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Chapter 289 Pennys letter

The news that Barty Crouch and the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban had died spread quickly throughout the wizarding world, making the headlines of the Daily Prophet for several days.

In March, major reporters and news writers angrily criticized the Ministry of Magic's inaction and opacity due to Barty Crouch's escape from prison, and pointed the finger directly at Fudge.

Only two short months have passed, and the trend has suddenly changed 180 degrees.

The Ministry of Magic is no longer the useless snack that takes taxpayers' Galleons and does nothing, and Fudge is no longer a confused crow, but has become an outstanding minister who is wise and decisive.

All I can say is that reporters are fickle.

Among these people, the most conspicuous is an American journalist named Jacob.

A few months ago, when Fudge was criticized, he was bucking the trend of public opinion and writing articles to praise Fudge. Now he went a step further and described Fudge as the most wise and promising leader in the British wizarding world in the past 500 years.

He also called on the Wizengamot to amend the law, cancel the seven-year election, and give Minister Fudge a lifetime term.

Such outrageous remarks naturally caused an uproar.

Students at Hogwarts read newspapers every day to point out the country and express their opinions, but as June entered, this behavior disappeared.

Exam week is here, and the little wizard needs to go back to the faithful library to review his damn homework.

Warriors do not need to take final exams, and naturally do not need to review. For most students, this is simply a jealous and maddening thing.

But Hermione was not happy at all. She didn't think there was any conflict between the Triwizard Tournament and the final exam, so she took the initiative to find Professor McGonagall and wanted to take the exam.

But Professor McGonagall felt that the original purpose of the exam was just to test students' learning status, and she already knew Hermione's level well, so there was no need to use the exam to test it.

In short...don't be distracted, go and have a special training with Luofu, and get the damn Triwizard Cup back to me!

In the opinion of Professor McGonagall, due to the deduction of points from Harry and Ron, there is no hope for the Academy Cup. Everyone in the academy is pointing to the Triwizard Cup!

Not only Professor McGonagall, but other teachers also hope to keep the Triwizard Cup in Hogwarts, and have provided help to the warriors.

Professor Sprout donated her greenhouse so that whenever the warriors lack any herbs, they can pick them directly.

Professor Snape is also willing to help the warriors with special training to improve their magic skills... When he said this, he kept staring into Harry's eyes, showing the greasy smile of a middle-aged man.

Professor Flitwick stood by the window of his office every day with a telescope, observed the maze on the Quidditch field, and told the warriors what he observed.

Even Professor Trelawney wants to do her part to help the Hogwarts warriors win the Triwizard Cup.

On this day, sitting in the divination class, Professor Trelawney was explaining to everyone the wonderful angle formed by Mars and Neptune.

In front of her was a small model of the solar system housed in a round glass cover. The model was very beautiful:

The burning sun, the eight planets, their satellites, and the asteroid belt are all suspended in the glass cover, shining in their respective positions.

After the explanation, Professor Trelawney gave each person a complicated circular chart, asking them to fill in the planetary positions at the time of their birth.

This is a tedious job that requires many tedious calculations of time and angles.

When Rolf was making calculations, he couldn't help but get distracted, and his thoughts drifted to the prophecy Trelawny had made before:

For thirteen years, the Dark Lord has wandered in the world like a lonely ghost. He has no friends, was abandoned by his companions, and was betrayed by his servants. However, he is destined to rise again, with the help of three women:

One because of life...one because of death...one because of love...

Thinking about it again, Luofu already has some answers to the identities of the three women.

Especially since we learned that Voldemort resided in the back of the Dementor's head and rescued the Death Eaters, it became clear which woman "One for Love" was referring to.

After all, in this world, only Bellatrix can love Tom.

As for the death of one person, Rolf had thought about Harry's mother Lily, but after being attacked in Godric's Hollow on Christmas Day, he ruled out this possibility.

What's more, the tombs of Lily and James have been protected, and it is impossible for Voldemort to get the bones... So who could it be?

Just when Luo Fei closed his eyes and was meditating, a deep voice sounded: "Wake up, kid, don't sleep."

Rolf opened his eyes and found Trelawney suddenly approaching him. She stared at him meaningfully and said in a mysterious voice:

"If you had seen what I saw when I was doing crystal ball divination last night, I'm afraid you wouldn't be sleeping leisurely in class like you are now."

Luofu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I was sitting here last night, admiring the sunset, and suddenly I had an uncontrollable urge to consult my crystal ball." Trelawney lowered her voice and said:

"I stood up, sat in front of the crystal ball, and stared into the depths of the crystal...Child, guess what I saw staring at me?"

"The Second Wizarding War?" Hannah guessed.

"The end of the world?" Susan said in horror.

"Russian nuclear bomb dropped on London?" Justin asked.

"Your own reflection?" Neville finally said.

Listening to Neville's straightforward words, Rolf laughed out loud, and Trelawney glared at him fiercely and said:

"It's death, my dear, I saw you... died in the last event of the Triwizard Tournament."

Both Hannah and Susan covered their mouths with their hands, looking horrified.

Luofu let out a light ooh and asked, "How did you die?"

"A big wave hit, the boat you were on sank, and you and the Ravenclaw warrior, Shirley Swinton, fell into the water..." Trelawney described.

"Professor." Rolf rolled his eyes and said, "The third event of the Triwizard Tournament is on the Quidditch field. Where can we get a boat and water?"

"Eh? In the Quidditch field?" Trelawney was a little surprised. She thought it was in the Black Lake like the second event.

Seeing Hannah and Susan both nodding, Trelawney snorted coldly and said harshly:

"It's summer vacation. If you and Swinton take a boat, you will definitely fall into the sea... Anyway, there is danger, and my third eye will not be wrong."

"But, as your divination professor, of course I have to save your life." Trelawney whispered:

"My child, I can personally use my power to help you open your third eye, so that you can see dangers in advance. With the help of your third eye, you will definitely win the Triwizard Tournament."

Both Hannah and Susan looked at Rolf with envy.

Rolf also looked at Trelawney, always feeling that she was like those Tony guys who jump up and down in the barber shop, always sorting out customers to apply for cards, he asked: "Isn't it free?"

"It's free." Trelawney sighed softly: "But if you open the Third Eye, it will consume twenty years of my skill.

You need to give me ten...no, a hundred bottles of sherry left by Hufflepuff to replenish my health."

"My child... open your third eye. You don't want to... die, do you?"



Xiaowhingjin District,

No. 4 Privet Drive.

A thin blonde woman was standing on the lawn, holding a watering hose and watering her lawn.

However, her eyes were more focused on the window of No. 7 opposite - from there she could see a couple quarreling and throwing things.

The scene made the woman more and more excited. She craned her neck and peered through the fence to spy on the quarrel between her neighbors.

At this moment, an owl flew over. After it flew close, it circled in the air, dropped a letter towards the woman, and flew away again.

The woman did not dare to answer the letter for a while, because she knew that it was the method used by those weirdos to send letters.

The letter finally fell on the lawn, and it read:

Mrs. Petunia Evans Dursley, No. 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

On the envelope, there is also a wax seal, a shield coat of arms, and a capital "h" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Petunia looked at the coat of arms, her hands shook, and she dropped the water pipe on the ground in fear.

She had received a similar letter, but it was almost twenty years ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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