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Chapter 305: Rolfs Magic

As the most notorious terrorist organization in the UK in recent decades, the name Death Eaters is not only a name that makes children cry at night, but also an existence that can make most wizards tremble when they hear it.

Faced with such a group of extremely vicious guys, Rolf wanted to kill them all... This sounded so crazy that those who didn't know thought he had surrounded the Death Eaters!

If it were anyone else, he would definitely be regarded as a lunatic, but after hearing what Rove said, the students on the Quidditch field felt...natural.

No way, Rolf's actions in the past few years have already accumulated enough prestige and a group of fanatical fans at Hogwarts.

In fact, the young man was not lying. He really planned to take advantage of the opportunity before Voldemort was resurrected to kill all the Death Eaters in front of him!

Although they are all Death Eaters, they are obviously different from the young men like Malfoy. They have all been tested by the Ministry of Magic and Azkaban and have been proven to be Voldemort's most loyal subordinates.

Even if Voldemort asked them to commit suicide, they would not hesitate at all. Such extreme and dangerous die-hard fanatics... it would be better to die as soon as possible!

A large amount of magic power was instantly concentrated in Rolf's eyes, and his eyes turned into a pair of cold yellow vertical pupils, looking directly at the group of Death Eaters, and he muttered silently:

"Death stare!"

The snake eyes from the basilisk are the simplest and most efficient means of mass murder that Rolf has mastered. If you look directly at him, you will die, and even ghosts will be affected.

But what surprised him was that after the two sides looked at each other for a moment, the Death Eaters all stood there unharmed without any reaction.

Rolf narrowed his eyes and let out a puzzled sigh. His thoughts turned over and over again, and he immediately realized that Voldemort might have taught Death Eater some kind of evasive magic.

Back then, the first time Rolf used the Basilisk's "Eye of Death" was against Voldemort and Quirrell, and they were caught without any precautions.

Voldemort will be on guard against this magic when they meet again in the future, so it is highly likely that he will inform the Death Eaters of this information in advance and teach them how to guard against magic.

Luo Fu smiled helplessly, this is the difference between having intelligence and not having intelligence!

This also reminded him of the long-standing controversial topic in his previous life: How strong is "Intelligence Jiraiya"?

Luofu suppressed his distracting thoughts and stared at the Death Eaters. Since the death gaze didn't work, he could only...

"Harsh and strong sound!"

A strange, high-pitched neighing sound suddenly came from his mouth. This came from the magic of the evil bird, which would have a certain probability of causing the wizard to feel dizzy and frightened.

And after the cry was amplified twenty times by the amplification spell, it was like a lion's roar, roaring in the catacombs and Quidditch stadium.

In an instant, all the students on the Quidditch field were holding their heads, covering their ears, and squatting on the ground. Still, the severe pain felt like a sharp needle piercing the eardrum could not be relieved.

Ludo felt even more uncomfortable. He shouted loudly: "Hurry up...turn off the magic curtain..."

But no one paid attention to him, and even the staff of the Ministry of Magic were enveloped.

In the maze, the warriors were also affected by the sound.

As soon as Ron broke free from the female ghost's invasion and climbed out of the tree hole with difficulty, he heard a harsh sound roaring in his ears. He immediately rolled his eyes and fainted.

The female ghost was surprisingly not affected. She crawled out of the hole and dragged Ron back with lingering thoughts.

Krum was dealing with a Blast-Ended Skrewt, pointing his wand at it and shouting:


The spell hit the Blast-Ended Skrewt's armor and bounced back. He immediately ducked backwards to avoid his own stun spell.

At this time, the snail spit out a large ball of flame from its mouth or butt.

Krum was about to dodge backwards when a sharp sound hit his eardrums. He felt dizzy. He knelt down on one knee and shook his head, but his vision was still blurry.

But the dizziness was no longer a big deal. He could smell the smell of burnt hair, and the flames of the snails burned the top of his head.

On a corridor in the distance, Hermione and Fleur met.

Although they are friends, since they met in the maze, they are ready to fight to determine the winner.

However, the deafening cry sounded, and both of them felt dizzy, nauseated, and could only put down the fight temporarily.

Not far away, Shirley dizzily held on to the fence to steady her body, then suppressed her nausea and used earplugs to block out the sound.

Shirley had fought with Rolf many times, and had long been accustomed to his magic, so her reaction was naturally very quick.

But she was a little confused. Didn't Rolf go looking for Voldemort? Why could he hear his voice here?

With such confusion, Shirley continued to walk forward, passed through an alley, and entered another passage. She suddenly stopped and stared into the distance.

The ponytail girl saw...Hermione and Fleur.

When the Triwizard Tournament reached the third event, they finally met in the competition.

The sound of the Quidditch match did not last long, because the detector that transmitted the picture could not hold up under the sound of Rove's voice and exploded.

This is good news for the spectators in the arena, but the Death Eaters in the cemetery are not so lucky.

They couldn't avoid it. Even though they covered their ears with all their strength, they were still shaken by the sound. They were filled with unspeakable fear and fear, and the bones in their whole body were shaken by the sound.

Of course, there are also Death Eaters who have calmed down and waved their wands to block the sound of their companions.

Rolf also knew that this influence would not last long, so he quickly used the civet's magic to split it in two again.

The clone on the left had smoke filling his nostrils. He opened his mouth and a dark orange light appeared in his throat. The young man muttered silently:

"Fire Dragon Breath!"

The hot dragon's breath first gathered in Rolf's throat, and then after a short period of accumulation, a flame full of violent breath spurted out and shot towards the Death Eater.

The right clone put his hands on his hips, opened his mouth, and sucked in suddenly, swallowing all the air around him like a whale sucking water.

Luofu's abdomen expanded exaggeratedly like an air-winged bird.

Then, he raised his hands, grinned like a tiger roaring, and blew a breath of cool air into the furnace-like orange flame.

"Tornado hurricane!"

The strong wind suddenly rose, but it did not extinguish the flames. Instead, it acted like a combustion accelerant, expanding the dragon's breath that was originally only a few meters to more than ten meters in an instant.

The Death Eaters had just recovered from their nausea when they saw a sea of ​​fire bursting in front of them, rushing towards them.

This chapter has been completed!
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