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Chapter 57: Earthquake?

Rolf and Shirley stood on the balcony and admired the summer starry sky for a long time, and finally went to their respective rooms to sleep.

Lying on the soft big bed, Shirley couldn't sleep again. Whenever she closed her eyes, the figure of Rolf always flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help but want to go to his room and chat with him.

Of course she couldn't wake up Luo Fu, so she could only lie in bed and toss and turn, and only fell asleep in the middle of the night.

So, when she got up the next morning, Shirley inevitably became depressed.

Luofu walked out of the room and happened to meet the girl who was washing up. Seeing her sleepy face, he joked:

"I told you that the old house is haunted, and you didn't listen when I asked you to huddle with me last night. Do you believe me now?"

Shirley felt a little aggrieved, thinking that she was not thinking of someone else, but it was impossible to say such shameful words, so she had to remain silent.

Luofu returned to the room and quickly walked out. He handed over a golden apple and said with a smile: "Eat it quickly."

Shirley hesitated: "Would it be too wasteful?"

Golden apples can fill the user's body with energy, eliminate fatigue and sleepiness, and have no side effects... better than any spirit-boosting potion.

But eating a golden apple just after a bad night's sleep is too extravagant, isn't it?

Luofu put the apple into Shirley's hand, tapped her forehead with his finger, and said with a smile:

"What about the golden apples on the tree? It would be a waste to leave them there until you eat them. Besides, this is Ravenclaw's tree, not ours. If you don't eat it, you won't get it...obey me!"

Shirley nodded obediently, picked up the golden apple, and took a small bite. She only ate half of it, and then she felt so energetic that the girl refused to eat any more.

In the end, each of them digested more than half of the golden apple.

After eating the apples, they were not hungry for a while.

Rolf asked Tina not to prepare their breakfast, so he took Shirley out and wandered around the village, getting to know the neighbors.

Soon, they met Ephias Dorje, whom they met yesterday. He was scratching his head and quarreling with an old witch at the intersection.

Shirley looked at the old witch. She had a wrinkled face, a hooked nose, red eye circles, and a pink feather hat. She looked like a bad-tempered flamingo.

It can also be seen from the scene that she is not a good-tempered witch. After all, she can make the kind-hearted Elphias Dorje's neck red with anger... which is evident.

"This is the Muriel I told you yesterday." Rolf whispered.

Shirley understood and understood that this was the person with a bad temper, harsh words, and a tendency to rely on her elders...Muriel.

Muriel also noticed Luo Fu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and the ridiculously beautiful girl next to him.

"Grandma Muriel, long time no see." Luofu greeted with a smile.

"Oh, Rolf, you're back." Muriel said in a sharp voice: "Who is this red-haired girl?"

"The classmates that Luofu brought back." Dorje said.

"Just a classmate?" Muriel snorted, obviously not believing this statement, and she asked doubtfully:

"This red hair cannot be the daughter of the Weasley family. Could it be Ginny?"

"That's not right." Muriel glared and said, "I just met that girl last Christmas. She had annoying freckles on her face. Her skin is not as good as this little girl's, and she is not as dewy as she is..."

"Did Arthur and Molly secretly have another daughter? This is normal. Weasley reproduces as fast as a goblin."

"Grandma Muriel, her name is Shirley Swinton, but she is a child of the Weasley family." Rolf corrected.

"Swinton?" Muriel asked in confusion: "Which family name is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Shirley grew up in a Muggle family," Rolf said.

"Oh, a Muggle family." Muriel stopped talking.

Luofu naturally understood what she meant by contempt, and said without changing his expression:

"Shirley, get a chair for Grandma Muriel. She is already one hundred and four years old. Standing for a long time is not good for her health."

Shirley nodded. She waved her wand and pointed it at two small stones on the roadside. The stones immediately turned into two mahogany easy chairs with swan-neck-like legs.

The chairs are also decorated with luxurious Utrecht yellow rose velvet.

Duoji clapped his hands vigorously and praised:

"What a beautiful transfiguration, kid. I dare say that even Albus at your age is not as good at transfiguration as you!"

Muriel looked at Shirley in shock. She stared for more than ten seconds and cursed in her heart. Even if she has been so long and brought disaster to the country and the people, she still has such an outstanding talent in transformation... What a crime!

Shirley smiled humbly and said, "Grandpa Elphias, I'm still far behind."

"Shirley, you are too modest." Dorje sat on the chair, looked at Muriel again, and asked: "What do you think, this hand deformation technique?"

He teased: "Oh, I remember, you didn't even get the O.W.Ls certificate for transfiguration back then. Looking at my memory, I'm really old."

Muriel glared at Dorje fiercely, then plopped down on the chair, as if she wanted to crush him.

"What were you arguing about just now?" Rove asked.

"We're talking about the Daily Prophet." Muriel smiled maliciously and said, "You're a great kid now."

Luofu wondered: "What's wrong?"

"You were covered all last year. I thought that this summer, with the International Confederation of Wizards and the Quidditch World Cup, the news about you would stop for a while."

"I didn't expect that you saved another boatload of wizards, and Rita even wrote an article about you!"

Luo Fu narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Did she say bad things about me?"

Not long ago, in the bathroom of the German Ministry of Magic, he gave Rita a harsh and unceremonious beating. She might indeed write an article scolding him.

"No, but I praise you... you are elegant, easy-going, and have outstanding talent." Muriel sneered:

"This is amazing. That woman never says good things about others. Just like in the report about the International Federation of Wizards Conference, she called Albus... a dictatorial and rigid old madman!"

"I said it." Duoji interrupted rudely and angrily: "You can't believe the article written by that woman Skeeter. She is just an old crow who likes to make trouble over nothing."

Dorje's face turned as red as a carrot again. Apparently...he was arguing with Muriel about this article that insulted Dumbledore.

"Look at you, you are so anxious...Ephias," Aunt Muriel said with a giggle, "I know you admire Dumbledore, you have always regarded him as a saint!"

"But before Albus became a saint, there were some very funny rumors!"

"Muriel!" Dorje exclaimed, "What nonsense did you say in front of the children?"

Muriel was obviously deliberately trying to seduce Rolf into asking about the "funny rumors" about Dumbledore.

But Rolf knew that she wanted to talk about Dumbledore's sister Ariana, so he said coldly:

"Grandma Muriel, although you are an elder, I have to remind you that you should not judge others for their faults before doing their business."

Mu Li was choked immediately. She was still about to say something, but the chair shook violently, almost throwing her to the ground.

Luo Fe felt the vibration of the earth, looked at the houses shaking in the distance, and the dust on the streets, and wondered:


(Thanks to "Book Friends" and "Once Bitten by a Cat" for their tips.)

This chapter has been completed!
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