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Chapter 99 The Temptation of Warriors

If Professor Snape was just livid when he was forced to deduct points from Slytherin before, then now he fully explains what it means... to be furious and furious.

Especially Snape's face, which was already red and warm, brighter than the newly painted red coffin. Everyone was really afraid that he would suddenly turn around and strangle Harry and others to death.

Harry, Ron and Malfoy were also trembling, standing behind Snape as if they were minions, not daring to breathe.

"Severus, thank you for your hard work. Go back to your room quickly and change into clean clothes." Dumbledore said, "As for the five of you, please return to the dining table."

Snape snorted fiercely, glared at several people fiercely, and then left the auditorium.

After the auditorium became quiet again, Dumbledore coughed and continued: "Where did I just say? Oh, a thousand Galleons!"

"The winner can win honor for his school, and he can also receive a prize of one thousand galleons personally." Dumbledore said with a slight smile:

"In October, the principals of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will lead their carefully selected competitors, and the ceremony to select the warriors will also be held on Halloween."

Dumbledore looked around, and the students he saw all puffed up their chests.

"Anyone... can sign up, but in the end only one student can become the warrior of Hogwarts."

The students all started whispering.

"Tonight, there is one last thing." Dumbledore opened his arms in a welcoming gesture, and his rich voice echoed in the auditorium,

“Enjoy your dinner!”

All the empty plates were suddenly filled with food, and the atmosphere in the entire auditorium suddenly became lively.

Harry and Ron, soaked all over, found an empty seat at the Gryffindor table and sat down. Their faces were covered in large bruises and redness, obviously full of stories and accidents.

They thought everyone would be curious about what was going on, especially Ron, who wrote several short essays about "punching Malfoy and kicking Goyle" on the way... but no one cared about him at all.

While everyone was eating, they were whispering excitedly to their neighbors and discussing the Triwizard Tournament.

"What are you talking about?" Harry couldn't help but ask: "What competition, what warriors?"

"Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are going to hold the Triwizard Tournament together!" Dean Thomas said excitedly:

"Each school will select one student to participate in the competition."

"Why do you want to participate in this?" Ron bit into the pie and asked, "I mean...are there any benefits?"

"Ron, becoming a warrior is a great honor!" Seamus said with a smile: "The champion will also receive a thousand Galleons reward."

"One thousand Galleons?!" Ron was shocked by this number. He was so excited that a small piece of pie got stuck in his throat.

Ron coughed hard a few times and choked out some crispy skin before he recovered, and then said excitedly: "Merlin, you are actually rewarded with so much money?"

He had never seen so many galleons in his life.

In fact, most of the time, their family's treasury only has a measly few Galleons. The most they received was seven hundred Galleons when they won the Daily Prophet's jackpot last year.

However, the whole family soon went to Egypt and consumed all the galleons.

"I want to participate!" Ron said in a low voice excitedly. His face lit up with excitement at the thought of the possibility of obtaining such honor and wealth.

"My dear little brother, everyone wants to participate." George said, shaking his head.

"That's right." Fred pointed at himself with his thumb and said, "This means you have to compete with us."

Ron stopped talking.

"How can I become a warrior?" Harry asked, "What are we competing against?"

If it was compared to test scores or brewing potions, he would definitely not be selected, but if it was compared to riding a broomstick, he still had a good chance.

"I don't know." Fred shook his head, "Dumbledore didn't say."

Hermione did not participate in the discussion. She ate her dinner and stared at the Rune Dictionary placed on a milk jug.

Seeing Hermione so calm, Ginny felt that she should know something, so she asked: "Hermione, do you know how to choose a warrior?"

Everyone looked at Hermione, she was Gryffindor's famous know-it-all, there was nothing she didn't know.

Hermione nodded as expected, "You can understand it as selecting the warriors in a way similar to the Sorting Hat, but I can't be more specific."

Lavender Brown wanted to know more clearly, so he deliberately asked: "Which book is this recorded in?"

When Hermione saw everyone looking at her, a smile suddenly appeared on her face. "It's not recorded in any book, it was Rolf who told me."

"How did he know?"

"Dumbledore, Beauxbatons and the headmaster of Durmstrang were in Berlin during the summer to discuss restarting the Triwizard Tournament." Hermione explained:

"Rolf was at the scene and participated in the meeting."

Everyone looked shocked, but Ron thought he was bragging and said in a questioning tone:

"Hermione, we all know that Rolf is great, but how could he be a student in a meeting between three principals?"

"Rolf is not only a student, but also a famous wizard with an international reputation!" Hermione looked at Ron with a sharp look and retorted:

"He was even able to attend the International Federation of Wizards Conference and delivered an important speech. Isn't it normal for the three principals to discuss the Triwizard Tournament and let him sit in?"

"In fact, the principal of Beauxbatons originally proposed that one must be seventeen years old or older to participate in the competition. It was only after Luo Fei fought hard with her that this restriction was lifted!"

The students all looked at each other, feeling more and more shocked.

Many young wizards, not to mention the international situation, don't even care much about current affairs in the UK. What they discuss every day is either what to eat, how much homework they have done during the summer vacation, or recreational activities such as Quidditch.

The International Federation of Wizards and the Ministry of Magic are too majestic and distant for them. They really don't understand Rove's international reputation now, and they treat him as a slightly famous student.

They couldn't even imagine that Luo Fe could sit down and have a meeting with the three principals and change their decisions... It was simply amazing!

Harry suddenly remembered that Percy had been praising Rove during the summer vacation and hoped to use him to get in touch with officials from the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards.

He was a little surprised at the time, but now he feels it even more deeply.

"I love Rolf!" George laughed and said, "Fortunately, the age limit has been lifted. We won't be seventeen until April next year. By then, the competition will probably be over."

"But this means that Rolf can also sign up." Ginny said with a smile, "There is only one quota per school."

Ginny's words were like ice water, pouring on everyone's heads.

Only then did they realize the cruel truth. There was only one spot in Hogwarts... Why should they be warriors?

To put it more bluntly, who can steal the Warriors spot from Rove?

Many students realized this after getting excited, gradually became quiet, and then turned to look at Luo Fe.

For a moment, it seemed as if the entire auditorium was watching one person at the same time.

The boy sat on the Hufflepuff table and just ate quietly.

(Thanks to the boss of "River of Time" for the tip.)

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