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Chapter 163 Shirley, lets go camping tonight!

Bathing animals is not a simple task. This statement must have a strong resonance for people who have raised cats.

A small animal of the size of a cat is so difficult to take care of, let alone a ichthyosaur that is a hundred times its size.

Even though Luofu drove the mud fish dragon into the beaver dam, he still encountered the strongest resistance from it.

But the more it resisted, the more excited Rolf became. He even used methods such as binding, whipping, and beating to make this guy submit.

In short, bathing a mud fish dragon is a process in which both parties suffer!

Of course, the beaver family living here suffered even more.

They were a family of four who had no worries about food and clothing, and were enjoying themselves happily. Then the lake at the door turned into a smelly ditch, and the lake-view house was collapsed by a mud ichthyosaur... How could it be such a tragedy!

Therefore, after cleaning the mud fish dragon, the young man did not leave in a hurry, but stayed to deal with the aftermath.

When Shirley came to the beaver dam, she saw Rolf squatting on a pile of trees floating on the river, chatting with two small beavers.

After Shirley appeared, the slightly larger sister Beaver was extremely vigilant and immediately jumped into the water with a plop.

Seeing that his brother was still clinging to the branch stupidly and not following him, he bit his tail hard and dragged him into the water.

However, the two little guys did not dive into the water. Instead, they came up together and looked at Shirley secretly with their little eyes.

The girl with the ponytail walked up to the boy and asked doubtfully: "Rolph, what are you doing here?"

"That ichthyosaur washed away the beaver dam, and I'm repairing the dam." Luo Fu pointed at the two small beavers and said with a smile, "They are the overseers."

A beaver dam is a "special reservoir" formed by beavers in the river channel by stacking saplings, branches or tips in an interlaced manner.

This kind of reservoir, like the dams built by humans, stores a large amount of river water. Once the dam is destroyed, it will cause floods and destroy the downstream ecology.

As the initiator, of course Rolf cannot let the "flood discharge" go and must shoulder the heavy responsibility of repairing it.

"Did you get it?" Rove asked.

Shirley hummed softly, took out a handful of white plants from her pocket and handed them to Luo Fu, saying softly:

"I picked a lot of ghost grass. I can give some to Hermione and Fleur when I see them later, so they don't have to go through the trouble of coming over."

Luofu took the ghost grass, looked up at Shirley, and said, "We may not have time to find them today."

Shirley glanced at the sky and asked doubtfully: "Isn't it still early?"

"It's still early." Luofu picked up a branch, stuck it in the water, and explained:

"But I have to build the river dam, and I have to help the beaver family repair their nest. It will probably be evening before I finish these things."

"We still need to collect dragon crystals, and then look for Hermione and Fleur. We may be busy until late at night, so why not go there tomorrow morning? What do you think?"

Shirley was stunned and said: "You mean, we are going to camp here tonight?"

"Yeah." Rolf nodded.

The girl with the ponytail's eyes lit up, "Just the two of us?"

"That's right." Luofu smiled, "But I basically didn't bring anything with me. I thought I could finish the game during the day, and I didn't want to spend the night here. I just put the box at Margaery's place..."

"It doesn't matter!" Shirley's eyes widened with spiritual energy. She grabbed Luo Fu's sleeve and said brightly:

"There is wood everywhere here. It doesn't matter if you don't bring a box. We can build a temporary shelter by ourselves."

"By the way, I also brought toiletries and a clean change of clothes."

Shirley showed off her wallet made from the skin of a deformed lizard, and said proudly, "Including your clothes."

"Why do you still have my clothes?" Luo Fu looked surprised.

"Have you forgotten?" Shirley said with a smile on her face, sticking out her tongue:

"During the summer vacation, you went to live in a convent for a few days. I helped you wash the clothes you changed, and you stayed here with me."

Luofu remembered that this was happening, and he was still strongly opposed to it at that time. After all, what's the point of asking a little girl to wash your underwear?

Seeing the young man looking straight at her, Shirley blushed and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm thinking that I can't let you do my laundry for nothing." Luofu said with a smile, "Let's do this. I'll wash the clothes you changed tonight, so we can be even."

The girl with the ponytail glared seductively. "Don't even think about it!"

Seeing what Luo Fu wanted to say, the shy Shirley quickly stood up and said, "I'm going to build a shelter, so I won't talk to you anymore."

After taking three or four steps, she suddenly remembered something, turned around again, blinked and said:

"By the way, Rolf, I just passed by a depression and saw a group of wild ducks..."

Luo Fu smiled knowingly and said: "When I finish repairing the dam, I will catch the fattest wild duck and make roast duck for you tonight."

Shirley's eyes turned into crescent moon smiles, and she ran into the distance with cheerful and light steps to find a place to build a shelter tonight.

The beaver siblings climbed back onto the tree trunk and jumped into the river again with a splash. The corners of Luo Fu's lips curled up and he said:

"I won't eat you two, so what are you afraid of?"

When Rolf and Shirley were chatting, they would use magic to block the sound. The students on the Quidditch field could only see them talking and laughing, but they had no idea what they were talking about.

But as Shirley was clearing fallen leaves and collecting dead branches and broken trees in the woods, Ludo gradually came back to his senses and said doubtfully:

"Swinton looks like he's getting ready to set up a shelter, are she and Scamander going to stay the night?

But it's only three o'clock in the afternoon. If they move quickly, they will definitely be able to collect the dragon crystal before evening and complete the first project first.

This will be much faster than other warriors, and the points will be much more. Isn't this more important than camping? How can they give up a great advantage like this? "

Ludo's tone was very anxious, as if he was betting on a dog.

When the students heard Ludo's words, they also talked to each other, like a swarm of bees buzzing.

Both Rolf and Shirley have a lot of admirers at Hogwarts.

Now I see the two of them camping together in the wilderness, a man and a woman alone.

Thinking of this, this group of students was jealous and wanted to rush into the competition site and burn this heretic with an obvious sour smell to death.

Rolf didn't know that a group of male students at Hogwarts were already considering assassinating him, so he still leisurely reinforced the dam and helped the beaver family repair their nest.

At this time, the mud in the river had settled and the river surface became clear again. Rove also dived into the bottom of the river and caught two plump trout.

Ralph went to catch wild ducks again, and picked berries and mushrooms on the way. When he returned to the lake, it was already evening.

Dusk is getting darker, and darkness gradually penetrates into the emptiness of the forest.

Shirley, who had already built the shelter, was sitting by a campfire, quietly waiting for Rove, as if she was waiting for him to come home.

This chapter has been completed!
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