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Chapter 196 Ron Rejected

Was I Expelled from Hogwarts? Scamander's Magic Box Chapter 196: Ron was Rejected After the History of Magic class, Rolf said goodbye to Hermione.

Hermione returned to the Gryffindor common room, and Rolf took out the magical map of Hogwarts. After looking at it for a while, he walked towards Ravenclaw Tower alone.

He had decided to go to Godric's Hollow and also look for the ruins of the Gryffindor family to see if he could gain anything.

But a thousand years ago, Rolf had never been to Gryffindor and didn't know the specific location. At this time, he needed a reliable guide.

Naturally, he immediately thought of Helena.

As the daughter of Ravenclaw, Helena must have been a guest at Gryffindor's house before and knew the specific location.

Speaking of which, the last time Rolf took the initiative to go to Helena was a few months ago, asking her to help guide the entrance to the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets. This time he went to her again to find the Gryffindor ruins...

This kind of behavior of "It's okay Helena, it's okay Ms. Gray" made Rolf suddenly feel a little inexplicable guilt.

Is it true that as Margaery said, she is a top scumbag?!

No...Rolf has severe autism, how could he be a scumbag?

Rove was thinking about it, and when passing by the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, he happened to meet a group of Beauxbatons students who had just finished class.

Madame Maxime brought her students to Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. It was impossible to bring all the teachers with her.

For this group of students, it's going to be taking classes with Hogwarts students.

Fleur was walking in the crowd and suddenly saw Luo Fu and waved to him.

As Luofu walked towards Fleur, a group of Beauxbatons female students stopped and looked at the young man longingly, and even let out cheers and laughter.

Furong ignored the group of booing classmates. She walked out of the crowd and asked:

"Rolf, isn't Gabrielle in class with you?"

"Gabriel is playing with the Sniffers in the box." Rolf knocked on the black leather box and said with a smile:

"The last time she listened to History of Magic, she fell asleep within a few minutes, and she never wanted to listen to History of Magic again."

Fleur laughed.

"I have listened to Professor Binns's class, and it is indeed very hypnotic. The ghost teachers don't know if it is because they have been dead for so long, and their brains don't seem to be normal."

"There are also ghosts as professors in Beauxbatons?" Rove asked in surprise.

"Yes." Fleur nodded, "King Louis XVI of France taught us some court etiquette, but he always likes to talk about the renovation of the guillotine."

"..." The behavior of Louis XVI is really confusing.

Not far away, Ron and Harry were crowded in the crowd, waiting anxiously towards the stairs.

Ron looked at the people coming and going and whispered:

"Harry, this is the only way to go to Ravenclaw Tower. Qiu Zhang will definitely pass by here soon, so you should stop her and extend an invitation."

Harry nodded nervously, then hesitated: "Ron, Cho Chang has already agreed to Digory, is it really nice of me to invite you again?"

"Harry, Rolf still has a dance partner, but many girls continue to invite him?"


"Harry, believe me, Digory is just a little prettier than you." Ron encouraged: "He is actually an idiot, and there is no comparison with you."

"When you invite Qiu Zhang, she will definitely give up Diggory immediately and then turn around and agree to you."

Harry pondered. Although he didn't want to speak ill of Digory, he did think that Digory was just a little idiot.

The two of them were standing by, waiting for Cho Chang, when Harry suddenly saw Rolf, and beside him was the Beauxbatons Veela.

The two of them were chatting and laughing.

Harry was about to step forward to say hello to Rove, but he didn't expect that Ron beside him had already walked forward one step ahead of him.

When Roof noticed someone approaching, he immediately turned around and saw that it was Ron.

Ron walked up to Fleur, his eyes kept turning on her, and he said infatuatedly:

"Delacul... I am a warrior just like you... Can you... can you be my dance partner?"

Fleur looked at Ron with a look of disgust on his face.

She didn't answer, but gently shook her silver hair and continued chatting with Rove, as if Ron was the squeaking mouse in the corner.

The surrounding Beauxbatons students also burst out laughing.

Harry did not follow him because the scene was too embarrassing.

Hearing laughter, Ron suddenly realized what he was doing. His eyes widened as if awakened, his face turned red, his breathing became ragged, and then...

Turn around and run.

Harry didn't care about Qiu Zhang anymore and hurriedly followed the lost Ron and ran towards the Gryffindor common room.

Ron ran for a long time and finally climbed up a narrow stone staircase and came to the corridor of the secret entrance to Gryffindor Tower. The entrance was hidden behind an oil painting, which showed a fat lady wearing a pink silk dress.


"Password?" asked the fat lady.

"Colorful..." Ron said in a low voice.

"No." said the fat lady, "it was changed yesterday."

"I don't know," Ron shouted impatiently, "Hurry up and open the door."

The Fat Lady ignored Ron.

"The light of the fairy mirror." Harry chased after him and said breathlessly to the fat lady, "I'm sorry, Ron is not in a good mood."

"He is in a bad mood. Why is he angry at me? He is sick."

The fat lady snorted, smoothed her newly-tied gold and silver hairband, and turned forward to let them in.

Ginny and Hermione were sitting in front of the fireplace chatting. When they saw Ron walking in in despair, Ginny asked:

"What's wrong with you, Ron?"

Ron looked up at Ginny and Hermione beside her, with a frightened look on his face.

Harry explained: "He - um - he just invited Fleur Delacour to the ball with him..."

"Rejected?" Ginny laughed.

"No, there is no rejection."

Seeing Ginny let out a surprised sound, Harry hurriedly said: "Delacour didn't pay any attention to Ron at all."


"Why would I do that?" Ron said confusedly as he slumped on the sofa. "I don't know how I could have done that! There were so many people - so crowded - I was so confused.

Turn your head - everyone is watching!

"I saw her then - she was standing there chatting with Rove - and suddenly I couldn't control myself - so I went up and asked her!"

Ron groaned and covered his face with his hands. He kept talking, but his words were barely audible.

"She looked at me as if I was a sea cucumber or something. She didn't even bother to answer. Then, I don't know... I suddenly came to my senses and ran away."

Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and seemed to be trying hard not to laugh.

Ginny finally couldn't help it and laughed happily.

This chapter has been completed!
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