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Chapter 218 Aberforths Gift

As Floo powder was thrown into the fireplace, a series of blurry furnace doors flashed before Rove's eyes, and his body was spinning rapidly in the roaring green flames.

When the dizziness disappeared, his feet landed firmly on the ground and he appeared in a strange room.

It was a living room with Victorian-era wallpaper on the walls and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, with a golden phoenix figurine wrapped around it.

On a cherry wood round table, there is a retro-style sewing machine and an old-fashioned radio.

Pale golden sunlight shines into the room through the stained glass windows, and there are paintings on the glass depicting part of the love story of the Knights of the Round Table, Tristan and Iseult.

The entire living room has a distinct nineteenth-century style. It is not large, but extremely clean.

Shirley walked through the fireplace and walked to Rove. She also looked at the room and said in surprise:

"It's so clean. Does anyone live here?"

The living room is indeed extremely clean and does not look like it is unoccupied, but neither Dumbledore nor Aberforth would live here on weekdays.

Above the fireplace, there was a portrait. A blond girl suddenly appeared in the frame. She said to Shirley in a soft tone:

"No one else lives here, but Aberforth comes back often to clean the room. He loves cleanliness."

Hearing this, Luofu twitched his lips. If he hadn't just come from the Pig's Head Bar, he would have almost believed it.

To say that Aberforth loved cleanliness is basically equivalent to saying that Snape was mysophobic.

However, Rolf did not refute, but looked at Ariana with interest. He had seen the girl many times, but this was the first time he heard her speak.

Rolf planned to get close to Ariana, and as long as he had control over her, he would have control over Aberforth.

If he buys something from the Pig Head Bar in the future, not only it will be free, but it will be worth a lot of money!

"Hello Ariana, my name is Rolf Scamander, you know me, right?"

"I know." Ariana looked at the boy timidly and said, "Aberforth often talks about you."

"Talk about me?" Luofu asked with a smile. "What did he say about me?"

"Aberforth said..." Ariana said honestly: "You are a big talker who likes to talk. You are the best at coaxing girls, and you want me to talk to you less."


The smile on Rolf's face disappeared, but it did not disappear, but moved to the faces of Shirley and Hermione.

Shirley still restrained herself, she just pursed her lips and smiled secretly. Hermione didn't hide her gloating, she agreed with her face and nodded in agreement.

Luofu was speechless, forced a smile, and said awkwardly: "Aberforth may have some misunderstandings and prejudices against me, oops... look at what this is?!"

Rolf abruptly changed the subject and pointed to the photo next to Ariana's portrait. Sure enough, both Shirley and Hermione's attention was drawn away.

It was a family photo, and on it was Dumbledore's father, Percival, who was a very handsome middle-aged man.

Dumbledore's mother, Kandra, is also an iconic beauty. She has jet black hair tied into a high bun, a pair of dark eyes, high cheekbones and a straight nose bridge.

Albus and Aberforth, who were about five or six years old, wore the same blouses with lace collars and had the same shawl hair.

And Ariana was still a baby, held in Candela's arms, her arms waving vaguely outside the swaddle.

The Dumbledore family seemed quite happy, but Rolf knew that this happiness did not last only a few years before it turned into a tragedy of family destruction and death.

The three of them looked at the photos for a while, followed Aberforth's instructions, walked out of the living room without moving anything, and entered a yard that was neither big nor small.

The yard was filled with snow, and under a bare tree, there was a swing... It was obviously the swing that Ariana used back then.

It seems that although this old house is no longer inhabited, it still maintains the layout as it was a hundred years ago. Neither Dumbledore nor Aberforth has any intention of changing it.

Luofu took out the key and opened the door. They left the yard and only walked a few meters away when the house disappeared.

"Should we go to the cemetery first, or should we go to Bathilda Bagshot first?" Shirley looked at Rove.

"How about going to the cemetery first?" Hermione suggested.

Although Bathilda Bagshot is a famous expert on the history of magic, Hermione can't wait to meet her and chat about the history of magic...

But considering that what Aberforth asked Rolf to bring was too outrageous, she thought it would be better not to go!

Otherwise it will be easy to get beaten.

Rolf was also hesitant. After much thought, he decided to look for Bathilda Bagshot first.

After all, he also has some questions that he wants to ask the other party.

Following the address given by Aberforth, the three of them shuttled through the village. They turned left and right, and finally passed through a deserted vegetable garden and came to an old house.

Luofu knocked hard on the door. After a while, the door opened and an elderly witch came out:

She was already very old, with gray and sparse hair, age spots all over her face, a long neck full of wrinkles, on her bony shoulders, and the skin of her thin chin was loose and hanging.

"Mrs. Bathilda Bagshot, hello, I am Rolf Scamander." Rolf greeted: "Do you remember me?"

The old man looked at Luo Fu, his eyes sunk deep into the transparent skin folds, with thick cataracts inside. She thought for a while, and replied in an old voice:

"Remember, you are Newt's grandson. We met at Nico's funeral that summer."

Rolf was very happy that Bagshot still remembered this incident. He smiled and said: "We are entrusted by Aberforth to come to visit you."

"Oh, Aberforth." Bagshot nodded and said, "Come in with me."

She stooped and staggered towards the room, followed closely by Rolf, Shirley and Hermione.

They entered a living room. The whole room was dark. Bagshot picked up a match and lit the candles in the room.

The candles were placed everywhere, some standing on small plates, some on top of stacks of books or on small tables filled with moldy broken cups.

Bagshot's trembling hands always felt as if they were not lighting candles, but setting the house on fire.

Shirley and Hermione hurried forward and helped her light the candles one by one.

Bagshot sat on the sofa and she asked, "So, did you bring anything like that?"

"Bring it." Luo Fei gave Shirley a look, the girl opened the box, and they worked together to take out a mouthful...

Wooden coffin!

"Madam, this is the Christmas gift Aberforth asked me to bring you." Rolf pointed at the coffin and said, "He wishes you good health and a long life."

Shirley: "..."

Hermione: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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