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Chapter 291 Invitation to Hogwarts

The sun in June is like molten gold, burning the earth. Under the blue sky and the scorching sun, even the wind is sultry, and the ground is shining as if there are sparks.

In such a hot weather, Privet Drive was shrouded in a drowsy silence. Not a single pedestrian could be seen on the road, and everyone hid in shady houses.

Vernon Dursley was sitting on the sofa in his living room, his clothes clinging to his chest and covering his body like a wet wool blanket. He couldn't help but complain:

"This damn weather hasn't even entered July yet, but it's already so hot! Didn't the weather forecast last night say it will rain today? I think it's not as accurate as if I tossed a coin!"

"Penny, get me a glass of iced milk with some honey. This is perfect for a hot day."

Petunia didn't move, she was staring at the TV, but Vernon noticed that his wife seemed to be focusing on it, but was actually distracted.

"Petunia!" Vernon shouted again, and she came back to her senses and asked in a panic: "What's wrong?"

"What are you thinking about?" Vernon asked.

"No...no." Penny said nervously.

Vernon looked at his wife suspiciously. He suddenly remembered something and said in a low and hoarse voice:

"Yes, it's summer vacation soon, and that kid is coming back from the monster asylum, so it's making you upset, right?"

Petunia was speechless for a moment. She didn't know if she should boldly tell her husband about the letter she received that day.

Seeing that his wife was silent, Vernon thought she had acquiesced, so he followed her thoughts and said:

"I heard that kid say last year that he had some bullshit godfather. Why didn't he stay at his godfather's house during the summer vacation?"

"Vernon, shush!" said Aunt Petunia, "the window is open!"

"Oh - yes - I'm sorry, dear."

The Dursleys stopped talking. They listened to a jingle about a nutritious fruit bran breakfast and looked nervously at the street.

Mrs. Figg was walking slowly over at this time - she lived on Wisteria Road not far from here. She was an eccentric old lady who kept many cats.

At this time, there was suddenly the sound of banging footsteps on the stairs. After a moment, a fat man of fifteen or six years old ran down:

He has a big pink silver face, a short neck, a pair of watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lies flat on his thick, chubby head.

The boy went straight to the refrigerator as soon as he got downstairs. After he opened the cabinet door, he shouted: "Where's the ice cream? Why is it gone?"

"Dada, the hospital nurse at Smelting High School wrote to say that you need to lose weight." Vernon sighed heavily, making his shaggy beard tremble.

"I can't find any uniforms that you can wear in the school uniform library."

Dudley glared at him angrily and said, "I'm not fat at all."

"Yes, little darling, of course you are not fat." Penny quickly comforted her, "Dada's just a little bigger than the average person."

"I want a colorful sundae!" Dudley said, "Go get it now."

Penny said lovingly, "There's a piece of grapefruit in the refrigerator."

"No, I'm going to eat the colorful sundae!" Dudley's face was gloomy, looking angry.

The Dursleys looked at each other without saying anything, which made Dudley even more angry. He slammed the refrigerator door hard and shouted: "I want to eat a colorful sundae!"

He closed the door with such force that the whole refrigerator shook, and the letters hidden on the top of the refrigerator were knocked off and fell to the ground.

Petunia's face turned pale with fright. She jumped up from the sofa like a spring, ran to Dudley in a few steps, and quickly took away the letter before he could open it.

"I saw it!" Dudley shouted: "It's exactly the same as the envelope Harry received when he was eleven years old. This letter is from Hogg..."

"Shut up," Vernon yelled at Dudley, "and get to the next room. Now!"

Dudley was frightened by his father. He reluctantly walked into the next room, but after closing the door, he immediately pressed against the door and listened.

"What is that?" Vernon asked, staring at his wife, his face turning purple at this time.

"Vernon, I received this letter a few days ago." Petunia hesitated and explained, "The letter is from that monster school."

"Oh, could it be that the kid did something bad and was expelled from school?" Vernon guessed maliciously.

"No..." Petunia shook her head and said, "The letter said that Harry was participating in the Triwizard Tournament and invited us to meet as family members."

"The Triwizard Tournament," Vernon muttered quietly, "what the hell is that?"

"I don't know either." Penny said fearfully. "Shall we... go?"

"No!" Vernon refused flatly: "Of course not, we are a serious family, how could we go to those weirdos..."

Before he finished speaking, Dudley, who was eavesdropping in the room, rushed out and shouted: "I want to go... I want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament!"

Vernon's big purple face twitched slightly, and his beard stood up straight. Apparently his nerves couldn't bear the words "Triwizard Tournament" as they rang in his living room.

"Shut up...shut up!"

Dudley burst into tears. He didn't really cry, but he was sobbing and howling.

Penny had no choice but to compromise: "I'll buy you a colorful sundae right away. I'll buy it for you now, don't cry!"

Dudley stopped crying instantly and showed a victorious smile.

But at this moment, another owl flew in from the window, dropped a letter again, and flew away again.

Vernon stared at the owl. He was shaking with anger and glanced nervously toward the window, as if he was worried that the neighbors might see it.

He quickly closed the curtains, and when he turned around, he saw that his wife had opened the letter. He asked, "What did you write this time?!"

But Petunia didn't speak, and her eyes became very strange, as did Dudley standing aside.

Vernon walked quickly to the two of them, and he saw a piece of parchment. There was no writing on the paper, it was completely blank.

He frowned at first, then his eyes wandered for a moment, then he looked at the blank paper seriously for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"Oh... of course we are going to watch the game."

"Yeah, let's go now." Penny said, "Don't let them take too long."

A few minutes later, the three of them left the house and got into a car.

Standing on the opposite side of the road, Mrs. Figg, who had just returned from the supermarket with a jingling mesh bag hanging from her wrist, screamed:

"Mrs. Dursley, do you and your family want to go out?"

"Yes." Penny sat in the passenger seat and explained, "My nephew is participating in a competition at school and he invited our family to watch."

After the car drove away, Feige couldn't help but frown, Petunia's nephew?

Isn’t that—Harry Potter?!

This chapter has been completed!
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