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Chapter 206 Christmas Ball (4)

Seeing Malfoy walking over, Harry felt as if he was seeing a nasty blowfly, showing an expression of disgust.

On the contrary, Malfoy was smiling all over his face. He didn't know why, but every time he saw Harry, he would be inexplicably excited, and an evil fire would surge out of his body.

Only by spewing this evil fire onto Harry could Malfoy's thoughts be clear, so he quickly walked up to Harry and spoke provocatively:

"Po Te, where is your dance partner? No one will agree to your invitation, right? You should have told me earlier, I can help you solve it!"

Harry ignored Malfoy's provocation and looked towards the door of the auditorium without saying a word, while Pansy winked and said:

"Hey Draco, isn't Potter's dance partner right in front of you?!"

Malfoy followed Pansy's gaze and saw Ron, and he sneered:

"Yes, Rita Skeeter has already written in the article that Potter and Weasley are a couple and they sleep in the same bed during the summer vacation..."

Malfoy stared at Ron with malicious eyes. He suddenly saw something interesting and yelled:

"Merlin, Weasley, what are you wearing - is that your mother's dress?!"

His voice was so loud that other students in the hall all turned their eyes.

Ron's face became extremely ugly, and he took a step back, as if he wanted to hide behind Harry to cover his clothes.

But Malfoy had already grabbed the hem of his purple skirt and showed it to everyone:

"Look at it - it still has burrs - this kind of rag would be too irritating for my house elves to use as a rag.

Weasley, I heard that your family is so poor that they live in a pig's nest, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Potter, why don't you buy your little boyfriend a beautiful dress?" Malfoy said sarcastically, "If you don't have the money, I can lend it to you."

Malfoy let out a series of high-pitched jeers, and Crabbe and Goyle also giggled, their voices rough and harsh.

Ron's face flushed the same color as his dress, and he waved his fist as if he wanted to hit Malfoy.

Harry quickly grabbed the back of Ron's robe, pulled him back, and responded rudely:

"And you, Draco Malfoy, why don't you find a beautiful dance partner instead of Pansy Parkinson, who is as ugly as a poodle?

Is it just because she looks like your mother?"

These words scolded Pansy and Malfoy's mother at once, both in terms of lethality and insult.

"Potter, how dare you scold me?!" Pansy screamed, her voice filled with annoyance.

Malfoy also roared: "How dare you insult my mother, Po Te!"

"You did it too, Malfoy!" Harry said not to be outdone: "You insulted Ron and his family first!"

The two of them were at war with each other and pulled out their wands one after another, but the next second, the noisy hall suddenly became extremely quiet.

That kind of silence was very unusual, as if everyone had seen something unbelievable and was so shocked that they lost their voices for a moment.

Harry thought Snape was here, and Malfoy thought Mad-Eye Moody was nearby, so both of them put away their wands in unison.

Harry looked for Snape's figure alertly, but saw Ron looking towards the stairs with a dazed expression on his face. He also looked up, also frozen in place.

On the luxurious marble staircase, a handsome young man held the arms of two girls, one on the left and one on the right, and walked elegantly towards the foyer.

Harry recognized Rolf at a glance - he was wearing a white dress inlaid with gold, his blond hair was like a crown under the sun, his green eyes were like the leaves of midsummer, and he had a faint smile on his handsome cheeks.

On the right side of Luofu is Shirley in a silver-white dress:

The girl has long burgundy hair, shining under the light of the torch. Her skin is fair and smooth, flawless, like fresh cream. The necklace studded with gems around her neck makes her look extremely beautiful.

There is no other color.

Shirley was so dazzling that she attracted most of the eyes in the foyer in an instant, and once the eyes stopped on her, it was difficult to move away.

No one is exempt, including those witches!

Even Hermione widened her eyes and looked at Shirley longingly. She thought that her dress could narrow the gap with her, but it seemed that the gap was even wider.

On the left hand side of Luofu, there is a young witch. She is not so beautiful that it is scary, but this is relative.

Margery wore a sea-green silk robe, with long sleeves revealing a gold silk lining, thick bright yellow curly hair hanging on her bare shoulders, and an emerald necklace hanging on her slender neck.

The most eye-catching thing is the pair of diamond-encrusted high heels on her feet, which fully demonstrate her tallness and sex appeal.

Although Margery is far inferior to Shirley in appearance, she completely overpowers her in aura. The former is like a proud queen, while the latter is just a princess.

As for Rolf... he was just a little knight worth mentioning next to the two of them.

In complete silence, the three of them walked down the stairs, and a group of students immediately made way for them.

While everyone was admiring the looks of Shirley and Margery, they couldn't help but wonder... Could it be that Scamander brought two partners to the dance at the same time?

He really deserves to die!

Fortunately, halfway through, Margaery finally let go of Rolf's hand and took Hermione's hand with a smile. It was obvious that the two of them were dance partners.

This also made everyone's hatred towards Rove lessen a little, but only a little of course, after all, Shirley was still his dance partner.

He still deserves to die!!

At this time, Professor McGonagall came. She opened the door of the auditorium, glanced at Shirley first, couldn't hide her surprise, and then said loudly:

"Everyone lines up with their dance partners and then enters the auditorium in an orderly manner."

Shirley took Rolf's arm and entered the auditorium first, followed closely by Margaery and Hermione.

After they disappeared, everyone recovered from the shock and began to whisper for a while.

Ron was still looking into the auditorium reluctantly, but his eyes were finally no longer on Hermione, but on Shirley's back.

And Harry also found his dance partner in the chaos-Padma Patil.

She wore a dazzling pink robe, her black hair was braided with gold ribbons, and she had shiny gold bracelets on her wrists.

Padma is actually very beautiful, and is recognized as the beauty of Gryffindor House, but for some reason, when Harry looks at her now, he feels rustic, like a little girl from the countryside who has never seen the world.

The gap is really huge!

Padma also looked gloomy. She had been so beaten down by Shirley that she no longer wanted to attend the dance.

Harry looked at Ron, who was still looking towards the auditorium, and asked: "Ron, we are about to queue up, what should you do?"

Ron finally came to his senses and said in a lost voice: "I'm going to find Ilo Karst in the bathroom on the second floor. I'll be back soon. You two wait for me."

Ron turned around and ran towards the second floor.

potions office,

Snape, dressed in black robes, took out a bunch of potions from the medicine library and put them into his pocket.

This is a small gift that Snape prepared for the Gryffindor student who invited him to be his dance partner. He was going to give it to him later...as a Christmas gift.

After finishing cleaning up, Snape closed the door and walked towards the second floor with murderous intent.

This chapter has been completed!
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