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Chapter 248 A gift for the mermaid

Nymeria temporarily lives in Rolf's chest, which means that his harem... ah, he has added a new species to his collection of magical animals.

This is a gratifying thing.

You must know that centaurs are proud, independent creatures that reject wizards. It is very difficult to contact them, let alone raise them.

You can see this just by looking at Margery and Bain, they are the majority of the centaurs.

Even someone as strong as Newt only lived in the centaurs tribe for a while, but had never raised any centaurs.

By keeping Nymeria, Rolf has filled the gap in the Scamander family's field of centaur breeding and made outstanding contributions to the great cause of magical animals.

As long as he wanted to, he could immediately publish a few papers on the experience of raising horses and publish them in the top journal in the magical world - "Fantastic Beasts" magazine.

It’s still a work with a high impact factor!

But Rove doesn't have time to do this kind of thing now, he is busy with the Triwizard Tournament.

The second project was carried out under the Black Lake. In addition to the breathing problem, there was also the problem of insufficient light to be solved.

There's no need to worry since Rolf has a dazzling "laser eye", but Shirley and the others don't.

Water temperature is also an issue. After all, the competition is at the end of February and the weather is still cold. If you soak in the lake for a long time, you may lose your temperature.

Therefore, Rove took Shirley, Hermione and Fleur in the deep lake in the box and started various drills to ensure that they could adapt to the complex underwater environment instead of discovering various problems on the day of the competition.

During special training in the water, his robes would get wet. Rove also took Shirley, Hermione and Fleur to buy swimsuits.

The three girls all chose the most conservative one-piece swimsuit instead of a bikini, which made Rolf a little regretful.

With the arrival of February, the atmosphere in the whole school became more and more enthusiastic. Three months of doing nothing had already made them restless and looking forward to this competition.

The competition contents of the second event are also spreading wildly in the school.

"Warriors are going to duel with two fire dragons!"

A Ravenclaw student put it succinctly: "Whoever can kill the fire dragon will pass the competition."

"It can't be that simple. I heard that warriors have to dive 10,000 meters without equipment and kill a giant sea monster on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!" the Gryffindor student retorted.

"No, no...it's obviously a triathlon. It starts from Hogwarts, swims across the English Channel, crosses the Pyrenees to Beauxbatons, then crosses the Alps, swims across the North Sea, and ends in Dem


Suddenly, countless students with authoritative information suddenly appeared in Hogwarts. Either this person's uncle worked at the Ministry of Magic, or that person's neighbor was a friend of Ludo Bagman.

The more everyone talked, the more outrageous they became. Even Luo Fu secretly exclaimed after hearing this. Fortunately, they were not the project designers. Otherwise, would there still be a trap for the warriors?

Soon, February 24th came and so did the competition day.

Luofu got up very late in the morning, slowly left the dormitory and walked towards the auditorium.

When he entered the hall, he found that it was already full of students. Everyone was chattering and excitedly discussing the upcoming competition.

Rolf sat down at the Hufflepuff table. He found that Neville was not here, so he asked: "Where did Neville go?"

"I don't know." Justin shook his head. "He was taken away by Professor Sprout this morning. It seems there is something wrong with the greenhouse."

Rolf narrowed his eyes, it seemed that Neville had become the target of his competition to rescue.

Likewise, Gabrielle, who usually wanted to cling to Rove like an octopus every day, was not in the auditorium either.

While Luo Fu was thinking, Justin placed breakfast in front of him and said diligently:

"Rolph, these are the snacks I went to the kitchen to find the house elves in the morning to make. They are your favorite snacks on weekdays... Eat them quickly to replenish your energy. We have to go to the competition in a while."

Susan came over with the same enthusiasm and rubbed Rove's shoulders, while McMillan reported on the current situation of the other warriors.

Even Hannah took the latest Daily Prophet and picked up the key news to read to Rove.

Luofu was frightened by the battle and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"The war is about to begin, so I just want you to relax." Justin laughed.

Hannah asked cautiously: "Rolf, are you confident that you will be the first this time? I have spent all my pocket money on you this semester."


Rove looked at McMillan and Susan again, and they both nodded, obviously placing bets and wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to make a small profit.

It's not just Justin and others who want to make money, but also Ron.

He had just learned from Ginny that it was the twins who were opening the market secretly, and his mind immediately became excited.

"Harry, let's win on our own." Ron persuaded in a low voice: "The odds for both of us are very high. If you win, it will be a small upset. If I win, it will be a shocking upset. I can make a lot of money.


Harry frowned and said, "That's what I say, but how can we win first place in the second project?"

"How is it impossible?" Ron said confidently: "We already have Snape's scuba potion, and we have also learned the magic taught by the professors well.

We are fully prepared this time, and of course we have a high probability of making a splash and becoming the top two."

Seeing that Harry was still hesitant, Ron reluctantly borrowed five galleons from him and placed them in front of Ginny.

"Ginny, three galleons beat Harry, two galleons beat me and I will win. You will find George and Fred to bet later." Ron said arrogantly.

Ginny looked at the pile of Galleons. She looked at Ron in surprise and asked, "Where did you get so much money?"

"Leave me alone." Ron warned: "By the way, don't tell me my name, just say you did it yourself."

Ginny picked up the Galleons and said in confusion: "Didn't you say you wanted to take revenge on them for the prom? Why are you giving them money now?"

"Whoever gives them money, I'm making money from them." Ron said coldly.

Either he or Harry can win dozens of galleons according to the odds if he becomes the first place!

Ron was ready to wait until he won, and then ran to George and Fred to get mad at them, these two dog dealers.

Professor McGonagall quickly came to the auditorium. She stood at the door and shouted loudly: "All the warriors of Hogwarts, follow me."

Rolf stood up and walked towards Professor McGonagall, and the Hufflepuff students cheered enthusiastically.

The students of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are also cheering for the warriors of their respective houses.

Several people followed Professor McGonagall out of the auditorium and came outside the castle.

The snow on the ground has melted, replaced by a cold and damp atmosphere. Gray-purple clouds hang low over the castle, and the continuous cold rain makes the lawn slippery and muddy.

However, Rolf, Shirley and Hermione had already drank the potion in advance and were all warm.

Harry and Ron, on the other hand, bundled up in their robes, obviously feeling uncomfortable in the cold wind.

They followed Professor McGonagall and soon arrived at the Black Lake. They saw a tent close to the shore, surrounded by the gray morning mist on the lake.

"Hurry in, Ludo is already waiting inside." Professor McGonagall warned:

"Remember, when you encounter danger, give up as soon as possible and don't be too reluctant, you know?"

When Professor McGonagall said this, she looked at Ron emphatically.

In the first event, he was first captured by the Thunderbird, then attacked by the Explosive Scale Dragon, and was thrown on the top of the mountain. He suffered until the end of the game, and finally scored four points.

Professor McGonagall felt that Ron might as well give up as soon as he entered. Anyway, the difference between zero points and four points was not big, and he would suffer less.

But Ron looked confident, he was no longer the person he used to be.

After entering the tent, Rove saw that Durmstrang's students had already arrived.

Most of them were calm and composed and clearly knew what the game was about.

Krum was sitting by the fire. Against the background of the flames, his face looked serious and he looked very stressed.

Klum is really under a lot of pressure.

Despite his reputation as a Quidditch star, he did not achieve high scores in the first event.

The second event must be ranked first in order to close the gap with the previous warriors, otherwise the expectation of winning the Tri-wizard Cup championship will be slim!

Ludo looked at Luo Fu and others with a smile on his face, and said gently:

"The Beauxbatons warriors haven't arrived yet. Please wait a moment and relax as if you were at home!"

Ludo suddenly came over, lowered his voice, and whispered: "Are you all ready? Have you brought any gifts for the mermaid?"

Rolf, Shirley and Hermione nodded.

Harry and Ron looked confused and asked at the same time: "What gift?"

Ludo: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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