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Chapter 168: When we eat, I sit at Dracos table!

In a special way, the lava dragon turned into a huge clay sculpture and stood in the middle of the valley.

From an aesthetic point of view, this is undoubtedly a very artistic work. If it weren't for the monitor, Rove might have kept it in his box and played with it every day.

Now that there was no obstruction from the lava dragon, the four of them easily climbed to the crater and found the goal of their trip - the dragon crystal - in the lava dragon's lair.

"Oh, Scamander successfully obtained the dragon crystal, and Swinton distributed the ghost grass to Granger and Delacour, which means-"

Ludo raised his voice and said excitedly: "Four warriors will complete the first event of the Triwizard Tournament!"

"They are about to return to the Quidditch field!" Ludo said loudly, "Let us give our warriors the warmest applause!"

Near the crater, the four of them were also discussing how to go back. When they arrived, Ludo didn't mention this matter, which made things difficult.

"Maybe staff from the Ministry of Magic will come to pick us up?" Shirley guessed.

"Just don't let us walk back." Hermione, who was still very hungry, sighed:

"It's at least dozens of miles away from Hogwarts. If you want to walk back to Hogwarts, you have to walk all the way to the end of the year?"

Luofu was also thinking when he suddenly noticed that the detector was approaching him and then buzzing around him.

In fact, not only him, but also Shirley's and others' detectors flew near several people.

Luofu squinted his eyes, looked at the monitor that looked like a golden snitch, and suddenly laughed:

"I understand, it is also a door key. If we catch it, we can go back quickly."

After Luo Fu finished speaking, he took the lead and reached out to grab the wings of the monitor. He immediately felt as if there were hooks on his body, hooking onto his clothes and leading him to jump forward suddenly.

When the boy's feet landed heavily on the ground, he looked around and found that he had left the Forbidden Forest and appeared in the center of the Quidditch field.

The surrounding arena was filled with students, who applauded and cheered loudly and made deafening shouts.

"Scamander!" the students screamed wildly, "Scamander, Scamander, Scamander!"

Rolf responded with "Scamander!" and waved to the crowd, and a group of witches immediately shouted "Ahhhhh".

One enthusiastic Gryffindor female student even jumped off the three-meter-high platform and rushed into the arena like crazy.

She flew towards Luo Fei, looking like a beast in heat, and for a while, several staff members did not stop her.

When Luo Fu faced the lava dragon, he didn't even retreat, but when he saw this fanatical fan, he was so frightened that he took half a step back.

He had no doubt that if the other party came to him, he would probably eat him alive!

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall took action in time. She waved her wand, and a rope erupted from the tip of the wand, tying the girl up and causing her to fall heavily to the ground.

Even so, the witch was still moving towards Rolf's pupa like a caterpillar, and Professor McGonagall quickly stopped her in place.

The girl's fate greatly deterred other students who were ready to take action, so that they did not dare to rush in again.

Shirley, Hermione and Fleur, who followed closely behind, were also frightened by this frenetic scene. The clapping and shouting made their eardrums buzz.

Professor McGonagall hurried over and praised loudly: "It's really wonderful, you little guys! Excellent performance!!"

"Before the referee gives the score, you need to find Madam Pomfrey." She pointed to the distance and said hurriedly: "Her tent is right there, it's the second tent, don't go wrong..."

"Professor McGonagall, we are not injured." Rove said.

He felt that they needed to eat and sleep more than looking for Madam Pomfrey.

"Go even if you're not injured!" Professor McGonagall looked at the restless audience and said, "You don't want to be injured by the enthusiastic audience, right?"


Under the urging of Professor McGonagall, the four of them walked towards the outside of the Quidditch field, and soon saw several tents placed side by side.

Madam Pomfrey stood at the entrance of the second tent, looking very anxious.

"Lava dragon, ferocious jackal dragon, Kabulo dragon, poisonous demon bird..."

She said in a disgusted tone, and kept talking angrily as she led several people into the tent.

"The year before last it was Death Eaters, the year before that it was a liar, last year it was Dementors, this year it's all kinds of dangerous magical creatures, what else are they going to bring into this school next?

Dumbledore is really confused...This is a teaching place, not a zoo."

Luofu walked into the tent and found that it was divided into many small compartments, but they were the first warriors to complete the mission, so they were still empty.

Rolf said that he was not injured, but Madam Pomfrey insisted on checking everyone.

After finally confirming that they were not injured, Madam Pomfrey asked several people to drink a refreshing and calming potion.

After drinking, everyone's mood really calmed down, and even the sleepy Furong felt a lot more energetic.

Rolf had nothing to do and asked: "By the way, Madam Pomfrey, why are there so many tents set up here?"

"This tent is for your medical treatment." Madam Pomfrey explained: "The tents next door are also prepared for warriors, but they are just morgues."


There is even a morgue. The school is really considerate.

"There is also a tent with another group of warriors inside." Madam Pomfrey said, "They were here yesterday, and they seemed to be waiting for your game to end."

Luofu said oh, he looked at Shirley and the others, and said with a smile: "You guys stay here for a while, I'll go say hello to them."

Luo Fe stood up and walked outside. He soon came to the first tent. There were voices in the tent, but as soon as he got closer, the voices disappeared immediately.

"Who's outside?" A gloomy voice sounded.

"Lucius Malfoy, your old friend is here to visit." Rolf said in a loud voice.

After a while, a group of wizards walked out of the tent, led by Lucius Malfoy, followed by Holden Goyle, Joey Crabbe, Amycus Carrow...

They are all Death Eaters. If the time and place were different, they might mistakenly think that this is the Death Eater headquarters!

But they're at Hogwarts right now, and it's really an amazing feeling.

"Scamander, why are you here?" Lucius frowned: "Aren't you still competing?!"

"It's over." Luo Fu looked at everyone like old friends and smiled: "I heard you were here, so I came to take a look."

"When our game is over, it will be your turn. How are you preparing?"

Lucius looked gloomy and said, "That's all you want to say?"

"There's more." Rolf smiled and took out a Galleons from his pocket, and threw it to Malfoy.

Malfoy asked doubtfully: "What is this?"

The young man had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold and he said:

"If the money for a meal at Malfoy Manor is not enough, let me owe it first. Then..."

"I'll sit at Draco's table!"

This chapter has been completed!
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