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Chapter 232 Prisoner of Azkaban

After leaving the pensieve, Rolf and Dumbledore returned to the office, but no one spoke for a while, and even the portraits of the principal fell silent.

After a while, Luo Fu said doubtfully in a very soft voice:

“That person is really the Director of the Department of International Cooperation—Otavi Arkus?

He looked very old and about to die. This was a memory from more than a hundred years ago.

And the Director of the Department of International Cooperation is so young now..."

Of course, young is not young. The director of the International Cooperation Department also has wrinkles on his face, but in comparison, his beard and hair are all black, and he is more energetic.

And the bad old man lying in the coffin in the pensieve is about to die...could he be a person?

But if they are not the same person, they look almost the same... they can't be twins.

Dumbledore seemed to know what Rolf was thinking, he said softly:

"I checked the admission records of Hogwarts. Akus has no brothers, so it cannot be a twin."

"As for why he didn't die...Gregovich fled the cemetery after getting the Elder Wand. He didn't actually confirm whether Arkus was dead." Dumbledore guessed:

"After Akus was taken away from the Elder Wand, he may have used some kind of magic to extend his lifespan, and he has been living until now."

Rolf pondered, so as the former owner of the Elder Wand, he infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and became the Director, so what did he do in Hogwarts?

Just for Hufflepuff’s Chamber of Secrets?!

Luofu thought for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked, "Should we catch him?"

Don't worry about what Akus's purpose is, capture him first, and then use Veritaserum. Even the color of his underwear is clear!

"Not yet." Dumbledore said, "The battle that day proved that Arcus is very powerful.

He is also extremely cautious on weekdays and will only appear in Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament, so he is not that easy to catch."

Rolf knew what Dumbledore meant. Facing such a powerful wizard could easily affect the students at Hogwarts.

He thought for a while, but still puzzled: "How did Arkus know the location of Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets?"

"I guess...it was discovered when the Hogwarts sewer system was being repaired." Dumbledore said softly:

"He and Corvinus Gaunt were classmates, and they were both Slytherin students at the time.

Later, Corvinus Gaunt repaired the sewer system of Hogwarts, and Arcus was his deputy."

Luo Fu was stunned. If that was the case, it wouldn't be surprising.

But is there Gaunt behind this?

Luo Fe stared at the pensieve, seemingly lost in thought.

Dumbledore picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and then continued:

"By the way, I received a letter from Arthur. He told me what happened in Godric's Hollow."

"That group of wizards said that they were hired by a woman named Minette Perrault." Rove asked:

"What do you think, will Minette Perrault be Voldemort's new slave?"

"This matter must be related to Tom." Dumbledore said slowly:

"But based on what I know about him, if Lily's bones are the medicine that leads to his resurrection, he will definitely go to the cemetery himself instead of hiring a dark wizard to steal the bones."

"I think so too. I always feel that Lily Potter's body may not be the key to Voldemort's resurrection," said Rove.

Dumbledore's two slender fingertips touched together, his chin rested on the fingertips, and he whispered:

"The Dark Lord is destined to rise again...with the help of three women...one for life...one for death...one for love..."

"If the death of one of the people predicted by Professor Trelawney is not Harry's mother Lily, then who is it?!"

Dumbledore looked at the ceiling above through his half-moon lenses. Opposite the old man, Rolf was also lost in thought.


A group of tall dementors were gliding on the ground. Behind them were several criminals, and behind them were two Aurors escorting the prisoners.

After walking through the corridor and coming to a cell, the Auror opened the cell door, pushed hard, threw the criminal into the room, and then locked the cell door.

They turned to leave, but when passing by a cell, a figure suddenly approached and shouted to an Auror: "Hubble...Hubble!"

Harper stopped, frowned, and looked at the criminal:

The man was almost skin and bones, a mess of dirty, tangled hair hanging down to his elbows, and waxy skin clinging to the frame of his face.

Haber looked at it for a long time, but couldn't tell who the person was.

"It's me...I'm Barty Crouch!" The man lifted his hair.

"Mr. Crouch?!" Harper was shocked. "How did you become like this?"

Okay... this is nonsense. Which wizard who was imprisoned in Azkaban for half a year would not become like this?

"What's the matter with you?" Haber asked after thinking for a while.

"I need to... see Dumbledore... I have something to tell him... I have to see Dumbledore... tell him face to face..." Crouch stammered.

Harper hesitated, but Auror Collet on the side smiled and said:

"Mr. Crouch, Minister Fudge has an order. You are imprisoned for life and cannot see anyone. If you have anything, you can tell Minister Fudge and I will convey it to you."

Crouch became emotionally unstable and shouted:

"No...I will only tell Dumbledore...it's okay to capture my Rolf Scamander...you inform them..."

"Then there's nothing we can do about it," Collet said with a gloomy face. "Come on, Harper, let's go back to the Ministry of Magic."

Harper hesitated for a moment, then left with Clay.

Harper used to work under Crouch and was considered one of his subordinates, but because he couldn't stand his harshness, he was transferred to the Auror office.

As for whether to tell Dumbledore... Crouch is Minister Fudge's political enemy and has been imprisoned in Azkaban, with no hope of a comeback.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Haber is certainly not looking for trouble.

After the Aurors left, Crouch lay slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the dark ceiling.

He must escape...and bring the shocking secret he discovered to Dumbledore!

He's going to escape from Azkaban!!

Late at night, the dementors opened the cell door one by one and swam in.

It's dinner time now, both for prisoners and for dementors.

As an established civil servant, it is naturally our responsibility to help the Ministry of Magic guard prisoners.

But the corresponding reward...the Ministry of Magic tacitly agrees that they obtain 'rations' from prisoners.

Soon, heart-rending screams could be heard from each cell.

A Dementor slithered into Crouch's cell, dropped moldy food on the floor, and was trying to absorb Crouch's happy memories, but suddenly stopped.

Because the happy mood disappeared.

Dementors have no eyes and can only judge a person's life or death by sensing people's emotions.

The disappearance of emotions... naturally means death!

The dementor stretched out its shimmering, gray, thin and scabbed hand from the cloak. It groped for a moment, found Crouch's body, and then dragged it out.

The dementors quickly dragged the bodies to Azkaban's cemetery - where all dead prisoners would be dumped!

The Dementor threw Crouch into a pile of bones, then turned and left.

After an unknown amount of time, Crouch's body suddenly opened its eyes and gasped for air.

This is a black magic he learned in a magic book before, which can make the wizard enter a state of suspended animation.

Because it must be used in conjunction with Occlumency, it is very difficult.

Crouch never expected that it would come in handy one day, let alone in the Akaz class.

He stood up tremblingly, carefully ran to the shore, observed for a while, successfully found the direction, and then plunged headlong into the vast sea.

Crouch is swimming back from Azkaban to...England!

This chapter has been completed!
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