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Chapter 3 Hogwarts Recruitment Advertisement

A seventeenth-century-style three-masted sailing ship appeared on the sea level and headed towards the port of Dover.

It has a black gold hull, the bow looks like a lion raising its front paws, the hull is painted with the national flower of the United States - a red rose with a shield pattern on a blue background, and the eye-catching "Mayflower" is engraved on the stern.

As the ship lowered its sails, it slowly sailed into Dover Harbor and finally anchored at the pier, where a group of wizards lined up to disembark.

At the same time, a group of passengers were waiting to board the ship on the shore. Almost everyone held a newspaper, reading the contents with bated breath, and occasionally whispering to their companions.

The topic everyone discussed was, without exception, the return of the mysterious man.

A few weeks ago, everyone was still surprised by the resurrection of the Death Eaters and the collapse of Westminster Abbey, but now these have become insignificant events.

At least in the face of Voldemort's resurrection, it was really just a trivial matter.

Luo Fu and Shirley had used the transformation technique to change their appearance and became a middle-aged man and woman, so they blended in with the crowd and were not recognized.

In front of the two people stood a pair of wizards who looked like grandfather and granddaughter.

The girl among them saw everyone holding newspapers with solemn faces, and her curiosity was immediately aroused.

But now she was about to board the ship, and it was too late to buy a newspaper. She looked around, focusing on the uncle behind her who had a kind face and looked very talkative, and asked in a cute voice:

"Hello, sir... do you still read your newspaper? If you have finished reading it, can you lend it to me? I can pay for it."

After hearing this, Luofu raised his head and looked at the girl who borrowed the newspaper:

She was about fifteen or six years old, with a pair of doe-like eyes and short, soft straw-colored hair.

She doesn't look stunning, and her face can only be considered delicate and gentle at first glance, but she is the type that becomes more attractive the more you look at her.

The girl is also wearing a tie-dye floral skirt. Under the skirt is a pair of unusually straight and slender legs. This standard pencil leg is very in line with the aesthetics of leg control people.

There were two finely crafted gold rose pendants hanging on the girl's ears, and she exuded a faint...magic potion smell.

Luofu sniffed and confirmed again... that was not perfume, it was really a mixed potion smell.

The girl has obviously been dealing with potions all year round, so she can have this smell on her body.

Luo Fei's eyes swept across, he turned around and asked: "Shirley, do you want to read the newspaper again?"

Shirley, who turned into Dean Agatha, shook her head gently and said softly: "No, I've finished reading it."

After hearing this, Luo Fu handed the newspaper to the short-haired girl and said, "You don't have to pay, you can just take it and read it."

"Thank you! You two are really good people." The short-haired girl smiled slightly, and two small dimples suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

The old man next to her also came over and looked at the Daily Prophet with her.

Luofu's eyes moved and focused on the old man.

He is short, fat, bald, has bulging eyes, and a thick silver beard as thick as a walrus.

The old man wore a gorgeous purple velvet robe with silver trim, a mink collar, a bright gold ribbon, low-hanging sleeves, and full of gilded decorations.

Apart from anything else, the clothes are comparable to Dumbledore's.

But the old man just glanced at the newspaper and didn't want to read it anymore. He muttered:

"It's all about mysterious people, isn't there anything new?"

"Yes, Grandpa." The short-haired girl pointed at the corners of the newspaper and read:

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is now looking for a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. There is no age limit, no gender limit, no race limit, no work experience limit. The requirements for the Defense Against the Dark Arts N.E.W.T. certificate... None.

Food and accommodation are included, salary and salary are negotiable (far leading in the industry), contact person is Vice-Principal Minerva McGonagall..."


When Rolf and Shirley heard this recruitment advertisement, as Hogwarts students, they felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

Based on these recruitment requirements, almost anyone can come to Hogwarts and apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.

No...there is no restriction on race, even if you are not a human being, you can apply!

Too shabby!

The short-haired girl was also slightly stunned and said: "Grandpa, why are Hogwarts' recruitment requirements so low?"

"Our professors in Ilvermorny must have excellent N.E.W.T. certificates in the subjects they teach, and must graduate from a magic school ranked among the top five in educational evaluation.

Schools at the bottom of the rankings are not even qualified to submit resumes to our school, let alone the preliminary examination!"

Hearing that the short-haired girl was actually a student of Ilvermorny, Rolf couldn't help but take a few more glances at her.

However, the girl didn't notice it and just whispered:

"The education level of teachers at Hogwarts is so low. Why would that guy choose Hogwarts instead of Ilvermorny?!"

"Nailishi, who are you talking about?" the old man asked.

"I'm talking about the younger brother of one of my seniors..." the short-haired girl said, "He actually gave up the better Ilvermorny and went to Hogwarts."

"Nelisi, you can't just look at Defense Against the Dark Arts. The requirements for other positions at Hogwarts are still very high." The old man defended:

"You see, Minerva McGonagall, who teaches Transfiguration, is a world-renowned Transfiguration master.

There is also the current Potions Professor Snape, who is also an outstanding student that I trained with my own hands. He is much better than the Potions Professor in your school..."

When Luo Fu heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He already knew the identity of the old man.

"Then why are the recruitment requirements for Defense Against the Dark Arts so low?" asked a short-haired girl named Nailishi.

"This position is very evil." The old man sighed softly, "It is rumored that it is cursed."


"Yes." The old man said solemnly: "For many years, no Defense Against Dark Arts professor has been able to serve for more than one year."

"They will always have various problems or even die during their term of office... As time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer wizards applying for jobs, and won't the recruitment requirements become lower and lower?"

"Is it true?" Nailishi didn't believe it.

"I saw it with my own eyes back then." The old man sighed:

"It wasn't obvious at the beginning. In the years when I was about to retire, I had five professors in three years. Three of them were seriously injured and admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital of Magic. Two more died."

He still remembered that one of the professors choked to death after eating pigeon cake in the auditorium in the morning, and the other professor drank too much and froze to death outside the castle in the middle of the night.

So scary!

Nailishi was fascinated by what she heard and couldn't help but ask: "Who cursed this position?"

"Then who knows." The old man's eyes were a little dodgey and he said vaguely: "Maybe it was done by a certain wizard who failed to apply for the job."

Nailishi was silent, suddenly remembered something, and said angrily:

"Grandpa, this position is so dangerous. Principal Dumbledore even wrote to you, inviting you to return to Hogwarts as a teacher?"

"It's not like I'm going back to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, I'm just going back to my old job as a potions professor." The old man shrugged.

"Oh, then why won't you go?" Nellie asked:

"Aren't you always talking about the boy-who-lived Harry Potter, and the famous Rolf Scamander... and want to be their teacher?"

"Didn't you see in the newspaper that the mysterious man was resurrected?" the old man said with a look of horror on his face:

"Serving at Hogwarts at this time is tantamount to publicly announcing that I support Dumbledore. Isn't this an enemy of You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters?!"

The old man shuddered, he still wanted to live a few more years!

This chapter has been completed!
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