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Chapter 172 Hufflepuffs Collection

Wizards would draw portraits of themselves during their lifetime and carry them with them to teach them through words and deeds, imparting various useful memories and knowledge to the portraits.

Therefore, to a certain extent, portraits, like ghosts, are a mark of the wizard's life in this world and a continuation after death.

Other humanoid creatures do not have the habit or ability to draw portraits, but Hufflepuff's assistant, the house elf Hodor, is an exception. It has its own portrait.

On the night he entered Hogwarts, Rolf saw Hodor's portrait in the lounge of Hufflepuff House, but he didn't pay much attention at the time.

Later, in Nico's "Book of Abraham", Rove saw four prophetic paintings related to himself.

The fourth painting shows a house elf wiping a small gold cup.

Since then, Rolf has been particularly concerned about this house elf, trying to find it and find out what happened to Hufflepuff.

It's just that most of the portraits have many frames that can be shuttled back and forth, so that Rolf has no chance to meet this house elf again.

Unexpectedly, it actually showed up today and brought such bad news:

Someone is trying to enter Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets!

The four giants all have secret rooms. It is said to be a secret room, but it is more accurate to say that it is a place where the four giants study magic.

There are also passages in the four rooms for them to meet and exchange magic experiences.

Rolf has entered the Chamber of Secrets of Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but has not yet entered the Chamber of Secrets of Hufflepuff.

Since it was about Hufflepuff's secret room, Rolf stood up, walked to the picture frame, and asked:

"Is there an entrance to the secret room here?"

"Yes!" said Ado: "You use your wand to hit the golden cup in the painting. The password is the same as in the Hufflepuff lounge."

Rolf nodded and said softly: "Shirley, use your patronus to send a message to Dumbledore and tell him to come right away."

The girl with the ponytail hummed, raised her wand and said, "Call the gods to protect you!"

A dazzling silver unicorn emerged from the end of the wand. It landed next to Shirley. She whispered a few words, and the unicorn happily passed through the wall and galloped away.


Hermione raised her eyebrows. "Shirley, have you mastered how to make your Patronus talk?"

In addition to being able to expel dark creatures, the patron saint also has another use, which is to allow the patron saint to convey messages and speak in the voice of the spell caster.

But this method is only mastered by a few people.

"Yes." Shirley smiled and said, "Rolf and I learned it."

"Teach me later." Hermione said, holding the ponytail girl's hand.

Fleur on the side was secretly shocked. She didn't expect that Shirley at her age could summon a physical guardian angel. This magic was something that many adult wizards didn't know how to do.

She also heard Hermione asking Shirley to teach her how to make the Patronus speak. Could it be that even Hermione knew the Patronus Charm?

Is this Hogwarts?

So scary!

Luo Fe stood next to the picture frame, and instead of tapping the gold cup in a hurry, he lowered his voice and said, "Ado, do you still remember me?"

"Of course, Mr. Scamander." The old house elf looked at Rolf, bowed, and said with a smile on his face:

"On the night you entered school three years ago, I was waiting for you in the Hufflepuff lounge. It's just that you didn't know me at that time, so I didn't say hello."

Luofu said oh, it turned out that meeting was not a coincidence, he thought for a while and asked:

"I've been looking for you for a long time, but you never show up. Where have you been?"

Rolf has been looking for Hodor, and he even found out that Hepzibah Smith, a descendant of Hufflepuff, had a portrait of Hufflepuff and Hodor in his home.

But after Hepzibah Smith was killed by Tom, everything in Smith's old house was sold to Borgin and Burke's.

When Rove was investigating the whereabouts of the portraits in the old house, Borgin was unwilling to tell him, and the clues were interrupted.

Rolf had wanted Dumbledore and Nico to help go to Borgin, but he had been busy, so the matter was delayed.

But now that you have met Ado, it would be better to just ask him.

"I have been in another frame, guarding Hufflepuff's golden cup." Ado said, "If you find the golden cup, you will naturally find me."

Luofu narrowed his eyes, so that was it.

Unexpectedly, it was Bellatrix Lestrange who bought the portrait and put it in her treasury. No wonder Borgin didn't want to talk about it.

"Mr. Scamander, remember, the golden cup is very important." Ado reminded: "You must find it to get what Professor Hufflepuff left for you."

"Is that so?" Rolf nodded. He raised his wand and tapped the golden cup gently to the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff."

The fireplace under the portrait suddenly turned into the wall and moved around a central pivot like a revolving door.

A huge room was revealed behind the fireplace. Rolf walked in and was stunned. Shirley, Hermione and Fleur who followed closely were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

This is not so much the entrance to the secret room as it is... a wine cellar!

There were many wines on the long wine racks, and the bottles stretched directly into the darkness in rows.

Roff picked up a bottle of wine and looked at the label. The number said 95, indicating the year of production, but it was not 1895, but 895.

These wines are a thousand years old!

"Look here, there is the Capetian dynasty's coat of arms with blue background and golden fleur-de-lis." Hermione also picked up a wine bottle and said in surprise:

"The Capetian dynasty fell in 1328 AD."

Everyone looked shocked. Any bottle of wine here is worth a fortune.

However, the older the wine, the better. The drinking period of most wines will not exceed 5 years.

Only those top-quality wines can survive hundreds of years of wind and frost.

The oldest wines currently known to be auctioned in the world include: 1774 year Jura yellow wine, 1811 year and 1787 year old noble rot sweet white wine from Chateau Dijin... which are only more than 200 years ago.

The history of the wine left by Hufflepuff has reached an astonishing thousand years.

This is a cultural relic, not wine!

But Rolf could feel that the wine bottles were protected by magic, so they should still be able to drink them.

It seems that Hufflepuff has put a lot of effort into preserving these wines.

Wait... the other three of the Big Four are all studying magic in the secret room, but Hufflepuff is here studying the sauce-flavored and strong-flavored types?!

As expected of you Hufflepuff!

Several people continued to walk forward, and at the end of the room, a spiral staircase appeared.

Luofu led the three girls into the spiral staircase, which began to move slowly downward, just like the stairs in the principal's office.

When the stairs stopped, a corridor appeared in front of them.

As soon as Luofu stepped out of the stairs, he saw a huge griffin flying towards him.

This chapter has been completed!
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