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Chapter 177 Gringotts Robber?

After breakfast, Hermione went to Potions class. She also planned to follow Rove's method and take the opportunity to sell her badge to Gryffindor students.

However, Hermione was somewhat uneasy. She always felt that Rolf's method was unreliable. Is there anyone really so stupid as to be willing to get ten people to buy badges?

Why doesn’t she believe it?

Luo Fe was quite confident. In his previous life, he had been tricked into buying insurance by his relatives many times, and he was very familiar with the operation process.

Anyway, never underestimate human greed.

Rolf and Shirley left the auditorium together and headed to Hagrid's cabin to take Care of Magical Creatures class.

At this time, it was drizzling in the sky, the air was gloomy and humid, and the autumn wind was blowing all the time. Even if I was wearing thick clothes, I could still feel the sharp teeth of the cold wind.

This cool weather is undoubtedly good news for the Death Eaters trekking in the Forbidden Forest... I hope they are okay!

On the other hand, Voldemort, relying on his immortality, dared not to participate in the competition. Hum... just wait for me!

Shirley saw that Rolf was slightly distracted and forgot to use magic to deflect the rain from the sky, so she waved her wand and conjured an umbrella to cover the heads of the two of them.

The raindrops poured down on the umbrella and made a loud sound. Luofu came back to his senses, smiled apologetically, and explained softly:

"I was just thinking about Voldemort, and I don't know where he is now."

"Could he be the mysterious wizard who appeared in Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets yesterday?" Shirley asked in a low voice.

"Dumbledore said no." Rolf shook his head, "Although I don't know the principal's reasons, I believe in his judgment."

"That person actually knows the location of Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets." Shirley said with some worry: "His identity should be very simple."

"Yeah, I don't know who he will be." Luo Fei breathed out softly, feeling both happy and troubled:

"Fortunately, the magic left by Professor Hufflepuff stopped him. Of course, it also prevented us from getting the things at the bottom of the lake. Hufflepuff is really going to have problems."

"Didn't you say that Hufflepuff's golden cup can break the magic in the lake?" Shirley asked doubtfully.

"That's true, but the golden cup is so easy to get." Luo Fu looked at the gray rain curtain and said with a wry smile:

"I have an intelligence source. Hufflepuff's golden cup is now hidden in Gringotts, but if you want to get it, you can only resort to violence.

In other words, I have to find a way to break into Gringotts' vault..."

Of course, this is something that has to be done. After all, Hufflepuff's golden cup is also Voldemort's Horcrux. Even if it is not for the treasure left by Hufflepuff, he still has to be a "robber".

When the girl with the ponytail heard this, she was stunned at first. She was silent for a moment and then corrected: "It's us!"

"Hey, I'm not going on a night trip or going to the Forbidden Forest. I'm going to rob Gringotts."

Luofu looked at Shirley's burgundy eyes and said softly: "Participating in everything will only harm yourself."

"I know." Shirley faced Luo Fei, tilted her head, and said seriously:

"That's why I have to follow you. I will definitely be able to help you and won't be a burden to you!"

"I have never doubted this." Rolf smiled: "But if you are caught, you will not only be expelled, but you will be sent to Azkaban."

"I'm not afraid!" Shirley stretched out her fingers, gently hooked the boy's hand, and said softly: "Rolf, whatever you want to do, you must bring me with you, I am your assistant!"

Luofu took the girl's slightly cold, delicate hand with his backhand, held it in his palm, and gently rubbed it to warm it up. He nodded, with gentle eyes and a firm tone, just one word, "Okay!"

Braving the drizzle, when Rolf and Shirley arrived outside Hagrid's cabin, students were already standing at the door.

Hagrid was waiting for the students by the door of the wooden house. His dressing style remained the same as before, but his hairstyle was too strange:

It used to be "Hermione Puff", but now it's "Snape Oil".

It is also different from Snape's oil. It is purely natural and pollution-free oil, but Hagrid seems to have used a lot of machine lubricating oil to force it to be smooth.

Of course, this evaluation must not be spoken out, otherwise Rove may face double assassination by Hermione and Snape.

Everyone was not surprised to see Hagrid like this. He had been dressing like this for a long time since Madame Maxime came.

"Come on, you all come here quickly!" Hagrid shouted, "The weather is getting colder and colder recently. Your job today is to check whether the Blast-Ended Skrewt needs to hibernate."

"We might as well give it a try and put them in the box..."

Hearing that this class still had to deal with snails, the students looked very bored. They had to deal with snails for half the semester. Who could stand this? They even wanted to curse:

rnm, drop the class!

Hagrid led everyone towards the pumpkin patch and saw the Blast-Ended Skrewt.

Their size is close to two meters and they look like large crocodiles.

They also have a thick gray protective coating, an exploding and fire-breathing tail, and spines and suckers, all of which combine to make a snail a disgusting and scary thing.

It's not clear whether snails need to hibernate, but one thing is clear, that is, snails are obviously not social animals.

There are only ten of them left now, and the rest died from killing each other.

The students looked listlessly at the big box Hagrid brought out, which was filled with pillows and fluffy blankets.

"Let's bring them in," Hagrid said, "and then put the lid back on and see what happens."

As a result, they soon discovered that the snails did not need to hibernate and did not like being stuffed into a box covered with pillows and covered with a lid.

So when the snails started running rampant in the pumpkin, most of the students turned around and ran away from these dangerous guys.

The ground was strewn with pieces of boxes that were smoking.

"Hagrid, give me your blast-ended skrewts." Rolf persuaded again: "I will take care of them properly."

"If you continue to raise these snails, others will definitely report you," he reminded.

Rolf originally wanted to feed the Thunderbirds, but now he has a better idea, which is to release them into the Forbidden Forest and let them deal with the Death Eaters.

Hagrid was still hesitant. He obviously didn't want to give up the little guys he had worked so hard to raise.

But he also saw the students' disgusted expressions.

At this moment, a group of wizards suddenly came from a distance, and they used their wands to control a huge cedar box into the pumpkin patch.

(Thanks to the three bosses "The Sky Is Full of Frost", "Black Rock Slate Fish" and "A Sprig of Red Apricot Comes Out of the Wall" for their rewards.)

This chapter has been completed!
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