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Chapter 301 The Black Family Cemetery

Westminster Abbey,

Located on the north bank of the Thames River in London, it was built in the ninth century AD and has a history of more than a thousand years.

As the most prestigious church in the UK, Westminster is not only an Anglican chapel, but also the place where kings are crowned and royal family members hold weddings. It is also a... cemetery.

So far, the remains of more than 3,000 people have been buried here for future generations to remember and pay homage to. The huge inner chamber made of stone is filled with the remains of famous kings, politicians, scientists, poets and musicians.

However, what Rolf didn't expect was that the Black family, which had always hated Muggles, would choose to be buried here.

As promised...what about being pure forever?

However, considering that the Malfoy family is a pure-blood supremacist family, their ancestor Armand Malfoy also served as the younger brother of William I, Duke of Normandy, and followed him to conquer England.

And the Death Eaters, who are pure-blood fanatics, also kneel and lick the master, Lord Voldemort, who has a Muggle father...

It can be seen that although most pure-blood wizards talk about hatred on their lips, they are very honest in their bodies.

So, it doesn't seem to be a big deal that the Black family buried their mausoleum in the exclusive church of the Muggle royal family.

At this time, standing in the hall, Rolf was looking up to admire this Gothic-style church:

On both sides are tall walls inlaid with stained glass, and gray stone pillars, like giant trees, extending upward one after another, raising a huge dome in the dizzying sky.

The young man admired it for a moment, then looked at Sirius who had been silent beside him, and couldn't help but ask:

"Sirius, have you found the entrance to your family's cemetery?"

Yes, the two of them had apparated to Westminster Abbey for a while, but the embarrassing thing was...Sirius couldn't find the entrance to his ancestral grave.

This behavior suddenly reminded Luo Fu of a joke from hell, that is, a family member went to a grave and burned paper for several years, but one day they discovered that they visited the wrong grave.

"It seems to be in the east corridor." Sirius said a little uncertainly.

"It seems?" Luofu raised his eyebrows, "Have you never been here before?"

"I have been here before, but that was decades ago." Sirius smiled bitterly and said, "Rolf, the last time I came here, I was younger than you."

"Then why didn't you come later?" Luofu asked curiously.

"I ran away from home when I was sixteen." Sirius explained: "I lived at James's house until I graduated. I have been to their cemetery many times and know the specific location."


Luo Fei sighed softly. Fortunately, Sirius was not a 'little diniang'. If he had been a witch, he would probably have nothing to do with Lily.

At this time, a loud sound of the door being pushed open came from the far end of the hall, interrupting the conversation between the two. A burst of rapid footsteps passed through the hall and came towards them.

"Two gentlemen!" a voice shouted angrily, "the church is closed now, how did you get in?"

Rove turned around and saw a male staff member walking towards them, tapping his watch with his fingers and yelling at them to leave immediately.

Sirius waved his wand and said, "Confusion, confusion."

The man staggered like he was drinking fake wine, blinked, shook his head, and then chuckled: "Sorry, you two can continue to visit here."

As he said this, he was about to walk away slowly, but Sirius quickly caught up with him and asked him about the way.

After a while, Sirius led Rolf towards the north passage of the church and entered the dim corridor behind a row of niche columns.

In this corridor, Rove saw many tombs, and the names of the owners of these tombs can basically only be seen in textbooks: Darwin, Rutherford, Dickens...

Of course, there is also the famous great alchemist-Isaac Newton.

He was buried in a huge sarcophagus made of black marble, with his statue on top and his writings next to it. Behind him stood a pyramid covered with reliefs and celestial bodies of various shapes.

Luofu followed Sirius on the winding corridor for a long time when Sirius suddenly stopped.

Rove looked around and asked, "Are we here?"

"Here we are." Sirius nodded slightly: "What you are stepping on...are the tombs of Black's ancestors."


Rolf looked down and found that he was stepping on a large stone slab with the word "Black" and the coat of arms of the Black family engraved on it.

He quickly moved his feet, and Sirius raised his wand and recited a series of spells.

The stone slabs quickly began to slide, and a "squeaking" sound was heard as the stones rubbed against each other, revealing a passage on the ground.

The two of them walked slowly down a staircase. The staircase was winding and curved in a wide arc shape, spiraling down for more than ten meters.

When they reached the end, they came to a huge underground hall:

There are columns carved with Blake's coat of arms, a pointed arch, ornately decorated vaults, and blue torches lit on the walls, adding a spooky atmosphere to this huge space.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from the distance, and she asked: "Who is it?!"

Sirius narrowed his eyes and immediately raised his wand, and then something rushed towards him like a cold wind. He found that his tongue curled back and he could no longer speak.

A figure suddenly jumped up from the ground. It was tall, earthy gray, and ferocious in appearance. It floated towards them, getting faster and faster.

Sirius's tongue was knotted and he couldn't recite the spell immediately. Rolf was also speechless, but he quickly snapped his fingers, and a ball of flames shot towards the gray figure, and the smoke quickly burned.

Sirius raised his wand, pointed it at his tongue, and said slowly:

"The tongue-stuck curse... this should be the magic left by the Death Eaters. I'm afraid we have been discovered."

Luofu thought for a while and whispered: "Sirius, I will go there alone first, and when I fight with the Death Eaters, you can use the Disillusionment Charm to sneak over.

If possible, you should take the opportunity to save the Dursleys."

Sirius nodded in agreement.

Rove walked through the arch alone and entered a larger underground cave.

The place is covered with stone tombs, and a long marble road stretches into the distance. There is a votive candle every few meters, and the candlelight shines shadowily on the ground.

After walking for more than ten meters, Luo Fu vaguely heard a woman's cry. He was about to run forward, but stopped.

On the road not far away, seven or eight wizards in black robes appeared. They raised their wands and pointed them at Rolf.

Rolf slowly took out the monitor he had taken away from the maze from his pocket, and at the same time waved to the group of wizards:

"Hey, good evening, Death Eaters."

This chapter has been completed!
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