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Chapter 281 The Death of Barty Crouch

Barty Crouch Jr. raised the wand in his hand and pointed it at his old father. Without any hesitation, he shot out a strong green light, piercing the night sky.

Facing Avada Kedavra, Barty Crouch did not make any move, he just lay dying on the ground... just waiting to die.

When his life was hanging by a thread, a thick tree root suddenly stretched forward and blocked Barty Crouch.

There was a loud bang, and the tree roots exploded on the spot. The green-leafed trees also withered instantly under Avada Kedavra's life, and the dead leaves fell to the ground.

Barty Crouch Jr. suddenly turned around and saw a blond boy riding a broomstick, running towards him at a speed like thunder.

Barty Crouch Jr.'s pupils shrank sharply, and he had recognized the boy's identity - Rolf Scamander.

It was he who...during the Quidditch World Cup a year ago, suddenly broke into the Crouch family's tent and exposed the truth that his father was harboring him, causing both father and son to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

Barty Crouch Jr. still remembers what happened that day, and he is even more unforgettable about the boy's appearance!

During this time, Barty Crouch Jr. also heard his master mention Scamander so much that he even felt a little jealous.

Barty Crouch Jr. smiled. He did not expect that besides his father, there would be other unexpected gains tonight.

What a double happiness!

In this flash of lightning, Barty Crouch Jr. had already imagined in his mind the image of himself taking Scamander's body back and making the Dark Lord happy.

He even thought about the reward he wanted from the Dark Lord:

He wants to kiss his master's feet... and taste every inch of the skin with his tongue!

However, when Barty Crouch Jr. turned around again and wanted to deal with Old Barty first, more tree roots had come out of the ground and completely enveloped him.

Little Barty Crouch was furious and was about to destroy the tree roots. They were already rushing toward him. They were very slender at first, only as thick as a little finger, but after leaving the ground, they grew suddenly, and soon they were like strips of black.


Barty Crouch Jr. began to retreat without thinking, but he was still grabbed by the roots of the tree. He immediately recited a spell, and several wind blades lingered around him.

Before all the wriggling tree roots were cut off, Barty Crouch Jr. was thrown out. He fell heavily to the ground, and still rolled around several times in embarrassment after landing, which shows the great force.

Rolf raised his wand and shot a spell, heading towards Barty Crouch Jr., but the direction was slightly off, with some anticipation.

As Barty Crouch Jr. was rolling, he dug his fingers into the ground and kicked his feet hard to stop himself.

The spell fell not far away from him, creating a large crater and causing mud to splash everywhere.

Barty Crouch Jr. raised his arm. The fingers holding the wand were already covered in blood, and even the fingernails were open.

He endured the pain, raised his wand, and shot back a curse at the young man.

A ball of purple light, like a small sword, shot towards Luo Fu's head. He tilted his head slightly and dodged it easily.

Barty Crouch Jr. made a hooking motion, and Rolf leaned on the broom. The purple light flashed away at a faster speed. If he hadn't avoided it, he would have been cursed from behind.

Wear it through the vest.

The purple light split into two and shot towards Luo Fu again. He flicked the broom and flew towards the sky. The two rays of light followed closely and split into two in mid-air.

Barty Crouch Jr. controlled the light and chased after Rolf. In his eyes, Scamander was like a drowned dog, being chased by his own magic and running around.

But the next second, the figure of Rolf, who was flying through the air, suddenly shone brightly. Barty Crouch Jr. was stung by the bright light, and even after closing his eyes, tears continued to flow.

Barty Crouch Jr. couldn't see anything, and the magic spell had lost its direction, scurrying around in the air like a headless fly.

He secretly thought something was wrong, and immediately twisted the wand with both hands, summoning a huge round mirror shield to block it in front of him.

Rolf was hovering in mid-air and suddenly remembered the dark magic he saw in Snape's old textbook. He waved his wand and said:

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

The next second, the circular mirror shield roared and exploded out of thin air.

On the front and chest of Barty Crouch Jr., his robe had been torn open, revealing a bloody wound, as if he had been struck by an invisible sword.

He staggered to the ground, and the blood pouring out of his chest had turned black. He looked at Luo Fu in mid-air in horror with his blurred eyes.

"I can't die here...I can't..."

Barty Crouch Jr. mustered up his last bit of strength to release magic, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in black mist. Like a bat, he flew towards the nearby Forbidden Forest.

As long as you leave the confines of Hogwarts and enter the Forbidden Forest, you can use Apparition!

Just as Luo Fu was about to chase after him, he suddenly heard Shirley's shout.

"Rolph...Barty Crouch...he's going to die!"

Hearing this, the young man created a magical clone and chased it out on a firebolt. The main body quickly flew back to the ground and came to Shirley's side.

He looked at Barty Crouch lying on the ground with a somewhat complicated expression.

A year ago, Barty Crouch was in good spirits, even though he was over fifty, and he was even more meticulously groomed and clean.

But at this time, after being tortured by Azkaban, he looked at least twenty years older. His face had become thinner, his eye sockets were sunken, and his face was full of wrinkles. His beard covered his sunken cheeks and thin chin, and there were a few wisps of dirt.

Xi's hair blocked his eyes.

The ponytailed girl who was treating Barty Crouch raised her head and said:

"Rolf, he has been calling you and Dumbledore's names just now, saying that he has important things to say!"

Rove happened to have many questions to ask Crouch. He squatted aside and called: "Mr. Crouch..."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Barty Crouch let out a low groan, tremblingly opened his eyes, he stared at Rove, as if he didn't understand who he was, or had doubts about him

What is he going to do?

"Why is Barty Crouch Jr. here?" Rove asked bluntly: "Isn't he in Azkaban?"

"Little Barty?" Crouch murmured: "Ava... Little Barty's O.w.Ls test results have been sent. He got twelve certificates... The results are very satisfactory... He is worthy of being ours."


"Let's celebrate tonight...I also bought tickets for your favorite Celestine Warbeck concert..."

Crouch spoke intermittently, repeating the name "Eva" in his mouth.

Crouch was obviously confused. Rolf realized this and looked at Shirley and said, "Give him a strong dose of the drug."

The girl with the ponytail nodded, quickly opened the box, took out a bottle of magic potion, and gave it to Crouch.

The strong stabilizing potion is a potion that can restore mental and physical strength in a short period of time. Of course, for a dying wizard, this potion will accelerate death and bring about a short-term recovery.

After Crouch took it, his eyes became clear again. He stared at Rove and said with deep pain in his hoarse voice:

"Rolf... Scamander... is that you?"

"It's me, Mr. Crouch." Rove asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

"I...escaped from Azkaban..." Crouch grabbed Rove's hand tightly and said with bulging eyes:

"I just want to tell you and Dumbledore...the Dark Lord's secret..."

Rove looked shocked. He didn't expect Crouch to escape from prison for this reason. He couldn't wait to ask:

"Have you met Voldemort?"

"I've seen it..." Crouch coughed, blood spattered, but his fingers tightened. "The Dark Lord has many helpers... He has become stronger... You must be careful..."

Rove frowned, knowing that this was something that could not be explained clearly in a few words, and Crouch's body could not support it for long, so he asked calmly:

"Can you give me your memories of Voldemort?!"

"Take...go...get...go..." A silver-blue substance that was neither a gas nor a liquid came out of Crouch's body, coming out of his mouth, ears and eyes.


Rolf used the wand to stick the memories and handed them to Shirley. He asked again:

"Mr. Crouch, the blood of unicorns can keep you alive..."

Crouch looked at the young man and shook his head with difficulty, as if to say, forget it, the matter is over, there is no need to save me.

Luo Fu hesitated for a moment and said: "If you have any last words or unfulfilled wishes, I will do my best."

Crouch's lips moved slightly, and Rove put his ear to his mouth.

Moments later, Barty Crouch was dead.

There was a look of relief and relief on his face.

Luo Fu sat on the ground, looking at the corpse in a daze.

Shirley carefully put the memory in the bottle. She closed the bottle cap tightly and asked in a low voice:

"Rolph, what did Crouch say?"

"Two sentences." Luofu said: "One is 'I am guilty, there is no need to save me'."

"The other sentence is..." Luofu sighed softly:

"There is no grave or monument after death. Scatter his ashes in Azkaban...his wife Ava...is waiting for him there..."

Shirley held Luo Fu's hand tightly, and the two of them didn't speak for a while, just sitting in a daze.

This chapter has been completed!
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