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Chapter 238: Snape Digging a Hole

Professor Sprout only glanced at the parchment written with herbs on both sides of Rolf's, and knew that there were many tricks on it.

There are so many herbs that you can open a pharmacy in Diagon Alley, and many of them will not be used in this Triwizard Tournament.

For example, flute grass, which is a material specially used to prepare elixir potions; and two-ear grass and sap grass, which are used to brew compound soup potions...

Can these potions be used in the Triwizard Tournament?

But Sprout still prepared the herbs for Rove neatly and even gave him some more.

The reason why she did this is also very simple.

Most of the magical plants grown in the greenhouse were taken away by Professor Snape after they were harvested.

Snape's reason was also very good. Herbal medicines were needed to teach potions classes to the students, and herbs were needed to brew potions for the school hospital.

But Professor McGonagall helped Snape make careful calculations. Students and the school hospital simply didn't need so many herbs, so where did the excess go?

Into Professor Snape's personal storage room, of course!

Therefore, instead of taking advantage of Snape, Sprout thought it would be better to give it to Rove. After all, he was a student of his own college... The good news should not go to outsiders!

Besides, isn't this also in response to Dumbledore's hint to help the Hogwarts warriors cheat and gain an advantage in the Triwizard Tournament?

In fact, Professors Graplan and Sprout were not the only teachers who secretly helped the warriors.

In the Charms class, Professor Flitwick specially taught several water spells.

General magic is applicable to the air environment. If it goes underwater, the effect will be greatly weakened.

The spiral water arrow spell taught by Professor Flitwick can actually use river water to enhance the power of the spell.

In the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall also demonstrated to the students the Human Transfiguration Technique that is only taught in sixth grade.

She doesn't expect these little fourth-grade wizards to learn it. She mainly wants to teach the warriors how to breathe underwater even if they just conjure fish gills.

Even Professor Bubbaji of Muggle Studies led the young wizards to develop sinking mines in class.

According to her, this kind of mine blew up the US$1 billion Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton in the Gulf War a few years ago... with great effect.

While the teachers were helping the warriors, Hagrid still did not appear.

He did not come to the auditorium to eat again, nor did he appear at the hunting ground to perform his duties as a watcher.

Hagrid completely disappeared from Hogwarts!

For a time, rumors spread. Some people said that Hagrid was fired from the school and even lost his position as a gamekeeper; some students said that he was imprisoned in Azkaban.

Malfoy was the proudest, wandering around the campus arrogantly all day long, as if he had driven Hagrid away.

In fact, Malfoy did accept an interview with Rita and said a lot of bad things about Hagrid.

Harry and Ron were ready to take revenge on him.

In addition to Hagrid, Snape was also heavily influenced by Rita Skeeter's writings.

In Friday's Potions class, Snape was dragging his black robes around and explaining endurance potions in the classroom.

A gray owl suddenly flew in from outside the door, followed immediately by four barn owls, a brown owl and a gray wood owl.

They all rushed forward, trying to be the first to deliver the letter to Snape.

Snape took the letter sent by the gray owl. He read it, his face became gloomy, and then he waved his wand and burned the letter.

He opened another letter and immediately threw it out.

The letter fell to the ground, spurting out a yellow-green liquid and the pungent smell of gasoline.

Everyone recognized it as undiluted pus from the baba tuber, which could cause serious damage to the skin if it came into direct contact.

When the students saw this, they all stepped back.

More and more owls flew in, and hundreds of letters were thrown at Snape like bullets.

Snape waved his wand angrily and drove the owl away.

Luofu quietly picked up an envelope. When he opened it, he found that there was a dead mouse in the envelope.

"Snape, you are a morally corrupt teacher, like a rat in the sewer.

Weasley is the true love of my brother Harry Potter, please stop interfering in their relationship!"

He picked up another letter and after opening it, he saw it read:

"Snape, I read in the newspaper that you were seducing Harry Potter's girlfriend. That boy has suffered so much, and you are still so despicable.

I have people at the Ministry of Magic who have already investigated the location of your home. Please be careful, or I will drive a Muggle truck and hit you to death!"

Luo Fu and Shirley looked at each other.

I didn’t expect that star chasing in the magical world can be so extreme...it’s so scary!

Snape finally drove the owl away, his dark eyes scanning the faces of the students.

The little wizard was trembling, not daring to raise his head and look directly at him, for fear of being implicated.

Just when everyone thought Snape was about to explode, he calmed down and suddenly asked:

"Scamander, what can I do if I want to stay underwater for a long time?"

Luo Fu was stunned for a moment, stood up, and replied slowly:

"You can use a head soaking spell, gilly bladder grass, or take an air-avoiding potion."

"The Bubble Curse is easily broken by weapons." Snape snorted contemptuously:

"Gillweed comes from the Mediterranean and is difficult to buy in the UK. As for the gas repellent potion... it takes more than five months to brew, and the steps are complicated, making it impractical."

Snape refuted all of Rove's suggestions and finally sneered:

"I won't teach you the endurance potion in this lesson. I will teach you how to brew a simple scuba potion. After taking it, you can breathe in the water for a long time."

Rolf looked stunned. He thought Snape would immediately trouble Harry and Ron. Why did he start teaching how to get through the second project?

But the young man immediately became confused again:

He remembered that after taking scuba potion, he could only stay underwater for forty minutes at most, which was not a long time.

For the second event of the Triwizard Tournament, the time for the drug to take effect may not be enough.

Could it be that Snape improved the scuba potion and greatly extended the diving time?

Just when Rolf was confused, Snape waved his magic wand, and the ingredients and cooking methods appeared on the blackboard.

Luo Fe stared at the blackboard and saw that the ingredients such as hell wart, blaze powder and pufferfish were exactly the same as the ingredients in his memory, and the cooking steps had not changed much.

The young man raised his hand to ask, but Snape glared at him, with a strong threat in his eyes, and said viciously:

"What, Scamander... do you have any opinion on the potions I teach?"

Luofu quickly shook his head and sat back on the stool. He looked at the potion on the blackboard and said secretly:

Snape was indeed digging a hole... so cruel!

This chapter has been completed!
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