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Chapter 275 Harry and Ron were caught

Late at night, Rolf quietly got up and left the dormitory silently, like a wild cat walking at night, and entered the Hufflepuff common room.

The entire lounge was unusually quiet, with most of the area shrouded in darkness. The only light came from the remaining fire in the fireplace, which flickered with light.

Rolf did not rush out. He came to the fireplace, added another piece of wood, then sat on the sofa and took out a piece of parchment.

He raised his wand, tapped the parchment with the end of the wand and said, "Open the Alaho hole!"

On the originally blank parchment, many thin ink lines appeared like spider webs. Those lines were intertwined to form a map of Hogwarts Castle.

Above the lines, there are many small ink dots, each ink dot marks a name in tiny letters.

Those names are mainly concentrated in four areas, that is, the dormitories of the four colleges, so the sporadic names outside the dormitories are very conspicuous on the map.

Luofu looked at the map in his hand and quickly found several mobile names, namely:

Snape, Moody, Filch and Astronomy Professor Sinistra.

Three teachers and an administrator were patrolling the castle. This was the first time for Luof to see such a formation in so many years of night travel.

It can only be said that, based on Peter Pettigrew's mistakes, the school was very alert to Barty Crouch who escaped from prison.

This kind of strict patrol can ensure the safety of students, but it is not so friendly to the great cause of night tours.

Especially Moody, whose magic eye can see through the invisibility cloak.

Neither Shirley nor Hermione had a map of Hogwarts, so they might be discovered by him accidentally.

After thinking for a while, Rolf decided to change his plan and go directly to Shirley and Hermione's dormitory to pick them out.

Anyway, he knows the specific location and is familiar with the roads.

Lying on the bed with curtains, Shirley was reading a magic book called "Chadwick's Magic".

This book was written by Chadwick Butt and is a textbook for Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

She purposely borrowed it from Margaery and flipped through it in her spare time, thinking of comparing it with the Hogwarts textbooks to learn from each other's strengths.

The girl glanced at the clock out of the corner of her eye. It was still half an hour before the appointed time. She would be leaving the dormitory in a moment to join Rolf and Hermione.

At this time, the wallet hanging on the bedside suddenly opened, and a piece of golden paper floated out from it, landing in front of the ponytailed girl.

Shirley frowned slightly, reached out to pick up the paper, and started reading.

This thing is called magic paper. It was a Christmas gift given to Rove by Dumbledore that year. The boy kept one piece and gave the other one to himself.

Magic paper is similar to a double-sided mirror, both can communicate remotely:

As long as one person writes on the paper, the other person holding the paper can also see the content immediately.

I saw a word slowly appearing on the magic paper:


When Shirley saw the message from Rove, without thinking much, she reached out to extinguish the magic lamp on the bedside and opened the curtain to block the light.

She quietly got out of bed, put on a cloak, and walked towards the window sill.

The girl walked to the window, opened it, and stretched out her cold fingers at night, which made her skin crawl.

Shirley wrapped her cloak tightly around her body, leaned close to the stone window sill, and looked longingly, seeing the empty square, the dark sky, countless boundless stars, and...Rolf!

He was riding a Firebolt, suspended in mid-air not far away, waving vigorously at her with a smile on his face.

When Rolf saw Shirley appearing behind the window, he flicked his broom and flew towards her.

Shirley looked surprised, then suddenly remembered something. She quickly waved her wand to block the sound with magic, then turned to look at the boy and whispered:

"Rolf, why are you here? Didn't you make an appointment to meet in the foyer on the first floor?"

"The plan has changed." Rolf explained with a smile: "I just checked the map of Hogwarts and found that there are several professors patrolling the castle.

I was afraid that you and Hermione would be discovered, so I came here to pick you up..."

Luofu tilted his head, stretched out his hand and said, "Come up quickly."

Shirley hummed, carefully climbed up the window, held Rolf's hand, and stepped onto the Firebolt. After she sat firmly, she hugged the boy's waist tightly with both hands and said softly:

"I'm sitting down."


Rolf whistled softly, turned his broom and flew towards Gryffindor Tower.

Gryffindor Tower,

Harry and Ron tiptoed across the common room, crawled through the portrait hole, pushed aside the Fat Lady's portrait, and got out.

"Who is it?" the fat lady asked in a hoarse voice. "Who is where?!"

But neither Harry nor Ron said a word. They hid under the invisibility cloak and walked quickly in the corridor, trying not to make the slightest sound.

However, when passing by a room, the two of them suddenly heard shouting. Their heartbeats almost jumped out of their chests. Then they held their breath and carefully looked through the crack in the door.

I saw Peeves throwing paint at the wall while humming a Polish children's song:

"I am a painter with strong painting skills. I want to make the new house more beautiful..."

When Harry and Ron discovered that it was Peeves, they were even more frightened. They hurried away from the room and walked towards the stairs not far away.

After walking down the stairs, Harry whispered:

"If Peeves finds out, it will be the end."

"Yeah." Ron said nervously, "He's not easy to deal with."

"I heard from George and Fred that they had a map that showed a panoramic view of Hogwarts, including the many intricate shortcuts and secret passages.

The most important thing is that it also uses small dots marked with names to show the people in the castle walking in the corridors." Ron sighed:

"It would be great if we had that map, so we could avoid everyone in advance."

"Where is that map now?" Harry asked curiously.

"On Halloween last year, Peter Pettigrew sneaked into their dormitory and stole it." Ron said regretfully.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Harry thought about it. He still remembered that that night, all the students were awakened and ended up sleeping in the auditorium all night.

Harry was about to say something when he suddenly stepped on a prank step and half his leg got stuck in it.

Ron bumped into Harry, fell down with a thud, and rolled down the steps, letting out a scream.

Harry wanted to climb out of the trap, but his leg was stuck, so he hurriedly called for help: "Ron, come and save me."

Ron stopped at the top of the stairs. He climbed up with pain all over his body and walked to Harry. He was about to pull him out when he suddenly heard a harsh sound.

"I just heard a cry, annoying students, wandering around in the middle of the night. Tut, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty, you will be arrested."

Ron looked horrified and quickly picked up the invisibility cloak and covered him and Harry.

Peeves floated over. He didn't see anyone, but he still shouted excitedly:

"I know you are here... come out quickly, or I will call someone."

Of course it was impossible for Harry and Ron to come out, so Peeves shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Students don't sleep! Students don't sleep, here on the stairs on the fifth floor!"

A moment later, Snape appeared at the stairs with an oil lamp in his hand. He asked coldly:

"Peeves, what happened?"

"There are students, Professor," Peeves gloated, "I heard their voices, right here."

"Really?" Snape looked around and saw no one. He sneered:

"Professor Moody, why don't you come and take a look? This is your area of ​​expertise."

As soon as Snape finished speaking, the sound of "kick-kick" footsteps could be heard not far away.

Harry looked through the gap in the invisibility cloak and saw Mad-Eye Moody limping out wearing an old traveling cloak and leaning on a cane.

"What's wrong?" he asked gruffly.

"Someone has used the Disillusionment Charm or is hiding under the Invisibility Cloak." Snape said, "I need your magic eye to help me take a look."

Harry's heart beat horribly when he heard this, and he secretly prayed that Moody's magic eye would not be able to see him and Ron.

But Moody just scanned around, walked over, and finally stopped in front of the two of them. He bent down, lifted the invisibility cloak without hesitation, and asked in a rough voice:

"Potter, Weasley, you two are up so late at night, what are you doing here?"

Snape stared at Harry, his black eyes flashed, and he said with a smile on his face:

"I think...Potter and Weasley were probably dating here.

Didn't you read Rita Skeeter's article? They are a couple in love."


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