Rolf didn't want to say more, he didn't ask further.

"In addition to the corpses of Ravenclaw and Helena, I also found a very strange thing." Rolf said.


"A wooden coffin... The coffin was very big, but there was no writing on it. There was only a mark engraved on the lid."

"Deathly Hallows." Newt muttered.

"How do you know?" Luo Fu was a little surprised, "Did you also encounter that ghost ship?"

"I haven't encountered a ghost ship, but I have seen that wooden coffin in one place." Newt said seriously.


"Forbidden Forest... Centaurs Tribe!"

"Horse tribe?" Hearing this familiar name, Luo Fe was a little stunned for a moment.

"You should know that I have been to the centaurs tribe many times before."

Rolf nodded and said: "I heard Ronan talk about this. You also brought them fireworks and food to Hogsmeade, but then you never went there again."

"There's a reason why you didn't go," Newt recalled:

"At that time, there was a disease in the horse tribe that no one could cure, so I stayed there for half a year.

Once, when the horse people tribe was holding a sacrifice, I accidentally saw a wooden coffin, which was the wooden coffin you described.

The centaurs leader was very angry and asked me to leave the tribe, and since then, I have never been there again."

Luo Fu pondered. If you count the wooden coffins of the centaurs tribe, there are already three identical coffins.

Or... these three wooden coffins are actually the same coffin?

Luo Fu was not sure, but he only had to go to the centaurs tribe and see the wooden coffin with his own eyes, and he would be sure... it was not the same coffin!

The young man mentioned the apple tree again. He took out a dozen golden apples and handed them to Newt:

"Grandpa, if you feel low energy, you can take one and it will restore your energy immediately."

"Oh, is it so magical?" Newt held the golden apple, looked at it carefully, and exclaimed:

"This golden apple reminds me of the snakewood tree in Ilvermorny. As long as you eat a leaf, your injury will be healed."

"I also thought of the snake tree." Rolf said: "I remember it was planted by Aesop Seal, the builder of Ilvermorny Magic School, right?"

"You have to ask your grandma, she is a graduate of Ilvermorny, and we both went to Hogwarts." Newt shouted with a smile:

"Tina, the snake tree in your school was planted by Aesop Seer, right?"

Tina was busy in the kitchen. She stuck her head out and asked doubtfully: "Why do you think of asking this?"

"Rolph brought some golden apples, which look like snakewood and have magical effects." Newt explained.

"Oh, that's right." Tina nodded and said, "The snake tree was indeed planted by Aesop Seer, but she planted not a seed, but a magic wand."


"That's right." Tina said in an old voice, "Every student of Ilvermorny knows the story about the founder of the school, Aesop Ther."

"She was born in the seventeenth century and was a pure-blood witch from Ireland. She later took the Mayflower to the New World of America and built Ilvermorny with her husband James Stewart." Tina said slowly:

"Later, Aesop Seal buried her wand in the ground. Within a year, a snake tree grew where the wand was buried. Its leaves have powerful medical effects."

A magic wand turned into magical snakewood...Rolf soon fell into deep thought.

This chapter has been completed!
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