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Chapter 216: Perverted Snape

early morning,

Shirley opened her eyes with a splitting headache. She covered her head with her hands and stared at the ceiling in confusion, wondering where she was.

Fortunately, the surrounding furnishings were all very familiar, so she recognized it as Luo Fu's room at a glance, and she was lying on his bed.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief. She turned her head, but did not see Luo Fu's figure. Then she reached out and touched the bed beside her, which felt slightly cold.

It seems that he has been up for a while.

Shirley sat up, rubbed her painful head, and began to try to recall what happened last night:

After leaving the ball, she and Rolf returned to the box together, then took a walk, grilled fish, drank, and chatted...

Shirley found that her memory was stuck at the stage when she took the initiative to kiss Luo Fu, and could not remember the rest of it.

She couldn't have fallen asleep while kissing Luo Fu, right?

Shirley patted her head and said angrily: "Drinking makes things worse!"

At this time, the bedroom door was opened, and Luofu walked in with a cup. He saw the girl knocking her head and asked with concern: "Does your head hurt?"

Shirley raised her head and said softly: "It hurts a little."

Luofu sat by the bed, handed her a cup of potion, and said with a smile:

"That's what happens when you're drunk. When you wake up, you feel more uncomfortable than when you were drunk. Drink the potion quickly. After drinking it, you won't have a headache anymore."

Shirley smiled sweetly at the considerate young man, took the cup, and drank the potion in one breath. Her head suddenly stopped hurting, and she felt much more awake.

"Get up quickly." Luo Fe walked to the window, opened the curtains, and smiled: "We will be very busy today."

Shirley hummed. She knew she was going to Godric's Hollow today, so she quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Shirley sat in front of the dressing mirror. Rolf took the comb and helped her comb her wine-red hair to make it shiny and tie it into a beautiful ponytail.

Luofu looked at the girl with the ponytail in the mirror, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He really liked Shirley like this better.

The two quickly left the box and separated at an intersection:

Shirley went to the Gryffindor common room to look for Hermione; Roof came to the kitchen, packed the breakfast for the three of them, and then went to the foyer to wait for the two of them.

Since the dance last night lasted until twelve o'clock, everyone got up very late today. At this time, there were only a few students.

But Rolf suddenly saw Harry and Ron coming out of a corridor. They were walking furtively and looked very suspicious.

He said hello from a distance, and when they heard the sudden sound, they both were frightened. They quickly turned around and saw that it was Luo Fu, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Luofu raised his eyebrows and asked: "What's wrong with you two? You look very scared. Is someone chasing you?"

"No...no." Harry laughed and said, "How could someone be chasing us?"

"Then why did you come out of that corridor so early in the morning?" Rove asked.

"It leads to the underground classrooms, dungeons and Slytherin lounge, but not to the Gryffindor lounge..."

He paused and guessed: "You two went to the Slytherin lounge to cause damage, right?"

"No!" Harry quickly denied it. Seeing that he couldn't hide it, he had to confess:

"Actually, we both just escaped from Snape's office. We were afraid that he would chase us, so we were very cautious."

"Snape's office?" Rolf said in shock: "You two went to steal his medicine?"

"No." Harry said sadly, "We were caught by Snape and imprisoned all night. We only escaped this morning."


Rolf thought for a while and then asked curiously: "Why did Snape arrest you two?"

"It's all George and Fred's fault!" Ron said through gritted teeth.

He quickly told the whole story, and Harry added with lingering fear:

"After I found out that Ron was caught, I went to rescue him, and then I was also caught by Snape."

He suddenly remembered something, quickly took out a bottle from his pocket, and asked: "Rolph, do you know what kind of potion this is?"

"Snape poured this medicine into my mouth last night and gave me a little drop in my eyes... When I escaped in the morning, I took it away because I wanted to show it to Madam Pomfrey.


Do you think I will be blinded by his poison?!"

Luofu took the medicine bottle, opened it, looked at the liquid, and sniffed the tip of his nose:

"This is Qingming potion - made from black beetle eyes, eel eyes and blueberry lutein.

It helps nourish the eyes, relieve eye fatigue, prevent and control myopia...it is non-toxic and harmless.”

Harry was still cursing Snape, but when he heard Rove's words, he was stunned.


"Not only is it non-toxic, it's also good for your eyes." Luo Fu said: "You can drink it more often to prevent your myopia from increasing."

Harry was embarrassed for a moment, so to speak... Snape was a pretty good person.

"No...that's not right." Harry quickly denied: "He must have given me the medicine because he was afraid that Professor Dumbledore would find out after torturing me."

"How did he torture you?" Luofu asked with interest.

Naturally, Harry didn't mention the black underwear. That was too disgusting. He said bitterly:

"Snape put on a mask for me last night. I was only allowed to show one pair of eyes. I was not allowed to close them. I had to look at him!"

"Rolph, do you think Snape is a pervert?"


Rolf couldn't help but curse, Snape was indeed a bit perverted, but he showed restraint by not letting Harry wear women's clothes.

"By the way, Rolf." Ron asked, "Did you see George and Fred in the Great Hall this morning?"

"No." Luofu shook his head, "You want to take revenge on them?"

"Yes!" Ron said, "The two of them deceived me with fake dance partners, causing me to be caught by Snape. I must make them pay the price."

"George and Fred are really going too far," Harry said helpfully.

"The two of them have always been like this." Ron said angrily:

"When I was three years old, Fred turned my teddy bear into a big ugly spider because I broke his toy broom.

I was hugging the teddy bear, and it suddenly sprouted many legs and jumped towards me...so much so that I am scared to see spiders now."

"When I was five years old, Fred and George wanted me to make an unbreakable vow. I shook hands with Fred and the vow was almost made, but luckily my father discovered it."

"When I was seven years old, they tricked me into stealing my mother's wand. I used the wand to create a magic riot and set the house on fire..."


Listening to Ron detailing the "crimes" of the twins, Rove couldn't help but sigh:

It is indeed not easy for him to survive until now.

This chapter has been completed!
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