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Chapter 107 Hogwarts Dance Teacher

As the name suggests, the "Law on the Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments" prohibits the artificial breeding of new magical creatures, but it does not interfere with the sexual intercourse of wild animals.

This is normal. No matter how broad your wizard's control is, can you still control who other people's magical creatures mate with?

Most magical creatures will not interbreed with different species. Just like what normal person would be tempted by the 'beauty' among chimpanzees?

Of course, individual wizards are not excluded. Not to mention goats and lizards, even dolphins, toothless snakes and snails are not spared... The main purpose is to hunt for novels.

Therefore, Hagrid insisted that he "picked up" the Blast-Ended Skrewt, and at most it would be confiscated from him, which would not really do anything to him.

This can be considered as a loophole in this method.

However, Hagrid seemed to have won the Blast-Ended Skrewt, but he also lost his reputation.

Last year, the hippogriff attacked Malfoy. In order to save its life, with the help of Rolf, Hagrid exercised great restraint and taught magical creatures that were also popular among students such as unicorns.

Hagrid won the love of many young wizards.

But this semester there was no crisis for Buckbeak. He let himself go again, and in less than three days, he used up all the good reputation he had accumulated over the past year.

Hagrid also became the second worst professor at Hogwarts in the shortest possible time.

As for the worst one, of course it is Professor Snape without any doubt!

He still maintains his habits of randomly deducting points, having a bad temper, and speaking in weird ways. It's surprising that he can be liked by students!

But what is surprising is that in the past, Snape would vent his tempered yin and yang energy on the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in revenge for them taking his position.

Quirrell, Lockhart and Sirius all suffered varying degrees of targeting and ridicule from Snape.

Especially for Quirrell and Lockhart, the long period of hospitalization made Snape addicted to being a temporary professor for several months.

But Snape did not do this this year. Instead, he seemed to be very afraid of Moody.

Even when eating in the Great Hall or passing each other in the corridor, Snape was avoiding Moody's eyes, whether it was the magical eye or the normal eye.

The little wizards were all wondering why Snape didn't dare to use the workplace bullying that Snape used on Moody!

There must be a story in this!

Soon, information about Moody was dug out by a group of students:

Veteran Auror - master of catching dark wizards - half of the cells in Azkaban are filled with him - war hero.

Then, the little wizard understood why Snape was so timid. It turned out that he was afraid of being caught in Azkaban.

Everyone is also looking forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. After all, just being an Auror is enough to fascinate the students, not to mention that Moody has other auras about him.

Friday morning,

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw House finally had their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. All students arrived at the classroom early. Even the laziest little badger didn't want to miss this class.

Soon the bell rang, and accompanied by thumping footsteps, Moody limped into the classroom.

When passing by Hannah, he saw her flipping through "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense" and Moody said in a rough voice:

"Kid, put that thing away, you won't need this kind of children's book in my class!"

The little wizards put the books into their schoolbags and looked at each other in confusion. Many of them thought this book was difficult, but they didn't expect that Moody would call it... a children's book.

Moody took out the roster, shook his head, shook his long gray hair away from his twisted, scarred face, and began to call names.

His normal eye moved down the list, while his magic eye kept turning around, staring at each student who responded.

When Rove was called, Moody raised his head and looked at the boy with both eyes. After a moment of pause, he continued to call the name. After the last student answered, Moody said:

"More than a month ago, I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore, inviting me, a retired bad old man, to come to Hogwarts to teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I replied and rejected him."

"Why, Professor Moody?" MacMillan asked boldly: "Do you think we are not qualified to learn from you?"

"Of course not, kid." Moody's magic eyes turned around, staring at MacMillan and said:

"All the wizards in the UK graduated from Hogwarts, including me, and there are many geniuses among you. How could you not be qualified to learn from me?


Moody paused and continued in a rough voice: "As you may know, I was an Auror before I retired. I have never been a teacher. I don't know how to teach students."

"How could it be!" Susan said with admiration, "My aunt said that you trained more than half of the Aurors in the Auror Office... You are the best Auror in history."

"Miss Bones, your aunt is Amelia Bones, huh," Moody said. "To be honest, she really flatters me."

"However, I did bring out many Aurors." Moody said in a hoarse voice: "But teaching Aurors and teaching students are completely different things!"

"What's different, Professor Moody?" Ravenclaw's Michael Corner wondered: "Don't they all teach magic?"

"No... Aurors will face all kinds of terrifying dark wizards and black magic in the most extreme environments!" Moody said solemnly:

"Therefore, they are learning real killing techniques!"

Moody looked at all the students and said coldly:

"But you are just staying in the safety of Hogwarts to play house, learning some beautiful but flashy dances... I'm sorry, I really can't think of a better word to describe it."

"Albus asked me, a cripple, to teach you how to dance. It will only end up being miserable."

"We are not dancing." Justin said unconvinced:

"We have mastered a lot of magic and learned how to deal with Boggarts, Red Hats, Kabbah and Grindylow...these dangerous dark magic creatures."

The rest of the class murmured their agreement.

Moody looked at Justin expressionlessly. "Oh, Boggart, red hat... so scary."

"So you are under the protection of the professor and waving wooden toys around to deal with a few magical creatures with low intelligence. Is that dangerous?" Moody smiled disdainfully and said:

"Have you ever seen piles of dead people, encountered Avada Kedavra flying a few inches above your head? Have you ever fought to the death with a group of Death Eaters?"

Moody looked at the crowd and said firmly:

“If you don’t have these, how do you have the right to say it’s dangerous?”

The whole classroom suddenly fell silent.

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