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Chapter 309 The Dark Lord...captured successfully!

Back then, Newt took Rolf by his side and taught him by words and deeds, and he once warned him:

When a wizard is dueling, distraction is an extremely dangerous behavior. It is easy for the opponent to seize the fleeting flaw and complete the counterattack.

This applies to everyone, including Voldemort.

So the question is, as the world's number one dark wizard, how could he make such a stupid mistake?

The reason is actually very simple: Rolf used the magic "Fear Phantom" from the Boggart to become the thing that Voldemort fears most:


His own body!

Voldemort is not afraid of Rolf, nor is he afraid of Dumbledore, nor is he afraid of Harry Potter who has rebounded from Avatar. He is only afraid of... death!

Think about it, a wizard who has been making Horcruxes since he was sixteen years old and whose biggest goal in this life is immortality must be so afraid of death that it has almost become his obsession and demonic obstacle.

Therefore, Voldemort would naturally be in a trance when he was caught off guard and faced the thing he feared most in his heart.

This is the weakness of human nature. No one can avoid it. Even if he is as strong as Dumbledore, if he suddenly sees the body of his sister Ariana during a battle, it may be worse than Voldemort's gaffe!

The flaw revealed at that moment was where Rolf's murderous intent lay, so he shot an Avada Kedavra at Voldemort without any hesitation.

After being in a trance for a moment, Voldemort saw a dazzling green light, already heading straight for him.

In the past, he could summon a physical object to block in front of him, or move calmly to one side, but at this moment, it was too late.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Voldemort's abdomen suddenly exploded, creating a hole the size of a fist.

The green light flashed away, passed through the cave, and hit the stone tomb in the distance.

Rolf looked stunned. He did not expect that the killing move he had carefully prepared would be avoided by Voldemort in this way.

Well...he wasn't arrogant enough to expect that he could kill Voldemort with only the Boggart's magic, so the moment he shot the Killing Curse, his back move was already close behind him.

I saw a row of small swords appearing on the dark ceiling. There were ten of them in total, lined up in a line, hovering high in the sky.

Rolf was like Magneto, controlling those metal flying swords. With a slight hook of his fingers, the first light golden sword shot at Voldemort at an extremely fast speed, and the second one followed behind.

Three and four, gradually falling...

After Voldemort escaped, blood spurted out from the wound in his abdomen like a red spring, but he did not rush to stop the bleeding, but focused on staring at Rolf.

The next second, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he tilted his neck, just in time to avoid a flying sword that was shot at the back of his head from behind.

Rolf's index finger of his right fist rotated slightly, and the flying sword drew an arc and returned to the sky. At the same time, he tapped his fingers with his left hand, and another flying sword hidden behind the tombstone swung out and pierced Voldemort's heart.

Voldemort raised his remaining right arm, and as he cast spells without a wand, the skin of that hand was instantly covered with purple light, like a piece of armor.

He grabbed his arm forward and caught the flying sword at the critical moment, sparks flying from his palm.

At the same time, the first flying sword wanted to get close to him again.

Voldemort narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were like laser eyes, shooting out two red rays of light and shooting down the small sword.

Another flying sword shot towards Voldemort. He gently waved the wand in his hand, and a breeze rose around him.

That sword was like a pine needle blown askew by a breeze. Not only this flying sword, but also several flying swords after that, without exception, all returned in vain and surrounded Voldemort, following a certain set trajectory.

Fly slowly.

Voldemort sneered and said: "Scamander, these gadgets of yours are of no use to me..."

But before he finished speaking, Rolf raised his wand and shouted: "Explode!"


Following a loud noise, the eight flying swords exploded instantly, and the fire directly engulfed Voldemort's triumphant face.


Bella yelled and threw herself at Voldemort, but the air wave from the explosion knocked her to the ground!

Rolf was even closer to Voldemort, and his body was thrown away by the blast. After drawing a small arc parabola in the air, he landed gracefully on top of a stone tomb.

The center of those flying swords had long been enlarged by Rolf using the Traceless Expansion Curse. Not only were there placed explosive rocks made from the saliva of the Rock Thief Dragon, but there were also many rocks that Margaery got from American Muggles...


If he wasn't worried about destroying London, Rolf would have wanted to get a nuclear bomb and hide it inside, hoping to "nuclear neutralize" Voldemort.

In terms of magical attainments, Voldemort is indeed powerful, but times have changed, and magic, technology and hard work are now popular!

The rumbling explosions were heard constantly, echoing continuously in the underground tombs, making them appear very majestic.

But even so, Rolf still didn't believe that he could kill Voldemort. He raised a hand and said slowly:


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket appeared in mid-air, and it struck down in succession, like rapid floods, striking Voldemort at the center of the explosion.

The dazzling thunder light and the dazzling fire light complemented each other and kept flashing in the empty underground tomb. For a time, the room was filled with brilliance and splendor.

Rolf stepped on the statue of Sirius's ancestor with his feet, gently rubbed the soles of his shoes, and after removing the mud from his feet, he jumped off the stone tomb and walked forward.

At this time, the explosion had stopped, and as the boy's footsteps sounded, droplets of water splashed out from the ground.

Those water drops all came from the water dragons created by Voldemort. At this moment, they were all controlled by Rolf and were floating in the air.

The young man walked to a drop of water, stopped, stretched out his finger and flicked it.


The drop of water was hit by the bullet and floated away.

Following that inconspicuous water droplet, all the water droplets connected in series to form a line, and then converged into a thin stream, rushing towards the deep pit created by the explosion.

With a thought in his mind, a turbid water ball almost as tall as a man flew out of the pit.

He walked unhurriedly to the water polo, raised his arms, and raised his palms in front of him. The palms of his hands were filled with mist, revealing a bluish chill of frost and snow.

Luofu pressed his palm on the water ball and whispered: "The power of frost!"

The young man bent his fingers with one hand and tapped the water ball gently. There was a crisp sound of hitting the ice cube, and then the cold breath rippled and spread out in circles.

The water ball froze quickly, and in an instant, it condensed into a huge ice ball, hovering in mid-air.

Luofu looked at the ice ball, as if admiring a Pokmon ball. He put away his cold palms and smiled:

"The Dark Lord...captured successfully!"

This chapter has been completed!
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