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Chapter 34 The mysterious mist

The woman's coquettish singing and whispering lingered in Luo Fu's ears. He was completely immersed in it, his steps kept moving, and he circled up the winding stairs in a trance.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the young man finally came to the end of the stairs and saw a cave.

He stepped into the cave, walked through the dark road, and walked to a lake.

There was mist on the lake. Through the mist, Luofu saw a moss-covered rock standing in the middle of the lake.

Sitting on the stone was a woman with a bare back. Her face could not be seen, but she could only see two golden fish tails and a black hair hanging into the water. She was slowly combing it.

That singing voice full of bewitching charm comes from a woman.

Luofu stared at her blankly, and in his ears, there seemed to be a fox-enchanting woman whispering:

"Come quickly...swim across the lake...come to me...you can have me...come here quickly..."

At the urging of the voice, Luofu walked to the edge of the lake, but he did not enter the water. Instead, he straightened his back and stopped by instinct.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded with all its strength. "Rolf!"

Luofu raised his head with a blank look. "Who?" He asked while turning his head, and the voice continued to call:

"Wake up quickly...Rolf!"

Luofu was shocked, and finally remembered that it was Shirley's voice. Without any hesitation, he hurried out of the cave.

In an instant, the cave, the lake and the mermaid all faded away and disappeared. The boy opened his eyes, and his eyesight had returned to clarity.

Rolf found himself lying in Shirley's arms. She gently touched his temples with her hands and kept calling his name anxiously.

Luofu let out a soft "Hey", reached out and touched the ponytail girl's worried cheek, and said softly: "I'm fine."

When Shirley saw that Luo Fu had woken up, her face suddenly lit up, she breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and shouted:

"Naili Shi, Luo Fu is awake, there is no need to look for magic potion anymore."

After hearing this, Nailishi looked over and saw that Luo Fu was really awake. She shouted happily: "That's great, Luo Fu, you just didn't wake up, but you scared us!"

Luo Fu sat up. When he heard Nellie's words, he wondered: "Weren't you all affected by the singing just now?"

"It's affected." Nelisi said, "Me, Fire Dragon and Thunderbird all fell asleep just like you. Only Shirley didn't fall asleep."

Luofu looked at Shirley with surprised eyes. The singing just now had no impact on her?

Shirley's face was also confused: "I don't know the reason either."

Nelisi looked at Luo Fu and continued: "After the singing stopped, I woke up, and so did the fire dragon and thunderbird. Only you have not woken up."

Luo Fu began to ponder. He thought of the woman he just saw and asked, "Nailishi, did you dream about anything after you fell asleep?"

Nailishi shook her head, "I didn't dream about anything." She asked curiously: "Why, what did you dream about?"

"I dreamed of... a two-tailed mermaid." Rolf replied: "She was sitting in the middle of the lake singing, the same song we just heard."

Shirley hesitated to speak. When she saw the young man shaking his head slightly, she quickly understood what he meant. She no longer inquired further, but changed the subject and reminded:

"Rolf, it's foggy."

Only then did the young man notice that the surrounding area was shrouded in thick fog, the sky and the earth were completely white, and nothing could be seen.

Luofu immediately realized that something was wrong with the fog. He looked around and found a vague ghost-like figure in the fog, and said with some uncertainty:

"That's... a boat?"

"Yes." Shirley said, "As soon as the song started, the ship appeared."

Luofu frowned and said, "Isn't it the Mayflower?"

"No." Shirley shook her head with a pale face: "I rode a Firebolt and checked it in mid-air, and it was another... ghost ship."

Luo Fu's face became serious. He subconsciously stretched out a finger, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Now we are in big trouble."

Nailishi heard her great-grandfather tell the story of the ghost ship, so she knew it was weird, but she still couldn't understand it:

"Even if it's a ghost ship, as long as we don't board it, what trouble can there be?"

Luo Fu asked: "If you don't board the ship, what happens next?"

"Then... of course we will wait for the fog to dissipate, and then we will go look for the Mayflower." Nelisi said matter-of-factly.

"What if the fog never clears?"

Nailishi looked stunned. "How... is this possible?!"

"Captain Carlos has a friend named Kurga." Rove said calmly:

"He went out to sea by boat and encountered a strange heavy fog in the North Sea.

He and his crew wandered alone in the fog for six months. In the end, they all ran out of food and the fog didn't even lift."

"How did you know?" Nellie couldn't help but ask, "Did Captain Carlos tell you?"

"No." Rolf shook his head and said, "Two years ago, I took the Mayflower and encountered a ghost ship. I found the voyage diary written by Kurga on the ship, which recorded these contents."

"If you don't believe his voyage diary, you think it might be a prank." Rove continued:

"I also know a two-tailed mermaid named Myrcella. She came to the North Sea half a year ago and also encountered heavy fog. Then she lost her direction and couldn't swim out for several days.

Myrcella would never lie to me."

"The fog they encountered was indeed very strange." Nellis said without giving up, "But maybe the fog in front of them is just ordinary fog formed naturally?"

"It's easy to verify whether it's ordinary mist." Shirley said, taking out a glass eyeball from her pocket and whispering:

"This magic eye can penetrate all objects. If it is just an ordinary mist formed naturally, through it, you can definitely see the sea in the distance.

But I just used it and I couldn’t see anything in my sight.”

Nelisi took the magic eye and put it on her own eyes. She could only see a vast white fog.

The short-haired girl couldn't help but bite her lips and fell into silence.

For a moment, all that was left in the world was the boundless black sea water, the floating mist, and the three silent boys and girls.

Nailishi finally asked: "Then how can we leave the fog?"

"Board on the ship." Rolf replied. "Kulgar and Myrcella both encountered the ghost ship in the fog. After boarding the ship, they left the fog."

Naili Shitianren fought for a long time, took a deep breath, and weakly nodded in agreement.

Norbert spread his wings and flew towards the ghost ship. As he got closer to the hull, he could see the appearance of the parked ship:

A two-masted ship, the bow of which looks like a mermaid wearing a golden crown and playing a giant seashell horn. White lanterns were lit on the bow and stern, but the lights could not penetrate the thick fog.

Noble fell with a crash, and Rolf grabbed Shirley and Nellie by the shoulders and flew down to the deck.

He walked towards the captain's cab to check if there were any heavy objects. Shirley and Niles followed closely behind him.

But when Luofu opened the cabin door, the scene inside made the three people's hair stand on end, with horror on their faces.

This chapter has been completed!
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