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Chapter 96: Luofu, where is my daughter?

As time passed, the Hogwarts Express finally arrived at its destination and stopped at the dilapidated Hogsmeade Station.

After getting out of the train, Luofu looked up at the night sky and saw the heavy rain, driven by the strong wind, crackling and hitting the ground, as if he would not stop until the fish drowned.

Rolf recalled carefully, and suddenly realized that the several times he arrived at the Hogsmeade platform at the beginning of school, it seemed to be such a rainy weather... the same buff as the inevitable rain in the college entrance examination.

But considering this is the UK, rain is normal.

Standing under the dilapidated awning, Shirley stretched out her hand to catch the rain, and the raindrops pattered on her palms. She whispered: "It's raining so hard."

Luo Fu also imitated the girl's example of catching rainwater. He sighed softly: "Yes, it's raining heavily. Now is also a good time to fish for thunder sturgeons."

As a magical fish that can generate electricity, thunder sturgeons are particularly active during thunderstorms and are most likely to bite hooks.

Luo Fu has become addicted to fish again. Now he really wants to take a small boat and go to the Black Lake to throw two rods to satisfy his addiction.

As for whether you will be struck by lightning? If you can’t fish in various extreme environments, can you still be called a fisherman?!

When Shirley heard what Rove said, she gently pulled out her wand and pointed it at her palm. She took the boy's hand again, palm to palm, and winked mischievously:

"gave it to you."

Luofu looked down and saw a fish turned from rainwater, swimming happily in his hand. A soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said:

"Shirley, thank you for your gift. I will keep it in the fish tank."

The ponytail girl pursed her lips and smiled happily.

In the distance, a familiar shout suddenly sounded. "Freshmen! Freshmen all come here!"

Hagrid strode over, holding a small pink umbrella in his hand.

The umbrella was not small, but judging from Hagrid's physique, it was indeed very small. It could only barely cover his head, and the clothes on his body were all wet.

Hagrid soon saw Rolf and shouted:

"Rolf, I saw the Daily Prophet. Is the Norwegian Spinosaurus who helped you save the Aerial Dragon Norbert?"

Not only Shirley, but also Hermione and Neville looked at Rolf with a smile, especially Hermione, with a look of gloating on his face.

I can’t blame them for their expressions...Rolf told Hagrid back then that he would take Norbert to the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary, stay in a big house, eat rare steak, and enjoy the boundless prairie.

But Rolf actually kept Norbert in his box.

This is like telling others that you want to take their daughter Run out and enjoy the best treatment in the world... In fact, secretly, you have been keeping a sweetheart in the golden house, and you have cultivated it since you were a child.

Now that the old father has discovered the clues and comes to visit me again, it will naturally be very embarrassing.

However, with the attitude that as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed, so Luofu smiled cheekily and said: "It's Norbert."

"Oh, my poor son left me when he was a few months old. At that time, he was still a little caterpillar. Although he didn't look like my mother, his personality followed mine."

Hagrid burst into tears and took out a stained bandana and buried his face in it.

"I'm so happy to see it grow up safe and sound... I didn't know it still remembered me as its mother."

Rolf smiled and reminded: "Hagrid, Norbert is a female dragon. I told you before."

Hagrid looked surprised. He clearly remembered that it was a fire dragon with a handle, and he even played with it.

After making an appointment with Hagrid to meet Norbert, Rolf and his party walked along the rough and muddy road towards the Thestral carriage.

They got into the car and drove off, their horses' hooves splashing like rain and mud behind them.

At this time, there were only a few students left on the platform.

Harry and Ron did not leave, they were still looking around, looking for Draco Malfoy.

In the past, Malfoy took the initiative to provoke him, but this time it was different. They both wanted to cause trouble for Malfoy.

On the night of the Quidditch World Cup, they were attacked, and Ron was so beaten that it took him several days to recover.

And Lucius Malfoy, the mastermind behind the scenes, was actually acquitted. The two of them wanted revenge too much... they couldn't beat the older one, so they had to beat the younger one.

However, Malfoy was also ruthless and spent the whole day hiding in the Slytherin carriage without even going to the toilet, leaving them both with no chance to fuck him hard.

This will be the last chance. When they arrive at Hogwarts, Malfoy will have Snape to support him.

"Hey, Harry Potter!" a voice said.

Harry looked up suddenly and saw Malfoy standing by the window of the train carriage, looking down at the two of them.

Next to Malfoy stood two fat men, Goyle and Crabbe.

"You and Weasley have been hanging around the door of the Slytherin carriage, looking for me?" Malfoy smiled sarcastically.

"Yes, we are looking for you." Harry said loudly:

"It's a pity that Rolf's fire dragon didn't burn your father to death, but he must have been burned, right?

We want to find out something from you."

Malfoy's face did not flush, but there was a faint blush on his pale cheeks. He said slowly:

"If I were you, Potter, I would be very careful. Even though you were lucky to survive that night, you will end up on the same path as your parents sooner or later."

"Before that, I will definitely send your parents to Azkaban!" Harry said tit for tat.

Malfoy cleared his throat and sneered: "Guess where I am now?"

Harry looked at the carriage and was suddenly startled. He remembered that it was the carriage they had taken before.

"Do these luggages look familiar to you?" Malfoy picked up a suitcase and placed it on the window sill, and said with a wicked smile:

"What will happen if I drop it?"

Ron saw that it was his suitcase and glared at him: "How dare you?!"

Malfoy smiled proudly. He unzipped the box and was about to dump the things, but suddenly he saw something interesting and stopped.

Ron had an ominous premonition, and then he saw a very "unique" dress appear in Malfoy's hand.

It looks like a maroon velvet dress, with ruffles that look like mold on the neckline, and matching lace on the cuffs.

It's not so much a dress as it is an antique with a sense of the times.

"Look what I found!" Malfoy laughed:

"Whose thing is this - needless to say it's you - poor Weasley!"

Malfoy let out a high-pitched jeer, and Crabbe and Goyle behind him also giggled, their voices rough and harsh.

"Your family can't afford a new dress, so there's no need to use your great-great-grandmother's clothes, right? Hahaha~"

"Go to hell, Malfoy!" Ron cursed, his face turning as red as his frock coat.

Harry suddenly raised his wand and shouted: "Expelliarmus!"

Malfoy was hit by the curse and flew backwards.

Harry and Ron hurriedly went against the flow of people and returned to the train along the stairs, ready to give Malfoy a good beating.

As for the sorting ceremony...what is that?

After an unknown amount of time, the door slammed shut and the train started slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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