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Chapter 80 Capturing Nagini

In the dim room, there are towering stone pillars with pythons carved on them. Those huge stone pillars support the dark green ceiling.

The weak light casts a large shadow on the ground. In the shadow, there are two crucibles.

In front of the crucible, stood a wizard in black robes. He was brewing a magic potion. The flames under the crucible were swaying slightly, and the potion gradually boiled, adding a bit of warmth to the slightly deserted room.

The magic potion in the crucible on the left has a milky white luster. It is the elixir of life.

But it is only a semi-finished product, and the most important magic stone needs to be added to make it successful.

As long as he gets the Philosopher's Stone and puts it into the crucible, Voldemort will be able to resurrect after drinking the elixir and get a complete physical body!

That was what he had dreamed of for ten years!!

The potion in the crucible on the right is very much like a viscous mud, bubbling slowly. It has been brewed, but in order to use it, some "small items" need to be added.

"Get that thing from Snape as soon as possible, Quirrell." Voldemort's voice was full of chill.

"Yes...Master..." Quirrell knelt on the ground and said humbly.

"Let's go and see our friend who is hibernating." Voldemort said.

Quirrell stood up and walked towards the depths of the room. He was a little excited and a little scared. He didn't expect to see the legendary... secret room.

This is the room Slytherin left for his successor!

Slowly reaching the depths of the secret room, a statue towering to the ceiling appeared. The statue had a huge face:

It was an old, monkey-like face, with a long sparse beard that almost reached the hem of the wizard's robe carved from stone, and two large gray feet standing on the smooth floor of the room.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the four giants of Hogwarts." Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue.

Slytherin's huge stone face moved, and its mouth opened wider and wider, eventually forming a huge black hole.

Quirrell climbed the statue and got into the black hole. There was a room inside, with emerald green gems dotting the walls, providing a faint light.

Through the light, you can see a hibernating basilisk. It is entrenched in the corner. It feels that the wizard has awakened it, and it struggles slightly.

Voldemort looked at the basilisk. The two of them had not seen each other for nearly half a century.

Back then, sixteen-year-old Tom came here and was disappointed to find that there was only a basilisk in the secret room.

But with in-depth communication, Tom discovered more secrets. It turned out that Slytherin taught the basilisk a lot of dark magic so that it could be passed on to future generations.

Tom learned Slytherin's dark magic from the Basilisk, even more than he had learned secretly in the restricted area of ​​the library.

It was under the guidance of Slytherin that Tom entered the great field of black magic.

It was also through the basilisk that Voldemort first learned about Horcruxes and how to make them.

Otherwise, how could he, who was only sixteen years old at that time, think of immortality at such a young age?

Voldemort stroked the basilisk, his noseless face full of memories.

"When I successfully resurrect, I will take you out of here... You will like Nagini."

His cold voice echoed in the secret room.

Deep in the Albanian forest,

The entire forest is covered with white snow, but there is a hot spring here. The boiling hot spring is steaming with heat and creating wisps of smoke.

Luofu reached out and touched the water temperature. The temperature was moderate... very suitable for hot spring bathing.

"Nagini is hiding in a cave near the hot spring. The temperature in this area is very high, so she can continue to move without hibernating." Newt whispered.

"Then how can we find her?"

Newt opened his old box and soon came out a creature with snow-white hair all over its body, which was more than five meters tall.

It was a snowman, and it put its arm on Rolf's shoulder. The boy's shoulders were immediately covered with snowflakes. Newt gently brushed them off for him and warned:

"I will ask Akeru to summon snow to cool down the land. Nagini will run away when she feels the cold."

"But she should have dug a lot of exits." Newt said seriously: "You ride a broomstick and patrol the sky, and send out a signal when you find her traces."

Luofu nodded and flew high into the sky on his broom.

As the snowman roared, the howling cold wind suddenly whimpered past, causing the snowflakes that were originally only falling to the ground a few miles away to drift obliquely with the wind.

Luo Fu flew in mid-air, stretched out his palm to catch the cool snowflakes, and soon caught a handful of snow.

A giant snake more than three meters long emerged from a hidden cave entrance. Nagini was about to move to another cave. It was no longer safe here.

Luofu lowered his gaze to the ground as if he was looking for a golden snitch. He suddenly hovered and whispered: "Found it."

There was a "ding" in the young man's brain.

[A domesticated blood-cursed orc Nagini was detected, triggering a side mission]

Capture Nagini, reward:


[Master the language of snakes and can communicate with them freely]

After giving the signal, he rode his broomstick and swooped like an eagle, heading straight towards Nagini.

That's Parseltongue.

Rove, who was initially reluctant to arrest Nagini, suddenly became more active.

When Nagini heard the sound of breaking through the air, she raised her head, staring at the young man with a pair of gloomy vertical eyes. She spat out messages again and again, and thick snake saliva kept falling.

When the young man approached, Nagini suddenly straightened up, opened his mouth wide and bit at Luo Fu, but the young man nimbly dodged it.

Nagini's body arched, and her tail suddenly exerted force, but the lightning-fast tail sweep still failed to hit the suddenly accelerating broomstick.

Nagini was extremely angry, but her speed couldn't keep up with the nimble boy.

Rolf rode his broomstick, like a slimy loach that kept harassing Nagini. He scattered the seeds of the devil's net and fell to the ground.

"Devil's Net·Tangled Root!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Black seeds fell on the ground, and vines broke out of the ground and floated out. Like a fisherman setting up a net to catch fish, countless vines flew out and entangled Nagini.

Nagini went back into the hole, but with a flick of his wrist, the roots of the underground tree spread, binding the giant snake, and pulled her out of the hole.

Luofu twisted his wrist again and smashed it into the ground.

Nagini, who was bound by vines and tree roots, began to struggle violently. She opened her mouth wide and bit into the vines. A ball of fire in the shape of a salamander fell from the sky, hit the snake's head, and the flames exploded.

Rolf rode his broom and flew over Nagini. He looked at Nagini who was bound but still struggling, and a bold idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

He was ready to try Leif's magic.

Luofu opened his mouth and whispered: "Big tongue whip!"

A scarlet tongue suddenly lengthened, stretched out like a rope, landed on Nagini's head, and struck hard.

Nagini was shaking all over. She felt as if something was vibrating violently on her head, so that her eyes were a little blurred. She soon couldn't bear the stimulation caused by the vibration and fainted.

Luofu looked at the magical effect of [Giant Tongue Whip] again.

[Enhance the ability to control the tongue, and can freely expand, contract and expand. It will cause magic damage to the creatures being licked. Violent vibrations have a certain probability, causing dizziness and confusion.

(Note: When used on female magical creatures, the probability increases by 20%)]

The boy retracted his tongue, looked at Nagini who had fainted, and licked the corners of his mouth. Although it didn't match his fighting style, the effect seemed to be pretty good.

Especially against witches.

(Thanks to "Sir Lu" and "Just Love Wading Langshui" for the reward.)

This chapter has been completed!
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