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Chapter 105: Luofus little plan

Professor McGonagall began to explain the Transformation Spell, and dense writing quickly appeared on the blackboard.

Professor McGonagall has decades of teaching experience, and her blackboard writing is beautiful in handwriting and well-organized layout... If Hogwarts holds a blackboard writing contest, she will definitely be the well-deserved champion.

People like Snape and Hagrid are not worthy of carrying her shoes.

However, although blackboard writing is beautiful, when it comes to content, it is very complicated, difficult, boring and boring.

At least this is the case for many students. They clearly know every word, but when combined together, they just can’t understand it!

If it were History of Magic, everyone would have fallen asleep and woke up again during the intermission, but in Professor McGonagall's class, no one dared to sleep.

But the conversion spell was really difficult to understand. Susan could only rub her sleepy eyes and asked for help:

"Hannah, what is the magic twin theorem?"

Hannah pulled her braids hard and said with pain on her face:

"I don't know either. I walked around the edge effect of magic for a few seconds, and then I couldn't understand it at all."

She almost didn't recognize the words magic and transformation right away.

Hannah nudged Neville with her elbow again, wanting to ask if he understood, but Neville was still staring at the content written on the blackboard twenty minutes ago, trying to think immersively.

He suddenly said excitedly: "I understand... I finally understand the difference between plastic transformation and magic transformation."


Hannah and Susan sighed softly. They couldn't keep up with the rhythm in the first class. What will they do in the future?

The fourth-year transfiguration technique is indeed not a field that can be set foot in for guys like them who have not been able to achieve perfection in their third-year skills.

They looked at Shirley and Rolf again, both of whom seemed to be following Professor McGonagall's rhythm calmly, and they could even answer questions and add points to the college.

This must be at least a fourth grader, or even a peak fourth grader in transfiguration, right?

How terrifying!

After Professor McGonagall finished the theory, he said loudly:

"You already know the spell. Next, I need you to transfer the thorns from the hedgehog to the eggplant. Let me see how you do..."

Rolf also quickly found his own hedgehog. The little one was very big, but very timid. As soon as he touched it with his hands, it bent its head toward its belly, curled up into a ball, covered its head and limbs, and raised steel sticks all over its body.

Thorny thorns.

He waved his magic wand and tapped the hedgehog. A row of thorns soon appeared on the old eggplant. Although there were not many in number, it was a success.

Rolf cannot transfer too many thorns at once, because as the number of transferred objects increases, the transfer spell becomes more and more difficult to master.

If you move it forcibly, the hedgehog will be easily injured.

The boy glanced at Shirley. She didn't do anything, but took out a few pieces of chicken jerky from her pocket and fed it to her hedgehog.

Shirley is a Transfiguration genius. She has been studying privately with Professor McGonagall in the past few years. She even completed all the seventh grade Transfiguration courses a few months ago.

Rolf knew that the girl with the ponytail had a high level of transformation, but he was not sure how many floors there were, so he asked:

"Shirley, how many thorns can you transfer at one time?"

Shirley thought for a while, shook her head and said, "I don't know, I haven't tried it either."

"Try it now." Luofu said with a smile, "Let me see it."

The girl hummed, took out her wand, and clicked on the hedgehog. The dense thorns on its body disappeared in an instant, and all appeared on the eggplant.

Professor McGonagall knew about Shirley's level of transfiguration and knew that the transformation spell would not be difficult for her, so when she saw this scene, she still said in a very calm tone:

"Very good, Miss Swinton has completed the transformation spell...Ten points added to Ravenclaw."

After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, everyone looked towards the first row, and then saw the naked hedgehog on the table, which looked like a large mouse.

Many people still don't understand what a conversion spell is. Some people have succeeded, but they can only convert a few thorns onto eggplants... Like Shirley, they simply can't do it.

The students buzzed in shock.

Luofu also sighed. He finally realized what others often felt in him...the gap between people is sometimes bigger than that of dogs.

But the boy soon became happy and proud again... Hehe, my Shirley is really awesome!

Professor McGonagall quickly stepped down from the podium and inspected the progress of the students.

"Mr. Macmillan, if you do that to that hedgehog again, I will put you in solitary confinement!"

"Miss Lisa Dupin, eggplants are used to practice transformation spells, not for playing with them like that!"

"Mr. Justin Finch-Fletchley, I must remind you that I picked the eggplants from the greenhouse. They have not been washed and there is dragon dung fertilizer on them. Don't eat them again!"


The students stayed up until the bell rang, and they all ran towards the auditorium.

Near the foyer, Rolf and Shirley met Hermione. She had just finished class, but she looked very embarrassed and had a small hole burned on her sleeve.

"Hermione, what happened?" Shirley asked concerned.

"Oh, forget it." Hermione sighed, "Hagrid asked us to raise a group of Blast-Ended Skrewts in the Care of Magical Creatures class just now."

"Blast-tailed snail?" When she heard the name, Shirley was stunned and said, "What is that?"

She had been working as an assistant to Rove for three years, and she knew a lot about magical creatures, but she had never heard of this kind of creature.

"A very ugly magical creature." Hermione complained in an extremely disgusting tone: "That thing is very dangerous. It can burn people, sting people, and bite people. I don't know where Hagrid got it from.


"A magical creature that Hagrid cultivated himself." Rolf said. "As for what kind of magical creature it was hybridized with, I still don't know yet."

When she heard that the Blast-Ended Skrewt was a cross between magical creatures, Shirley was very surprised and said, "Isn't this kind of behavior prohibited by the Ministry of Magic?"

"That's right, it's forbidden." Luofu nodded.

"As early as 1965, the Ministry of Magic passed the Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments Act."

This small task was handled by Newt back then.

"If Hagrid is discovered by the Ministry of Magic, at least he will be placed on probation again, at worst he will be sent to Azkaban." Rolf said seriously:

"So, as friends, we must stop Hagrid and not let him continue to degenerate and wander on the edge of crime!"

Seeing the righteous look on the young man's face, Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed: "Then what should we do?"

"Of course, those explosive-tailed snails, including the magical creatures that were hybridized with them, will be confiscated." Luof said as if if I don't go to hell, who will?

"Just like we confiscated Nobel!"


Shirley and Hermione both looked at Rolf with small eyes. His calculation was so loud that everyone in Hogsmeade might hear it, let alone them both!

(Thanks to "Book Friends" and "Daoshan Jianshu Du Kefeng" for their tips)

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